Group: Kardex Holding AG

Catalog excerpts

Kardex VLM Box Base The base is the most important component, as all other frames and dividers are based up on it. Choose between 8 different transparent dividers in 4 different heights to create individual storage locations for various items. The Kardex VLM Box, tailor-made for the Vertical Lift Module (VLM), ensures a flexible, customized, and organized storage solution. It is available with a width of 600 mm, and with a depth of 800 mm. You can adjust the Kardex VLM Box base height by adding our unique 50 mm extension frames. You can change the height from 50 to 100, 150 and 200 mm. With...
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Flexible divider system The dividing system of Kardex VLM Boxes is flexible and can quickly adapt at any time by using cross and longitudinal dividers to change the locations sizes. The individual divider concept creates different combinations to reach the desired height. This creates individual storage locations and enhances the flexibility as well as scalablilty of the box to deliver a complete storage and classification system. This further ensures maximum storage volume and high-density storage. Smart plug-in with EasyClick system Kardex VLM Box Spacer Full use of space in the 864 mm...
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Kardex VLM Box StartKits Choose between 3 different StartKits 1-2-3 depending on the height of your stored goods and then the size of the kit: small or big. Spacer Base Spacer Divider The perfect mix for lower location heights of 50 to 150 mm, using the same concept as StartKit 1. Choose between small and big. Spacer Base Spacer Divider Add-On: StartKit Spacer The StartKit Spacer comes in two sizes. Small consists of 50 Spacer Bases and 200 dividers. Big consists of 100 Spacer Bases and 400 dividers. It was designed specifically for 864 mm deep trays. With 100 bases and 225 frames, this...
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Technical data 9 examples of more than 100 flexible segment layouts Elevation grid of the frames 50 mm (base box) 100 mm (base box + 1 frame) 150 mm (base box + 2 frames) 200 mm (base box + 3 frames) Elevation grid of the dividers Available up to a box height of 200 mm (box + 3 clip-on frames) Box and Frame: Polypropylen (PP) Divider: PET/SAN Box and Frame: Silver Fir Blue 230/60/15 Divider: Transparent Kardex VLM Box Spacer Dimensions Box and Divider: Silver Fir Blue 230 / 60 / 15 Design Inner size dimensions in mm × Y*
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Also available as ESDVersion 1 Base The base is the most important unit in the Kardex VLM Box concept, as all other frames and dividers are based upon it. 2 Frame With an EasyClick system, the frames can be placed on the base and plugged into each other to adjust the height of the box quickly and flexibly. 3 Divider This concept further increases the flexibility of the box to provide a comprehensive storage and classification system for the Vertical Lift Module.
Open the catalog to page 6All Kardex catalogs and technical brochures
Kardex Power Pick System
5 Pages
Dynamic Storage
13 Pages
Kardex VCM Box
5 Pages
Kardex VBM Box
5 Pages
High-Bay Warehouse
5 Pages
Kardex MCrossDrive
3 Pages
5 Pages
Horizontal Carousel Module
5 Pages
Vertical Carousel Module
5 Pages
Vertical Lift Module
5 Pages
Vertical Buffer Module
5 Pages