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Catalog excerpts

KX 160 TWIN - 1

engineering · innovations · research · news • KX 160 TWIN – complementing for series production • Highly productive shaft grinding using CBN globoid worms • Productivity Increases – exhausted? • Gear Grinding – no longer without integrated measuring! • Our Focus is Service

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KX 160 TWIN - 2

KAPP Editorial KAPP News The KAPP KX 160 TWIN – complementing the product portfolio for series production The most recent development, the KX 160 number of teeth resulting in highest grinding Grinding tool related components utilize TWIN, complements the already compre- productivity. The dressing device is also parts that are already proven with our hensive KAPP product portfolio for series mounted on the index table and is designed customers on other machines of the KX- to accept various type dressing tools. series. The workpiece spindle with counter bearing, also with direct drive for...

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KX 160 TWIN - 3

KAPP News NILES News Productivity Increases - exhausted? Over the past decade, deliveries of gear Wheel life tests conducted in a FVA research Gear Grinding – no longer without integrated measuring! 283 strokes from 1368 (20 %) without contact siderably. One major reason is the dynami- project with grinding burn being the criterion In the past few years, the hard-finishing of brought to light an interesting effect. grinding machines for large gears rose con- gears underwent a considerable transformation that could be described with buzz cally growing need in the wind energy sector; the...

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KX 160 TWIN - 4

KAPP Intern Success with the „Seebeck-Effect“ State Secretary Markus Sackmann learns about Dr. E. h. Bernhard Kapp Award Ceremony internships and continuing training at KAPP On Thursday, March 5, 2009, State Secre- KAPP has graduated 630 trainees. Dr. E. h. Bernhard Kapp created an „Award tary of the State Ministry for Work and Furthermore, two programs for young adults to Recruit Young Talents for Engineering“. Social Affairs, Family and Women, Markus were introduced to Mr. Sackmann: One With this award he wants to stimulate Sackmann, visited KAPP GmbH. program was created to honor young...

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All KAPP NILES catalogs and technical brochures


    29 Pages

  2. KX 500 FLEX

    1 Pages

  3. KX 300 P

    1 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. KX 500 FLEX

    4 Pages

  2. Machining

    5 Pages