

Catalog excerpts

KANTHAL® Alloys For Thermocouple, Extension and Compensating Cables KANTHAL
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Thermocouple Copper/CUPROTHAL (TN) (Type T) The combination of Copper (as a positive lment) and CUPROTHAL (TN) (as a negative element) gives rise to a thermocouple that finds use both in the laboratory and in industry over the temperature range -185°C to + 370°C. It is advisable not to go beyond this temperature because of the limited resistance of copper to oxidation. Normally we only supply the negative element (CUPROTHAL (TN)) since any good, pure electrolytic copper (e.g. conforming to ASTM Norm B3) is sufficiently uniform and constant in emf from one batch to another, especially at...
Open the catalog to page 14
Thermocouple Iron (JP)/CUPROTHAL (JN) (Type J) This thcrmocouplc is frcqucntly uscd bccause of ils high emf andits lowcost* Itcan beuscd m midizing conditions up to 760°C or reducing conditions up to 900"C apprax, Wc rccommcml the use of Urgcrwircdsameterswith higher tempratures It has aUo to bc taken into consideration dut 2 m agn et ic transformation oc eu m in the Iron at 770*C and a crystallographic change at 900*C. fhis affecti the thcrmockctriccharactcristic*of Iron qutte markcdly. Type J thermocouplcs must not bc uscd in sulphurous atmosph驨res abovc500*lCmd,ductocmbrittlcmcntv ihcy...
Open the catalog to page 15
CUPROTHAL CL CUPROTHAL CL ha* a vcry high cmf value against Pt67. the highest among the diffrent types of CUPROTHAL. ThU property comesfrom the low content of additions! clmente iniuchcmical composition.On the contrary, in the otficr types of CUPROTHAL. some addi驭tions are neceuary to meet the emf value* requestcd hy the norms* Duc to thischaractcristicofhavingahigh thermo-clcctric output* CUPROTHAL CL h used mo*dy in the manufacture of thermocouplcs to detect the prsence of the flame in gas burners* tonnccccd to safety deviecs. Dclivery Form The wirc is normal [y supplied in coils, in the...
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E.M.R Tolrances Unlcss uihcrwisc spcciflcd thcrmocouplcs. compensat-ing and extension mat criais are supplied to "standard" tolrances. On request, material can bc supplied with sp驩cial tolrances. Each spool and coil has been calibratcd in a temp魩rature range between 0°C and thͩ maximum temprature value indicatcd roreach alloy combination (max tempera-turc 1000*C, 1KXTC on requtat). Standard and spcial tol驩rances arc dctailcd in the tables below. As can bescen. diffrent tolrances arcapplicdin the tem驭prature range below 0*C. If the material has to be used below0*C, this must bcrequested at...
Open the catalog to page 17
Type of thermocouple Temp. range [*CJ Menace QmI Class? StaClass 3 ThermoM P (KP)/ThermoihaJ N (KN)(Type K) Thermothal 9 (EP)/CUPROTHAL (EN) (Type E) Copper/ CUPROTHAL (TN) (Type 1) from 40 to 1000 from 40 to 800 from-40 to 750 ±U*Cor±04O% ±1.5*Car*04O% ±tS*Cer±(M0% ח ח Iron (JP) /CUPROTHAL (JN) (Type J) from 40 to 350 ±<X5flCcr±040% ח N icrosil (NP)/ Ntsil (NN) (Type N) from 40 to 1000 ±1.5*Cor±040% - Thermothal P (KP)/Thermolhal N (KNXType K) from 40 toi 21» - ±25'Cor±ft/5% - TTiermothal PIEP,/ CUPROTHAL (EN) (Type E) from-40 to 900 ±2.5*Cor±075% - Copper/CUPROTHAL (TN) (Type T) from 40...
Open the catalog to page 18
Formation of the Hot Junction To form the hot junction. a sui table method has to bc adopted to obtain a good etectrical contact between the thermocoup le wircs. At low tempratures, where gnerai! y Coppcr/ CUPROTHAL (TN) couples arc used. soft or silvcr sol-deringean be adopted. For '1 Wmothal P/"lTicrmothal N and other combina-tions, for use in high temperaturc measurcments, welding is the only method to obtain a su i table joint. For this pur pose oxy-ac骩tylne welding is mosdy used, but arc welding also gives good results* Oxyacetylene and Gas Welding The wire ends have to be deancd by...
Open the catalog to page 19
Thermocouple Compensating and Extension Grade Alloys VC-'hcn Connecting thcrmocouplcs to instruments» it s esscntial that a cable is u«d which has the same cmfoutput as the thcrmocouplc,otherwisc ipurious cmf is encrated at thse junctions. The best solution is to use the same 111 . te i. ■ l as the thcrmocouplc (extension cable). Trie tolrances for thͨse are li*tcd in the followine table*. A cheaper alternative is to use compensating cables, the s of which arc diffrent from chose of the thermo-couple but have the same output over a limitcd temprature range- Thermocouple Compensatmg or...
Open the catalog to page 20
An cxamplc of this is in the uscof Coppcr/CUPROTHAL (VNX) type KGB (VX) cable for use with Thermothal P/ Thcrmothal N (type K) thcrmocouplcs* Our CUPROTHAL SX alloy (RCA-SCA, RCB-SCB. SNX-RNX) is used with copper for the compensation of Pt/PtRh thcrmocouplcs (S & R). Compensting and extension grades of wire arc supplicd in the bright anncalcd condition. The following is a lut of the principal Kanthal compenst-ine and extension cables. Thermocouple Compensatmg or extension Nominal composition of ttie cabJaa turop i⢗n tan spccrfication IEC 584-3 cables I"V] at tamp. TOMf Standard ancs Spcial...
Open the catalog to page 21
Delivery Forms Packaging Kanthal mat criais arc normally paclccd as dcscribed to the right. In case, wirc can also bc speciaUy packed to indi-vidual requircments, if possible* If additional protection is required, spools are wrapped with plastic film* Wirc Up to approximitcjy 1,40 mm diameter is availablc on tpools as the table shows. Wirc of 1,50 mm and up to 6 mm diameter is supplied in coils with an inncr diameter of approx. 500 - 600 mm. Wirc of 2 mm and up to 6 mm can be straightened in half-hard condition. 3 m Icngths. if requested. Wirc bigger than 6 mm and up to 10 mm can be...
Open the catalog to page 27
Tolrances Unies* specified to the contrary» ail wire strip and ribbon Standard tolrances for wire. straight Icngths and strip arc are supplicd fully anncalcd with either a bright, matt or given below. oxidizcd finish. The type of finish should bc statcd when ordering. Wre size Max d驩viation from nominal value [mm] 1 Diameter (mm] 1 Tolrance [mm] I 17 «3 301 t)6 ■ 0/0.075 ROI i 10 +0/-0.09 K*fe33 ToteofKtt on 鯴krr^icr of straght feflgtflf Tolrances on dimensions of cold rolled Hbbon Ribbon is normally specified with a rsistance tol驩rance. If requested. dimension tolcrancc on width can be...
Open the catalog to page 28All Kanthal catalogs and technical brochures
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