Control Settings and Systems Management


Catalog excerpts

Control Settings and Systems Management - 1

Baselining Compressed Air Systems Selecting Air Compressor and System Controls Integrated Compressor Controls COMPRESSED AIR CONTROLS: A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO COMPRESSOR SETTINGS AND SYSTEM MANAGEMENT

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Control Settings and Systems Management - 3

trading* Itriuimi comptesSOTS. Pressure readings arc takcn ai tbe comprcssoi db-chargc. bef< » <■ and aftcr filtcrs, bcfore and aftcr dry-ers, ai iht- main air distribution pipe and al ihe mosi cridcal user. If possible, iake readings in scvcral loca-lions throughout ihc distribution system. When mk-in^ pressure readings ai the criica) end iner. rend both (hc pressure in ihe distribution pfptng and the preaure ai the point of tisc. Many lime», ilie largest pressure: tlrop occurs benveen the distribution pipe and lic point of Simnltaneous pressure readings lielp Ideniily poteiilial...

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Control Settings and Systems Management - 4

Compressors Selecting air compressor andSystem contrla The next step inachieving optimum System efficiency By Harl乢 Wagner T he purpose of any compressor control ^tcm h to mntf h compressed air supply lo die com-pressed air deinand as cflcicndy as possible. Ahbough old style elecuo-pneumatic controls have been supplantcd by microprocessor-based contruls and software updates chat optimise System aurl control parameters, ail)1 cohu'I type can bc put into onc of Cwo catgoriesfixed speed contrais and variable speed controls. Fixed speed compressor contr间la As the liamc implics, the idea is to...

Open the catalog to page 4
Control Settings and Systems Management - 5

Spcifie airend performance with optimized variable frequency drive completcly ai a low limit (cui-in) pressure. The diffr驭ence between this approach and) die modulation control is thaͯ, in this case, the compresser is internally tutloaded. The reduced compression ratio reduecs idlc pewer consumption. This type of control can con-nect multiple compresser installation» easily using a sequeneer (master) coniroller. On tlie other hand, the air system wrll need a properly sked air receiver tank. Start/stop control This is the mosi efficient control scheme. The compressor runs either Fully ioaded...

Open the catalog to page 5
Control Settings and Systems Management - 6

Compressors Integrated compressor controls They free the operator to make better air system dcisions Hy WoynePerry 飣~W"don't undcrstand. I aucndcd the classes, I hoth Fuiidamentals and Advanced. I read JLcvery article aiid book I could find on iinproving compressed air system efficiency. I devel-oped grai nle.ii about reducingcomptessed air consomption. Wc fixeil leaks, changed piping. movcd w)inc processes to shifts that used less corap/eued air. boiiglu low consumption nozzlcs and educaied our en tire wofkforcc. We did tl魹swork and 1 still have six oui ol" six compressors runnmg nearly...

Open the catalog to page 6
Control Settings and Systems Management - 8

hcw changes to eidier side of die systein affect pressure . Evaluainig ihis data regularly also caxi heip avoid production problcms. Anothcr nscfitl graph is compresser air delivery͗ individual and aggregaie, insianianeous and bisiorical. As with the pressure, graphing atrflow helps oper-atoi"s optimise the supply side. For example, if one compresser opͩrtes only briefly and shuts ofTfor an ex tend ed puriod, compressor sequencing might necd to be changed to h ave a smallcr compresser handle that partkular load. Another possible solution might be to add storage so the System can ride...

Open the catalog to page 8

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