Catalog excerpts

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As an IT manager, you have every right to be concerned. After ail, you're responsible for two seemingly contradictory goals: increasing employe productivit and reducing the cost of running the business. On the one hand, you're expected to provide consistent application performance across your geographically dispersed business for ail employ驩es (headquarters, branch office, remote), as well as suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors. Your business runs on thse applications and by improving overall performance, you help the people who use them every day do more meaningful work in less ttme,...
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Challenges Herein lies the dilemma, While resource consolidation can help you achleve your cost-cutting goals, it often does so at the expense of application performance by placfng more pressure on existing data center and WAN resources. For Instance, while Web-enabted applications reduce client software support costs. they aiso create a capaclty crunch on the WAN. slnce Web-based applications are nowhere near as bandwldth-efficient as thelr client/server counterparts. Buylng more bandwUth is an option, but that will drive upcostsand wort flx allof your problems. The distance between the...
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Web-Enabling Business Oprations Simllar resource prolifration is occurrlng In the data center, though for diff驩rent reasons. As the Internet became a stratթgie corporate productivity tooi. IT execs addeda "W©b tier" that imtialty consisted of Web servers m front of their centralized application servers to support Web-based versions of their business applications. Thse Web» based applications not only provided unlversal access to ail employes, they also reduced costs by centralizing op詩rations and eliminating the need to install and support client software on individual user desktops. As...
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- Contention: Accordlng to a rcent survey, enterprlse IT managers are runnlngmore than 100 applications across their WAN connections, Approximately one-quarter of thse applications areconsldered business -cri tlcaL When th騨se applications compete for a fixed amount of bandwldth. ail of them suffer. * Security: Neariy 60 percent of today's workforce oprtes outside corporate headquarters. Th風se employes need secure access to business-criticat applications and other centraltzed resources. in many cases, secure access must atso be extended to "outsiders* such ascustomersand business partners....
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Juniper Networks Application Acclration Solutions for the Distributed Enterprise Juniper Networks* WXC S驩ries Application Acclration Plat驯orms and WX Client glve IT managers a hollstlc solution to problems in the data center and on WAN links, as well as a cost-effective way to comply wlth new corporate initiativeswtthout sacrlftcing performance across the distributed enterprlse- wxcidoo The WXC Sשries Family: Overcoming WAN Limitations Server centrallzatlon leaves branch office employes at the mercy of the WAN when It cornes to application performance. The WXC Sries Application Acc驩lration...
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Real-World Beneflts WXC Sries Framework capabititles help IT professlonals cwercome their toughest wide area challenges. Molecular Squence R驩duction (MSR) compression technology. for instance, reduces application data f lows across WAN links by 60 to 75 percent which translates into a capaclty Increase of up to four times. Thls "extra* capaclty can be used for new application rollouts without having to invest In additional bandwldth. The Network Squence Caching technology, which uses hard disks to store larger data patterns for longer perlods of tlme. reduces trafflc flows up to M percent-a...
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The WX CMS software provides the following beneftts for any deployment of multiple WXC Sries platforms: - Vlslblllty Into WAN applications and performance, wlth unique customlzable portai: The WX CMS software gives IT a complte vlew Intowhat is happening on their WAN wlth deep visiblilty on applications distribution, performance, optimization and health. 騕 Centrallxed and slmpllfled configuration: The WX CMS software crtes a single location from whlch to manage and monltor as many as 2,000 WXC S颩ries platforms. - Global policies and monitorlng: The WX CMS software allows network managers to...
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firewalls that may be instaUed on the end user's machine. The WX Client improves application performance over the WAN by recognizing and eliminating redundant transmissions, and accelerating TCP and application-specific protocols. The WX Client is unique in the industry because of its integration with Juniper Networks SA Series SSL VPN Appliances. A key challenge for IT administrators in deploying software on hundreds or thousands of end user machines is managing the distribution of the software and maintaining software version control. Juniper solves this by integrating the WX Client with...
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Planning, Implementation, and Deployment The WXC Series products integrate seamlessly with existing LAN and WAN designs and operate fully transparently, independent of other network equipment, applications, servers, clients, and WAN topology and interfaces. WXC Series devices are deployed at both ends of a WAN link, enhancing the WAN and application knowledge of each. IT can place a WXC Series platform either directly in the flow of traffic between a LAN switch and WAN router or attach it to a port on the switch or router. This off-path deployment option provides IT the flexibility required...
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Summary With application acclration, high-performance businesses are figuring out that they no longer need to make a significant compromise between IT and user requirements. In fact, discriminating organizations are going a step further by recognizing the added long term benefit of making an application acceleration solution part of a broader high-performance network driven strategy. The Juniper Networks WXC Series Application Acceleration Platforms and WX Client deliver best-in-class application delivery across the wide area network, restoring global networks to their rightful place as a...
Open the catalog to page 11All Juniper Networks catalogs and technical brochures
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EX4650 Ethernet Switch
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EX9200 Ethernet Switch
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EX9250 Ethernet Switch
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12 Pages
13 Pages
9 Pages
ISG Series
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Archived catalogs
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2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
LN1000 Mobile Secure Router
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JSA Series Secure Analytics
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EX4550 Ethernet Switch
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EX4300 Ethernet Switch
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WLA Series Antenna Matrix
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QFX3100 QFabric Director
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EX Series Ethernet Switches
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QFX3500 Switch
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QFX3600 Switch
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QFabric System
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QFX5100 Ethernet Switch
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Unified Access Control
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DDoS Secure
4 Pages
LN2600 Rugged Secure Router
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6 Pages
6 Pages
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4 Pages
VXA Series
4 Pages
SRX1400 Services Gateway
8 Pages
Security Services Gateways
8 Pages
T Series Core Routers
8 Pages
JCS1200 Control System
6 Pages
J Series Services Routers
16 Pages
BX7000 Multi-Access Gateway
4 Pages