Catalog excerpts
juniper LWTASHEET NETWORKS Product Description The Juniper Networks* M Sries Multiservice Edge Routers span from over 10 Gbps up to 320 Gbps of throughput and Include the Juniper Networks M7I, M10I, M120, and M320 Multiservice Edge Routers. Because thesame scalableand production-hardened Juniper Networks Junos* operatlng System runs on ail M Sries routers. a consistent set of capabllitles Isavallableat ail network locations - regardtess of customer connection or serving area denslty The M S驩ries Multiservice Edge Routers are deployed in the world's largest networks. Why? Because they dellver advanced IP/MPLS services at scale. enabllng enterprlses and service providers to reduce costs through network consolidation while simultaneously generating new revenues. Constructed wlth a clean sparation between control plane, forwardlng plane, and services plane. M Sries routers support multiple services overany type of access connection without compromise. They support th驨se services on a single platform - maximlzlng revenue and minlmlzlngoperational and capital costs* The services Include a broad array of securlty. real-tlmevolceand video, bandwldth on demand, rlch multlcast of premium content. IPv6 services, granular accounting. and much more. The service portfolio continues togrow wlth every release of Junos OS. leveraging the tremendous f lexiblllty and performance headroom of the servlce-built architecture. Applications En hancedfor the Edge The versatile IP/MPLS capable M Sries Multiservice Edge Routers can be deployed at the edgeof provider networks, in small and mdium cores, and inpeering. route reflector and data center applications. R驩cent M Sries innovations have dramaticallyexpanded edge capabllitles by leveraging the hlghly programmable Internet Processor il and l-Chlp ASICs and IP/MPLS-rlch Junos OS. M Sries routers are now deployed and scallng services at the edgeof some of the world's largest production networks. Consistent Services to Ail Customers The M S驩ries Multiservice Edge Routers span from over 10 Gbps up to 320 Gbpsof throughput. including the M7J. M10I, M120and M320 routers. The same scalable and productlon-hardened Junos OS runs on ail IP/MPLS M Sries routers. maklng a consistent set of capabllitles avallable at ail network locatlons-regardlessof customer connection or serving-area denslty. ProductOverview Juniper Networks M Sries Multiservice Edge Routers combine besHn-class iFVMPLS capablUties wlth unmatched reliablllty. stabiltty. securlty. and service richness. They are id驩al for enterprises and service providers and can be deployed n small and mdium core, multiservice edge. colla psed POP routing. peering. route reflector. campus Dr WAN gateway application s They support high densrty aggregaton of a large range of access types including ATM. Rame Relay, Ethernet. SONET/ SDH and TDM. M Sries routers lewrage the highiy programmable Internet Processor 11 ASIC Juniper Networks l-Chlp, and IP/MPLS-rich Junos OS.
Open the catalog to page 1Access-agnostic. and with Leadlng Denslty The versatile M Sries can bedeployed In both the service provider environment and In hlgh-end enterprise envlronments. In service provider environments. the M Sries is deptoyed predominantly as a multiservice edge router but can also be deptoyed In small and m驩dium cores, peering. route reflector, multlcast. mobile and data center applications. Large enterprlses typlcally deptoy M7l. MlOl or M120 in a number of diffrent locations, Including Internet gateway router, WAN router, campus core router, rgional backbone and data center Features and...
Open the catalog to page 2M Sries Features and Beneflts FEATURES New service modws industry/s most cornprebensrve VPN portfolio meets the largest number of customer needs and maximtees revenues - Simultaneouslyrun Layer 2 Virtual Circuit, Layer2 VPN.Uyer25 tnlerworking VPNs. Layer32S47 VPN.VPLS. Psec, iPoverlP.*nd GRE - Highly scalable. supporting thousands of VPNs 镕 Granular QoS wlth low latency and jltter performance to support volce. video, and other real-tlme applications - Per DLCI. per VP. per VC. per VLAN, per channel (DSO). and per port QoS - Classification, rate limrting.shactfig.weighted round-robin...
Open the catalog to page 3M7I Multiservice Edge Router The M7i Multiservice Edge Router Is Juniper Networks1 most compact routlng platform. Ifs 3.5 Inches (8.9 cm) in height and supports 10+ Gbps throughput. The M71 ls Idal as an IP/MPLS provider edge router in small PoPs or as an enterpflse routlng solution for Internet gateway or branch aggregatlon, Wlth Its Integrated Adaptlve Services or Multiservices Module supportlng hardware-accelerated NAT statefui firewall IPsec and Juniper Row accountlng. it can be used as a campus border router or as head office customer premise equipment. It supports elther 2 flxed Fast...
Open the catalog to page 440 Gbps performance perPFE, To ensure a non-blocking forwarding path, ail cKannels between the ASKs and between ingress and egress PFEs are oversized. dedfcated paths. - The programmable ASICs delrver a comprehensive, hardware-based System for packet processing. To ensure a non-blocking forwarding path, all channels between the ASICs are overslzed, dedlcated paths. - The Routing Engine malntains the routing tables and controls the routing protocols, as well as the Junos OS processes that control the router's interfaces, the chasste components. System management, and user access to the...
Open the catalog to page 5M Sries Spcifications (continued) ROUTER M7I M10i M120 M320 Environment Temp驩rature 32° to 104° F 0° to 40° C 32° to 104° F 0° to 40° C 32° to 104° F 0° to 40° C 32° to 104° F 0° to 40° C Relative humidity 5% to 90% noncondensing humidity 5% to 90% noncondensing humidity 5% to 90% noncondensing humidity 5% to 90% noncondensing humidity Maximum altitude No performance degradation to 10,000 ft/ 3,048 m No performance degradation to 10,000 ft/ 3,048 m No performance degradation to 10,000 ft/ 3,048 m No performance degradation to 10,000 ft/ 3,048 m *Flexible PIC Concentrator **Physical...
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