Company Catalog
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Company Catalog - 1

Logistics & Transportation Product Encyclopedia: Vertical Lifts, Transfer Carts, Aerial Work Platforms 工厂地址:山东省济南市历城区郭店街道昭义路 166 号 Factory Address: No. 166, Zhaoyi Road, Guodian Street, Licheng District, Jinan, Shandong, China Industrial Product Catalog 办公地址:山东省济南市高新区舜华路 879 号山东省大数据产业基地 A 座 21 层 Official Address: 21st Floor, Building A, Ji'nan Data Industrial Base, No. 879 Shunhua Road, High-tech Zone, Jinan, Shandong, China

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办公大楼 Gradin Office Building About Us Gradin Group is a highly influential, comprehensive entity with many years of experience in the field of industrial automation. Its registered capital is 10 million USD, and its headquarters is located in Building A of the Big Data Industry Base in Jinan High tech Zone, Shandong Province. The production workshop covers an area of 30,000 square meters.Since its establishment in 2013, the group has always adhered to the business philosophy of “innovation, collaboration, stability, and responsibility”, committed to promoting the coordinated development of...

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Gradin Customer Inquiry( The photocopy is valid ) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT jinan Gradin Machinery Co. Ltd Please fax this inquiry form to GRADIN Customer Service Center, fax: 0531 5560 3325, we will contact you as soon as possible! Inquiry Unit Company Name:_ * Company Address: Department Position: Telephone:_ Inquiry Content Postal Code: Contact: Cell Phone: Please select the following (Ofor single choice Qfor multiple choice) Has your company used lifting, stacking, handling, environmental protection, tools and other equipment in the past or currently? What brand of product do you use? _...

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Professional Team Please fax this order form to GRADIN Customer Service Center, fax: 0531 5560 3325, we will contact you as soon as possible! Are you already a customer? DYes [UNO Customer Number: □□□□□□□□ (If you forget, please call to Inquire) Order Unit Company Name:_ City: Postal Code: Contact: Fax:. Order Contents Company Address:. Department:. * Telephone/Mobile:. _± E-mail:. Part Number it (The above prices include taxes and shipping costs) Shipping Address Company Name:_ Shipping Address:_ City!_Post Code:_ Department/Position: Contact: _ Invoice Delivery Address Company Name:_...

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Gradin 出口销售服务条款 订单基础 “订单”是指 Gradin 与客户之间关于出口销售和采购的产品、工业设备、 商业及贸易协议。所有客户可通过我们的商品目录获取产品信息或者通过电 子邮件与我们的销售客服沟通所需产品,达成协议。 本合同适用《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(CISG)及中国法律 付款条件 所有款项需采用款到发货方式支付。付款方式包括电汇、信用证(即期信用证、 远期信用证)以及遵循的规则(如 UCP600)、信用卡或其他经批准的方式。 如果客户在发货日起的宽限期内未支付到期款项,请及时与 Gradin 客服联系, 对接付款展期磋商,否则将对未付款项加收 1.5% 的滞纳金。对于非标定制 类产品,客户需在合同签订时支付定金 50%,在产品交付前,客户需要支付 剩余款项 50%。若客户未按约定支付定金或余额,Gradin 有权取消订单或 要求赔偿。 货运政策 产品交货地点应为合同约定的进出港口或分销中心。除非另有约定,Gradin 将选择承运人并负责将产品运输至客户指定的交货地点。若发生分批交货的 情况,Gradin 保留对运输费用调整的权利。客户如需使用指定承运人或特 殊装运服务,应承担相应费用。所有运输安排将根据国际贸易术语解释通则 (Incoterms)进行,具体交货条件(如 FOB、CIF 等)将在订单确认中明确。 风险转移与损失 按 INCOTERMS...

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Catalog Page Catalog Pagea| Cargo Lifts 1-30 Omni-Directional AGV with Mecanum Wheels Omni-Directional AGV Hydraulic Truck Dumper 235-238 iTelescopic Boom Aerial Work platform 343-350 Hydraulic Cargo Lifts 1-14 Wheels-based Electric Flatbed Trolleys 141-142 Side-Tilting Hydraulic Truck Dumper Diesel telescopic Boom Lift Back-on Hydraulic Truck Dumper Electric telescopic Boom Lift Two-Post Cargo Lift Dual-cylinder Four-Post Cargo Lift Four-cylinder Eight-Post Cargo Lift Four-Post 90-Degree Cargo Lift Stainless Steel Cargo Lift Explosion-proof Cargo Lift Wall-mounted Cargo Lift Vertical...

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单体导轨式升降平台是一种紧凑型垂直升降设备,适用于有限空 间内的高效货物运输。该设备台面尺寸小于 1.5m × 1.5m,载重 能力可达 1.5 吨,适用于仓库、工厂、商场及其他需要楼层间货 物搬运的场景。 The Two-Post Cargo Lift is a compact vertical lifting device designed for efficient cargo transportation in limited spaces. The platform size is less than 1.5m × 1.5m, with a load capacity of up to 1.5 tons, making it suitable for warehouses, factories, shopping malls, and other scenarios requiring inter-floor cargo transfer. Simple structure 安全性高 High safety 操作方便 Easy operation 占地空间小 Space saving / Product Details 耐用链条:标准板式链条,强度 高,寿命长 Anti-Slip Platform Textured steel plate for personnel...

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双缸四柱导轨升降平台是一种高稳定性、高承载能力的货物升降 设备,适用于仓库、工厂、物流中心等场所的楼层间货物运输。 该设备采用双液压缸驱动和四导轨支撑,确保运行平稳、安全可靠。 标准台面尺寸不大于 3000*3000mm,载重能力不超过 10 吨, 适用于多种货物搬运需求。 / Functional Characteristics 双缸驱动 Dual-Cylinder Drive 四柱导轨 Four-Post Rails 双液压缸提供强劲动力,升降平稳可靠。 Dual hydraulic cylinders provide strong power, ensuring smooth and reliable lifting. / Application Scenarios 双缸四柱导轨升降平台广泛应用于多个行业,特别适用于仓库物流、工厂生产线、物流中心、商场与零售业、电力能源行业及工 业行业等。它能够高效地进行楼层间货物运输,提升搬运效率、节省空间,同时确保操作安全。 The dual-cylinder four-post cargo lift is widely used across various industries, particularly in warehouse logistics, factory production lines, logistics...

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四缸八柱导轨升降平台是一种高承载、大台面的重型货物升 降设备,采用四液压缸驱动和八导轨支撑,确保运行稳定、 安全可靠。该平台具备贯通进出设计,方便货物高效流转, 同时采用复合台框结构,增强承载能力和耐用性,适用于重 型货物垂直搬运。 The four-cylinder eight-post cargo lift is a heavy-duty lifting device designed for large loads and oversized platforms. It features four hydraulic cylinders and eight guide rails, ensuring stable and reliable operation. The platform is designed for through-access, allowing efficient cargo flow, and adopts a composite frame structure to enhance load capacity and durability. It is ideal for vertical transportation of heavy goods. / Functional Characteristics 四缸驱动 Four-Cylinder...

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四柱 90 度进出口式提升机采用 H 型钢导轨内置油缸设计,有效节省 顶部空间,适用于层高受限的场所。通过油缸下拉驱动实现平稳升降, 确保运行安全可靠。其 90 度进出口布局支持正向进货、侧向出货,优 化货物流向,提高装卸效率。该设备广泛应用于汽车 4S 店、大型车库、 大型停车场,供车辆升降或停放,亦可作为货物升降使用。 The four-post 90-degree lift features a H-beam rail design with an embedded hydraulic cylinder, effectively saving top space, making it ideal for areas with limited ceiling height. It achieves smooth lifting through downward hydraulic cylinder drive, ensuring safe and reliable operation. The 90-degree inlet and outlet layout supports front loading and side unloading, optimizing cargo flow and improving loading and unloading...

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不锈钢货梯专为医药公司、洁净实验室、无尘车间、食品厂、化学原 料公司、水下升降机等高标准环境设计。其耐腐蚀、耐磨损、抗氧化 性能优越,不易刮伤、生锈,确保长期稳定运行。材质不含铅、不沾油、 不易变形,符合严格的卫生和安全要求,同时易于清洁和维护,适用 于对洁净度和耐用性要求极高的工作环境。 The stainless steel cargo lift is specially designed for highstandard environments such as pharmaceutical companies, clean laboratories, dust-free workshops, food factories, chemical raw material companies, and underwater lifting systems. It offers excellent corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, and oxidation resistance, ensuring long-term stable operation without scratches or rust. The material is lead-free, oil-resistant, and...

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