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Lily Datasheet
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Lily Datasheet - 1

LILY Self-Leveling Borehole Tiltmeter The LILY Self-Leveling Borehole Tiltmeter is a precision, dual axis sensor package designed for specialized applications and research. Applications include volcanic and tectonic research, hydraulic fracture mapping, micro-deformation monitoring, deep ocean geophysics, and more. Using a high-precision electrolytic tilt sensor, units deliver resolution to 5 nanoradians; dynamic range is ±330 μradians. Units also feature a +/-10 deg. leveling range for easy installation downhole. Output is RS232 or RS422 (RS485 full duplex) and includes timestamp and compass bearing. Data can be saved to file externally or to LILY’s on-board flash memory (75,000 sample max) using fill/stop or cyclic memory modes. Units are fully submersible to 3000 psi. Titanium is also available for +5000 psi applications. The culmination of over 30 years of tilt sensor experience and expertise, the LILY represents the pinnacle in precision sensor engineering. Contact Jewell Instruments today for more information about this powerful instrument. Channels Resolution Repeatability Dynamic Range Self-Leveling Range Non-Linearity Frequency Resonse Ks Temp Coefficient (%/°C) Kz Temp Coefficient (bias/°C) Azimuth detection Output Baud rate Sample rate Output Format On-board Memory Real-time Clock Power Environmental Weight Materials Specifications X tilt, Y tilt, azimuth, temperature < 5 nanoradians Same as resolution under static conditions ±330 µradians ±10 degrees 0.2% of full span < 1 Hz ±0.02%/°C ±3 µradian/°C On-board magnetic compass, 0° to 360° output RS232 and RS422 standard (user selectable) 9600, 19200 (default), 28800, 57600, 115200, 230400 User programmable from 10 samples/sec to 1 sample/day NMEA XDR, Trimble TCM, Ashtech, Simple (Timestamp, X, Y, Temp, Compass, S/N) 2 Megabytes nonvolatile Flash memory (64,000 samples) Accurate to 10 minutes/year or better 7 to 28 VDC @ 30 mA (< 10 mA sleep); 250 mV ripple max., reverse polarity protected -25°C to +85°C operational, -30°C to +100°C storage. 3000 psi 4.5 kg (10 lb) 304 stainless steel, nonmagnetic (6Al-4V Titanium available on request: to +5000 psi) Specifications subject to change without notice as the result of ongoing development Jewell Instruments LLC 850 Perimeter Road, Manchester, NH 03103 • • Tel (800) 2

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Lily Datasheet - 2

LILY Self-Leveling Borehole Tiltmeter Dimensions: Self-Leveling Detail Cutaway: Self-Leveling Motor Assemblies X-Axis Y-Axis Precision Electrolytic Sensors Jewell Instruments LLC 850 Perimeter Road, Manchester, NH 03103 • • Tel (800) 227-5955 L00259 Rev.

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