Catalog excerpts
FREE companion for JETCAM Expert Orders Controller JETCAM Orders Controller (JOC) Lite provides a simple way to remotely view your JETCAM component and nest files, and create order lists to send to JETCAM Expert for nes ng. The Component screen allows you to see all of your JETCAM component files, while the Assemblies screen allows complex mul -level structures with revision control to be created. You can then drag and drop parts or assemblies onto work sheets, or import a CSV orders list of parts or assemblies from your MRP system that can be sent to JETCAM Expert for nes ng. JOC Lite for sheet metal users Fast popula on of JETCAM Expert’s ‘MOD’ order list. Create unlimited order work sheets for nes ng. Drag and drop or CSV import of parts/assemblies for nes ng. Tabular nest view with filters for machine/material/thickness. Vector view of nest, with pan, zoom and tooling informa on. Create and order complex mul -level assemblies. Easy start, with full upgrade path JOC Lite is ideal for companies that want a quick way to create lists of parts to send to JETCAM Expert for nes ng, but that may also be considering further automa on in the future. Installa on and configura on takes minutes, with all main se ngs read from your JETCAM Expert system. There’s a full upgrade path to JOC Premium or Premium Automa on, as your assemblies can also be imported, ensuring instant con nuity. Instantly see which machines a part is tooled for. Generate comprehensive nest reports with part/tool info. Revision control in parts, assemblies and orders screens. Free for all users with a current Expert maintenance contract. Online video tutorial library - learn the system in 30 minutes. Upgrade to JOC Premium later for full automa on.
Open the catalog to page 1JETCAM Orders Controller Lite JOC Lite complements your exis ng JETCAM Expert system by essen ally simplifying the core process of crea ng lists of parts or assemblies for nes ng, while also providing a wide range of features, data views and repor ng op ons. Its clean, simple interface is easy to learn and is backed up by a dedicated video tutorial course in our free online University. Install, get trained and be up and running within 30 minutes. Which version to choose? JOC Lite Suitable as an excellent front end to crea ng work sheets of parts or assemblies to send to JETCAM for nes ng....
Open the catalog to page 2All JETCAM Composite GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
Line Commander
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Orders Controller
2 Pages
2 Pages