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The READYGo™ JUICE system features JBT’s whole fruit extractors on a compact skid

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JBT  READYGo™ JUICE READYGo™ JUICE The READYGo™ JUICE system has been developed to process whole citrus such as oranges, lemons, grapefruit, tangerines, limes and sweet limes. Our READYGo JUICE citrus extraction system is designed to receive fruit from a fruit feed system as illustrated. Its ability to adapt to your processing requirements and your factory layout makes this extraction system suitable for processing anything from pre-sized fruit to bulk raw material (after properly washing through a brushwasher). The system includes the capability of delivering the finished juice to a...

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READYGo™ /JBT/ JBT  READYGo™ JUICE • Complete, self-contained Juice Extraction System • Significantly lower cost than a traditional custom-designed juice extraction installation • Fruit in-feed up to 6 m tons/h (146 180# boxes/hr), depending on actual fruit size and characteristics • Simple utility requirements: air, water, caustic and electric power • Self-contained electrical starters and VSD’s • Small footprint in the plant • Minimal assembly and installation required • All product contact surfaces constructed in AISI 316 • Shipping-container ready, for installation anywhere • Small...

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READYGo™ JUICE DJE* - Approximate Specifications SPECIFICATIONS SHIPPING WEIGHT AIR ELECTRICAL The skid is designed to fit into a standard 40’ HC shipping container Approximately 8000 kg 17600 lb 80 PSI Instrument Quality (5.5 Bar) (*) Mechanical capacity of 1 CJE: 500 fruit per minute. Hourly processing capacity is strongly affected by line efficiency, fruit dimension, variety, quality, ripeness and storage conditions of the fruit which are conditions beyond JBT’s control. READYGo™ JUICE 100A 380V (+10%/-6%) 3 ph 50/60 Hz 22 GPM (5 M3/Hr) or as supplied during extraction CIP 50 GPM (11...

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All JBT Corporation catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Tuna Cooker

    4 Pages

  2. Air Cleaner

    4 Pages

  3. Wahers

    6 Pages

  4. FVPGrow

    4 Pages

  5. SuperCRss™

    4 Pages

  6. SeamTec

    2 Pages

  7. Tuna

    2 Pages

  8. Unifiller

    8 Pages

  9. Flash-Cooler

    4 Pages

  10. SteriCompact

    2 Pages


    4 Pages

  12. FranRica

    2 Pages

  13. BottleTec

    2 Pages

  14. GTRe

    2 Pages

  15. AP60

    2 Pages

  16. GT5eX-Twin

    2 Pages

  17. GT4e

    2 Pages

  18. GTeX-Twin

    2 Pages

  19. GT2e

    2 Pages

  20. GT1e

    2 Pages

  21. GT0e

    2 Pages

  22. GT2sX-Twin

    2 Pages

  23. GT2s

    2 Pages

  24. GT1s

    2 Pages

  25. GT0s

    2 Pages

  26. Pumpideal

    4 Pages

  27. Hot Break

    2 Pages

  28. Cold Break

    2 Pages

  29. Brush Washer

    2 Pages

  30. Crate Washer

    4 Pages

  31. Bin Tipper

    4 Pages

  32. Air Dryer

    4 Pages

  33. Belt Cooler

    2 Pages

  34. AV Sealer

    2 Pages