Apple Deaerating System
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Catalog excerpts

Apple Deaerating System - 1

Apple Deaerating System Mod. 3121 Designed for easy removal of air from apple slices and blanching before canning Purpose The JBT Apple deaerating system is designed for easy removal of air from apple slices and blanching before canning. Products/Uses Application The system is used for apple solid pack in cans. The deaerating system removes occluded air from the fruit in order to increase the specific weight and avoid oxidation of the product. Also penetration of water in the fruit is facilitated for saturation. It can be used as well for some vegetables prior to freeze them. Construction/Operation The system consists of a battery of several tall, conical, cylindrical stainless steel kettles, which are filled at the top through a distributing belt and emptied at the bottom through a tapered cone closed with a 3 inches ball valve. A steady platform hold the kettles and the distributing belt which is feeded by a gooseneck elevator. The product is discharged into a take off bucket conveyor which drains the excess of water into an holding tank located underneath the system. Vacuum in the tanks is provided by vacuum pumps. A special device is foreseen for uniform distribution of steam. Benefits/Features The system can be considered as a continuous one when adequate numbers of kettles are installed. This very compact system permits one man operation for loading and discharging. The accurate combination of temperature and vacuum, reduces the residence time of product into the kettles for better quality product. The sanitary construction, very easy to clean, guarantees reduction of any type of fermentation. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PROCESSING

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Apple Deaerating System - 2

APPROXIMATE SPECIFICATION OVERALL LENGTH 17000 mm 55’-10” CAPACITY (MAX) 4000 kg/h 8820 Ibs/h OVERALL WIDTH 2835 mm 9’-4” WATER CONSUMPTION 110 l/h 29 U.S.g./h OVERALL HEIGHT 5500 mm 18’-1" STEAM CONSUMPTION 600 kg/h 1320 lbs/h COUNT ON JBT TO HELP PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT JBT’s greatest value in PRoCARE® services comes from preventing unexpected costs through smart, purposeful, and timely maintenance based on unmatched knowledge and expertise. PRoCARE service packages are offered as a maintenance agreement in various service levels, depending on your production and cost management...

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