Catalog excerpts

ITT Marine Catalogue artwork:v21 03/11/2009 15:40 Page 74 7 General Purpose Pumps Ballast Pumps PAR-Max Shower Drain Pump Today's Wakeboard and Ski tow boats need to be able to take on water ballast to modify their wake formation. A development of our tried and tested Puppy Pumps lets these specialist craft rapidly take on and dump ballast, while modern electronics guard against dry running damage to the impeller. New generation, long life fully serviceable shower drain pump. ■ Complete with Pumpgard. ■ 3.5 gpm (13.2 lpm) at 3ft (1m) head. Fitting: Connections for 3/4" (19mm ) ID hose. ■ Self-priming up to 10ft (3m) allows mounting above wet bilges. Size: ■ Diaphragm design allows extended dry running. ■ Continuous rated, heavy duty motor sealed for harsh bilge environments. Shower & Sink Drain Jabsco and Rule’s broad range of pump types means that we can provide a choice of solutions according to your needs and budget. Diaphragm pumps such as 50880 and PAR-Max are the choice of charter operators - quiet and dry running. Many knowledgeable owners still appreciate the ability of our Puppy pumps to handle a wide range of debris. ■ Thermal overload protection automatically stops the motor if it overheats due to overloading, with auto re-start feature. ■ Complies with USCG 183.410 and ISO 8846 MARINE (Ignition Protection). ■ Oil resistant elastomers. 7.7" long x 4.2" wide x 4.1" high (19.6cm x 10.6cm x 10cm). Weight: 5.0lb (2.1kg). 32601-0092 12 volt DC model, fuse 10 amp. 32601-0094 24 volt DC model, fuse 7 amp. 18912-3050 Diaphragm Kit. For service and spare parts listing see page 197. ■ ISO 8849 MARINE (Bilge Pump Standard). Shower Drain Circulation Pumps Centrifugal pumps are the correct product for closed circuit circulation systems, such as Livewell Circulation, Washdown, Central Heating and other flooded suction applications. Jabsco offers purpose designed pumps capable of arduous commercial duty. A compact, full capacity shower drain system. Automatically turns on after the water starts and shuts off when the water is removed. Activated by a non-mercury Rule-A-Matic® Plus float switch. Available with one or three inlet ports which offer varying combinations of inlet hose. Other features include a clear screw down cover, a removable strainer for easy cleaning and an internal check valve to prevent back flow. Model Description Discharge (inches/mm) Inlet Ports (inches/mm) Size (length x width x height) (inches/mm) AC Pumps 98A Multi-Port Inlet Pump 3/4” 3/4”,3/4”,1”,1-18”,1-1/2” 8-1/4” x 11-1/4” x 5-1/2” 800 GPH (3028 LPH) (19mm) (19, 19, 25, 29, 38mm) 210 x 241 x 140mm Jabsco bronze bodied AC motor pumps are self-priming, portable and versatile, making them ideal for a wide range of applications wherever AC power is available. 98A-24 Multi-Port Inlet Pump 3/4” 3/4”,3/4”,1”,1-18”,1-1/2” 8-1/4” x 11-1/4” x 5-1/2” 800 GPH (3028 LPH) 24-volt (19mm) (19, 19, 25, 29, 38mm) 210 x 286 x 140mm Water Puppy Shower Drain Pump Specialty Products Good flow rate, continuously rated pump. Fitting: Connections for 1/2" male threaded fittings, and for 1" (25mm) ID hose. ■ 8 gpm (32 lpm) at 10ft (3m) total head. Size: ■ Self-priming up to 4ft (1.2m) allows mounting above wet bilges. Weight: 3kg (61/2lb). ■ Shower debris presents no problem to this bronze bodied, flexible impeller design. 18660-0123 12 volt DC model, fuse 15 amp (Non CE). ■ Simple design means fewer wearing parts all user serviceable. Our Drill pumps are old favorites whose multiple uses keep them in constant demand. 6303-0003-P Replacement Nitrile Impeller. ■ Complies with USCG 183.410 and ISO 8846 MARINE (Ignition Protection). ■ ISO 8849 MARINE (Bilge Pump Standard). Shower Drain Pump Robust diaphragm pump suitable for shower and sink drain applications with a multi-positional pump head. ■ Complies with USCG 183.410 and ISO 8846 MARINE (Ignition Protection). ■ 4.2 gpm (16 lpm) open flow output at 3ft (1m) head. Fitting: Connections for 3/4" (19mm) ID Hose. ■ Self-priming up to 10ft (3m) vertical lift allows mounting above wet bilges. ■ Flexible Installation. ■ Compact and simple design. ■ Filter-less. ■ Quiet running. ■ Capable of extensive dry running. 74 ■ Corrosion resistant parts. General Purpose Pumps Shower & Sink Drain Pumps Introduction ■ ISO 8849 MARINE (Bilge Pump Standard). Size: 11.7" long x 5.9" wide x 4.4" high (29.7cm x 15cm x 11.1cm). Weight: 6lb (2.7kg). 50880-1000 12 volt DC model, fuse 10 amp. 50880-1100 24 volt DC model, fuse 5 amp. SK880 Service Kit. For service and spare parts listing see page 153. 71/2" long x 4 3/4" wide x 33/8" high (19cm x 12cm x 8cm). For service and spare parts listing see page 192. PAR 37202 Series 2 Shower Drain Pump Quiet running and corrosion resistant bilge, shower and sink drain pump. ■ ISO 8849 MARINE (Bilge Pump Standard). ■ 3.4 gpm (13 lpm ) open flow output at 3ft (1m) head. Size: ■ Self-priming up to 6ft (2m) vertical lift allows mounting above wet bilges. 7 Weight: 51/2lb (2.5kg). Fitting: Connections for 19mm (3/4") ID hose. 51/4" wide x 53/4" high x 71/2" deep (13cm x 15cm x 19cm). 37202-2012 12 volt DC model, fuse 7 amp. 37202-2024 24 volt DC model, fuse 5 amp. ■ Diaphragm design allows extended dry running. 50095-1000 Service Kit. ■ Complies with USCG 183.410 and ISO 8846 MARINE (Ignition Protection). For service and spare parts listing see page 188. ■ Quiet running. ■ Corrosion resistant materials throughout. ■ Complete with Pumpgard. 75
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ITT Marine Catalogue artwork:v21 03/11/2009 15:41 Page 76 7 Speciality Products Drill Pumps Jabsco has a range of circulation pumps for use in low pressure circulation application such as marine central heating systems. Jabsco circulation pumps are designed for reliability and ease of use. Marine Central Heating System This system provides central heating which works just like the heating system in the home. Jabsco circulation pumps can be used to circulate heated coolant water heater from an engine’s re-circulating fresh water system through radiators in the vessel living spaces. These...
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