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Connecting Devices™

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About HMS Fields of application and industries CANopen extension for SIMATIC PLC systems IO modules Windows APIs and protocol software 15 Accessories Anybus CAN Products 16-17 Anybus X-gateways Anybus Communicator HMS Technology Center Ravensburg – Development center for HMS products with focus on the IXXAT brand.

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HMS offers “All you need for CAN” with the IXXAT product seriesPioneering ReliabilityCAN technology and Quality For almost 30 years, HMS - with the brands IXXAT, Anybus and eWON - has been a reliable provider of data communications solutions in the field of industrial automation and automotive technology. With the availability of the first CAN chip in 1988, engineers from HMS implemented CAN-based system solutions and developed analysis tools, interfaces, infrastructure components and CAN-based higher protocols. Under the IXXAT brand cutting-edge system concepts and system...

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IXXAT solutions for industrial automation - used in a variety of applications and industries...r \ Machine control ■ Easy connection of PCs to CAN-based Networks for control applications ■ CANopen and CAN extension for SIMATIC® PLCs Connect devices to CAN and Industrial Ethernet ■ Protocol converters for connecting serial or CAN-based devices to various fieldbus and industrial Ethernet networks ■ Protocol software, the highly flexible way for implementing CANopen or SAE J1939 Network infrastructure ■ Cost savings through easier wiring and implementation of star/tree structures ■ Coupling...

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Maintenance and service ■ Mobile network analysis for service technicians and commissioning ■ Wireless system access for easy diagnostics and configuration ■ Autarkic long-term monitoring of networks vJ Customized solutions If you have specific requirements and need a customized solution, we are at your side with consulting and development services - in all phases of your project. From the first specification to production and maintenance. Your “look and feel”? We adapt our standard products to meet your requirements and provide complete OEM solutions. From simple brand labeling up...

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PC Interfaces for CAN, CAN FD, CANopen, DeviceNet and SAE J1939 The IXXAT PC/CAN interfaces enable PC applications to access CAN networks with a unique variety of different PC interface standards. You can select the PC/CAN interface that suits your application, performance requirements or required unit costs. Various variants and interfaces Highlights Common driver interface for easy exchange of the PC interface type without any changes to your application IXXAT CAN interfaces are – depending on the variant – modularly designed and can be equipped with up to four CAN high-speed channels....

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Sample: PC/CAN Interfaces for control and analysis Powerful driver packages with common application interface Despite the variety of different PC/CAN interfaces, all interfaces can be operated with the hardware-independent drivers for Windows (VCI) and real-time operating systems (ECI) by using a uniform programming interface. Switching between the PC/CAN interfaces type is very easy and can be made without changes to your application. Thus, you are already well prepared for future technologies. Common driver interface for all interfaces Plug-in board for control applications Mobile access...

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CAN Infrastructure Repeaters, Bridges and Gateways for CAN Highlights Cost savings due to simple wiring Allows larger system expansion Filter and conversion functionality Increased system reliability Line protection by galvanic isolation Bridging of large distances and easy system access using Bluetooth, Ethernet... DIN rail bus backbone bus In terms of robustness, temperature range and safety, IXXAT repeaters are specially designed for use in an industrial environment. The reliability of a system can be significantly increased while typically saving costs due to simpler wiring. CAN...

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Application example: Elevator system For realization of an intelligent load management the CAN networks of two elevator systems are linked via Ethernet using the IXXAT CAN@net NT 200 gateway. Application example: Wind turbine Control unit Three pitch control-drives shall communicate with the master controller via CAN. IXXAT CAN Repeaters enable star connection of the individual blades and enable stable communication by eliminating EMI effects and rebuild signals for transmission via sliprings. Control unit ent technologies, such as Bluetooth, Ethernet or PROFINET. R Nacelle Control Unit CAN...

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IXXAT - 10

CAN Analyzing and DiagnosticcanAnalyser and diagnostic toolscanAnalyser and Modules error frames can be evaluated together with the signals from a database. New, script-based statistics functions also permit quick, easy adaptation to your specific application needs. Additional functions are provided by optional modules, such as the protocol specific display of messages in CANo- The canAnalyser is a powerful, versatile tool for development, testing and maintenance of Controller Area Network systems. The software package is based on a modular concept and employs special features that offer...

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IXXAT - 11

Diagnostic tools pen, DeviceNet or J1939 based systems. Customer-specific functions can be easily integrated via an open .NET programming interface in the form of individual modules. The canAnalyser is based on the VCI driver and can be used with all IXXAT PC CAN interfaces. By using IXXAT diagnostic tools, CAN systems can be analyzed and evaluated upon installation and during operation. The tools allow recording of the transmitted data and errors as well as detection of signal, transmission and wiring errors. Based on the analysis results, errors can be quickly and easily eliminated or an...

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IXXAT - 12

The CANopen modules by HMS enable system integrators to easily and inexpensively integrate CANopen field devices with SIMATIC industrial automation equipment. Easy integration of CAN or CANopen-based devices with Siemens equipment Enabling interaction between PROFIBUSorPROFINET controllers - such as the S7-1200 or ET200S device series - with CAN/CANopen fieldbus devices (gateways) Supports implementation of any custom CAN based fieldbus protocol due to CAN 2.0A mode Fully integrated into the hardware catalog of TIA Portal or STEP 7 PLC function blocks available for easy integration in to...

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All IXXAT Automation catalogs and technical brochures

  1. IXXAT INpact

    8 Pages

  2. CAN

    8 Pages

  3. IXXAT energy

    4 Pages

  4. Safe

    5 Pages

  5. Automotive

    7 Pages

  6. PC interfaces

    20 Pages