Catalog excerpts

MD series Magnetic drive pumps A worldwide best-seller, our high-quality compact magnetic drive pumps Main material GFRPP Magnetic drive seal-less pumps are free from leakage problems and the need for seal replacement. This feature and their compact nature make them ideal for built-in applications.
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A worldwide best-seller, our high-quality compact magnetic drive pumps Our MD series leak-free compact magnetic pumps are a worldwide best-seller and are used in medical equipment, analyzers, constant-temperature baths and surface treatment equipment for chemical feeding in more than thirty countries worldwide. Leak free Large selection Magnetic drive seal-less pumps are free from leakage problems and the need for seal replacement. This feature and their compact nature make them ideal for built-in applications. The MD series comprises 50 models. The high-head type(MD-Z), the high flow...
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MD series The centrifugal pump is driven by a pair of magnets which are incorporated in the impeller and motor shaft. The sealless pump structure eliminates shaft seals such as conventional mechanical seals because the pump chamber is shielded by the casings and the impeller is operated by the magnets. The combined coupling torque of the drive magnet and impeller magnet gives sufficient driving power against the motor torque. Driven magnet Operating Principle Drive magnet High corrosion-resistance Easy maintenance GFRPP(Grass fiber reinforced polypropylene) wet ends of the MD series handle...
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Wide variation Easy maintenance The MD series has GFRPP wet ends. Hose connections and threaded connections are available. A large selection of models offer a wide flow range of 5.5-135L/min. Standard type Outline of the series (50Hz) Main Material Max. discharge capacity (l/min) Models 20 MD-6 Standard type MD-6Z High head type MD-10 Standard type 40 60 11 16 27 62 GFRPP 1.1 1.3 2.9 1.1 8.0 45 Standard type MD-40RX 75 MD-40RZ 1.1 3.3 1.1 22 High head type 1.0 4.6 Large capacity type 10 11 1.0 11.5 MD-55R 60 Standard type MD-55R-5 1.2 8.2 86 Standard type 1.0 5.6 70 MD-70R 3 1.3 15 MD-40R...
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MD series Large capacity type High-head type Construction Motor Drive magnet The 6- or 8-pole high power ferrite magnet drives the impeller through the rear casing. O ring Rear casing GFRPP single-piece rear casing has the bearing mounted at the bottom to support the spindle. Spindle Front casing Hose or threaded connections can be selected according to application. Also union joints can be installed on threaded connection models. Impeller Note: MD-6, 6Z and 10 models do not have the bearing. The ferrite magnet is encapsulated into the impeller. For rotating spindle models, an alumina...
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MD-6·10 GFRPP • Range of Max. discharge capacity: 5.5 - 11 L/min • Range of Max. discharge head: 1.0 - 2.1 m 6 10 MD-6 MD-10 Specifications (50Hz) Model Hose connection Outlet (mm) MD-6 MD-6Z Output Input W W 1.2 3 22 14 MD-10 14 2.1 1.1 3 24 1.5 1.1 6 35 Max. Capacity Max.Head L/min m 8.0 Inlet (mm) 1.0 5.5 11 S.G. Phase kg 220 - 240V Single phase • Temperature range: 0 - 80˚C (Contact us for applications below zero.) • Limit of viscosity: 30 mPa·s (at 1 S.G.) • Ambient temperature: 0 - 40˚C •Motor type: Shaded pole motor • MD-6, 6Z and 10 do not have thread connection type. Construction...
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Performance curves ISOHZ) Capacity (L/min)
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MD-15·20·30·40 GFRPP • Range of Max. discharge capacity: 10 - 75 L/min • Range of Max. discharge head: 1.8 - 11.5 m 15 20 MD-15R MD-20R Specifications (50Hz) Hose connection Threaded connection R · RZ · RX R-M · RZ-M · RX-M Model Inlet (mm) MD-15R(M) MD-20R(M) 14 18 Max. Capacity Max.Head Outlet (mm) Inlet/Outlet Union (mm) (Note1) 14 17 G3/4 G3/4 2.4 3.1 S.G. Output Input (W) (W) (kg) 1.3 1.1 10 26 1.6 20 40 2.0 (m) 16 27 13 16 (L/min) MD-20RX(M) 26 26 G1 20 46 1.8 1.3 MD-20RZ(M) 17.5 17 G3/4 13 10 4.9 20 20 G3/4 16 32 3.8 1.3 MD-30RX(M) 26 26 G1 20 62 2.9 1.1 MD-30RZ(M) 17.5 17 G3/4 13 15...
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Performance curves Capacity (L/min) Notel: Dimension of the ( ) inside are thread connection type. Notel: Dimension of the ( ) inside are thread connection type. Note2: RZ type (Hose connection) and RZM type (Thread connection type) are the same din
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MD-55·70·100 GFRPP • Range of Max. discharge capacity: 40 - 135 L/min • Range of Max. discharge head: 5.6 - 14.3 m 55 7 MD-55R Specifications (50Hz) Hose connection Model Inlet (mm) MD-55R(M) Threaded connection R · RZ Max. Capacity R-M · RZ-M (Note1) Outlet (mm) Inlet/Outlet Union (mm) Input (m) (W) 90 8.2 90 170 1.2 26 26 G1 20 86 6.7 MD-70RZ(M) 20 20 G3/4 16 40 14.3 26 26 G1 20 1.0 150 235 180 275 120 8.6 1.2 260 11.7 1.1 260 (kg) 5.4 220V - 240V 6.0 400V/440V 245 135 Mass Three phase - 130 70 Power source Single phase (W) 5.6 MD-70R(M) MD-100R-5(M) Output 60 26 MD-100R(M) 20 S.G....
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Performance curves Capacity (L/min) ( ):Thread connection type
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Special accessories • Union joint • Self-priming chamber Special-purpose union joints are available to cope with three types (13mm, 16mm and 20mm dia.) of piping. Tight sealing O-rings are used to prevent thread damage caused by overtightening. Once fill up liquid, repriming is not required. It is very easy to use MD pump with self-priming chamber. Specifications Specifications Model 13A 16A 20A Model Material PVC PVC PVC Material of O ring 0 - 55˚C 0 - 55˚C 0 - 55˚C SC-4V SC-4E SC-7V FKM EPDM FKM SC-7E EPDM Material of O ring Connection G1 Suction limit FKM or EPDM G3/4 0.8 m 1.2 m Range...
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