7PROGLCD - programmer


Catalog excerpts

7PROGLCD - programmer - 1

Via Gasdotto. 65/8 - 36078 Valdagno (Vicenza) Italy E-mail: ilalseatgMtalseasrl.il - Web: www.italseasrl.it Capitals Sociate Euro 78.000,00- R.E.A. n. 188095/VI HANDHELD PROGRAMMER - USER'S GUIDE -

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7PROGLCD - programmer - 2

SISTEMI ELETTRONICI Displays parameters, alarms and measures (description and Rolls up parameters and increases values. Confirms a selection and the change of value. Rolls down parameters and decreases values. At power-on, handheld programmer displays the "Tester Mode" page. In this pages , you'll find the motor current and voltage, speed reference input, internal aluminum heat-sink temperature, battery voltage, hour-meter and software release. To start the programming function push the button "MODE". Will appear the first parameter; pushing the "UP" button the number of the parameter will...

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