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Catalog excerpts
![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 1](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_1m.jpg)
Open the catalog to page 1![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 2](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_2m.jpg)
The data specified into the catalogue are for product description purpose only and must not be interpreted as warranted characteristics in legal sense. Italgroup S.r.l. reserves the right to implement modifications without notice. All partial or total reproduction and copy without written authorization of Italgroup S.r.l. is strictly forbidden.
Open the catalog to page 2![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 3](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_3m.jpg)
FLOW DIVIDERS FD/FDM SERIES TECHNICAL CATALOGUE FD-FDM rev. 01 The data apedAad into Ihe catalogue are hr product (tescriplion purpose triy and must not be Interpitted as warranted (ttractEiislic h tegal s^nse. It^^oup reserws (he ritJfl to rnplermtrt modrtications without notice. p3Q. 1
Open the catalog to page 3![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 4](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_4m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS pag. 2 The (bta epecitfcd Into ttia catficg^ are lor prodid cfescripttin purpo« only anj must net be intefpreled as wananted chaiaclerielic In leg?l sense. Rakjroup iceowe Itie right to inpkment mcdAcalicns wtihout notte FD-FDM rev. 01
Open the catalog to page 4![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 5](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_5m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS GENERAL INFORMATION ITALGROUP has been manufacturing RADIAL PISTON HYDRAULIC MOTORS since 1985: our yearly production is more than 13.000 units which we sell all over the world through our agents and authorized sellers. Our motor range varies from 20cc to 8500cc displacement and it is completed by two-speed motors and special motors created in cooperation with our clients for different applications such as : underwater, high & low speed and wheel motors and with the possibility to assemble valves, brakes or gear reductions. You can directly contact our Technical Department...
Open the catalog to page 5![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 6](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_6m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS FLOW DIVIDERS TECHNICAL DATA pag. 4 The (bta epecltfcd Into ttia catficg^ are lor prodid cfescripttin purpo« only anj must net be intefpreled as wananted chaiaclerielic In leg?l sense. Rakjroup iceowe Itie right to inpkment mcdAcalicns wtihout notte FD-FDM rev. 01
Open the catalog to page 6![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 7](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_7m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS HYDRAULIC FLUIDS RECOMMENDATIONS HYDRAULIC FLUIDS We recommend the use of hydraulic oils with anti-wear additives (ISO HM or HV) and minimum viscosity index of 95. Once normal working temperature is reached, oil viscosity must be at least 44 cSt, preferably in the range from 50 to 80 Hydraulic oils meeting Denison MF-O, Vickers M-2952-S I - Pay particular attention if you use HE type oils (ecological fluid) because them can influence the motor seals compatibility, the motor performance and life. Please ask us for advice in case of HE type oils usage. Mineral hydraulic oils...
Open the catalog to page 7![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 8](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_8m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS GENERAL INFORMATION ON FLOW If several motors or cylinders are operate from a single pump without any means of controlling their individual flows only the motor or cylinder with the lowest pressure requirement would start its work cycle. The motor or cylinder with the next lower pressure requirement would only start when the first unit has completed its work cycle. This mode of operation is normally undesiderable, the total pump flow must therefore be divided into a series of partial flows. This can be obtained Throttles or flow regulation valves in each motor or cylinder...
Open the catalog to page 8![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 9](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_9m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS Italgroup can provide balancing valves directly assembled on italgroup flow dividers. These valves are assembled together by the utilization of steel pipes supplied by italgroup to minimize the piping and fitting problems (see the next pages INSTALLATION CIRCUIT The use of flow dividers is not complicate if the hydraulic circuit has an appropriate design. Additional installation operations are not necessary. See even the internal pressure drop paragraph for more details. Flow divider application to control three cylinders In some special conditions, for example when the...
Open the catalog to page 9![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 10](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_10m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS REQUIRED MOTOR REQUIRED PUMP FLOW Torque = (specific torque) - (pressure) displacement [cc/rev] ■ pressure [bar] flow rate [l/min] 1000 displacement [cc/rev] pag. 8 The <lata specified into fte catetogn are lot predict dsschpton puiposa only and musl nc( be intevpreted aswananted charaderisfic in leg?l aense. Halgroup theright to inplament maMcaHcnswflhout notte FD-FDM rev. 01
Open the catalog to page 10![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 11](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_11m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS Flow Divider Symbol FD-FDM rev. 01 The date specified inbtrecslabgu^ P3Q- 9
Open the catalog to page 11![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 12](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_12m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS Flow Divider Symbol Refer to page 29 for valve technical data, valve dimensions and hydraulic circuit. pag. 10 The data specifled into the catetogn are lot predict dsschpton puiposa only and musl nc( be intevpreted aswananted charaderisfic in leg?l aense. Halgroup theright to implament maMcaHcnswflhout notte FD-FDM rev. 01
Open the catalog to page 12![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 13](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_13m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS Flow Divider Symbol FD-FDM rev. 01 The data apedAad into Ihe catalogue are hr product (tescriplion purpose triy and must not be Interpitted as warranted (ttractEiislic h tegal s^nse. It^^oup reserwa tt» ritfrt to implemetrt modrtidtnns wthouf notice. p3Q 11
Open the catalog to page 13![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 14](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_14m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS Refer to page 29 for valve technical data, valve dimensions and hydraulic circuit. Flow Divider Symbol pag. 12 The data specifled into the catetogn are lot predict dsschpton puiposa only and musl nc( be intevpreted aswananted charaderisfic in leg?l aense. Halgroup theright to implament maMcaHcnswflhout notte FD-FDM rev. 01
Open the catalog to page 14![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 15](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_15m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS TECHNICAL DATA Flow Divider Symbol PORTS DIMENSION FD-FDM rev. 01 The date spedfiedirfo the cslatogue are fi^ P3Q- 13
Open the catalog to page 15![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 16](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_16m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS pag. 14 The data specifled into the catetogn are lot product dsschpton puiposa only and must nc( be intevpreted aswananted charaderisfic in leg?l aense. Halgroup theright to implament maMcaHcnswflhout notte FD-FDM rev. 01
Open the catalog to page 16![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 17](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_17m.jpg)
Open the catalog to page 17![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 18](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_18m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS Flow Divider Symbol RELIEF VALVE DATA Rated flow Adjustable pressure range pag. 16 The data epecitfcd Into ttia catficg^ are lor product cfescriplKin purpo« only and must net be intefpreled as wananted chaiaclerielic In leg?l sense. Rakjroup iceowe Itie right to impkment modAcalicns wtihout notte FD-FDM rev. 01
Open the catalog to page 18![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 19](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_19m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS TECHNICAL DATA Flow Divider Symbol PORTS DIMENSION FD-FDM rev. 01 The date spedfiedirfo the cslatogue are fi^ P3Q- 17
Open the catalog to page 19![FD, FDM series - Radial piston flow dividers - 20](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/65595/fd-fdm-series-radial-piston-flow-dividers-679477_20m.jpg)
HYDRAULIC MOTORS pag. 18 The data specifled into the catetogn are lot predict dsschpton puiposa only and musl nc( be irrtevpreted aswananted charaderisfic in leg?l aense. Halgroup theright to implament maMcaHcnswflhout notte FD-FDM rev. 01
Open the catalog to page 20All Italgroup S.r.l. catalogs and technical brochures
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PG Series - Planetary Gearbox
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W series - Wheel Motors
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