Milling systems
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Milling systems - 1

MILLING TOOLS MILLING TOOLS Metric Version Catalog 2012 MILLING TOOLS Metric Version Catalog 2012 Metric Version Catalog 2012 WWW.ISCAR.COM WWW.ISCAR.COM

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Milling systems - 3

Strong, Durable Highly Accurate 90° Milling HELI2000 is an advanced design of the renowned ISCAR HELIMILL family, featuring: • High 90º shoulder accuracy • No mismatch, leaving a clean mirror-like side wall • Impressive ramping down ability • Capability to perform plunging applications • Soft and clean cut due to helical cutting edges and high axial rake angles • Very strong and durable cutter which looks like new after long use A2 ISCAR

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H490 – A Family of Double-sided Inserts with 4 Helical Cutting Edges HELIDO H490 – a family of tools for 90° milling, is another evolution of the original HELIMILL line. The HELIDO H490 ANKX rectangular inserts have 4 helical right-hand cutting edges. They are available in cutting edge lengths of 9, 12 and 17 mm. Insert construction is very thick and strong. It is clamped into a dovetail inclined pocket which provides a very rigid clamping and has a wiper which leaves an excellent surface finish. Due to its strong construction, excellent grade combinations and unique chip deflector with...

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HELIDO 890 HELIDO S890 FSN Face Mills Tool Family HELIDO S890 FSN, a family of 88° cutting edge angle face mills was designed for machining of cast iron and steel components. The face mills carry inserts with 8 helical cutting edges, which can be used for up to 10 mm depth of cut, providing a very attractive economical advantage regarding price per cutting edge. A4 ISCAR The S890 SNMU 1305PNTR insert features a high positive cutting rake for a light cut, and soft entry into and exit from the workpiece. The insert has a flat wiper for high quality surface finish.

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HELIDO 845 45º EndMills and Face Mills with Double-Sided Inserts ISCAR's unique family of 45° milling cutters can carry in their pockets either the S845 SNMU 1305... square, double-sided inserts with 8 cutting edges or the ONMU 0505... octagonal, double-sided inserts with 16 cutting edges – the most economical inserts regarding price per cutting edge. Both inserts have helical cutting edges and positive rake angles, featuring low power consumption and excellent surface finish. The inserts are available in the most advanced SUMO TEC carbide grades. • SOE/SOF. . . cutters with screw clamping...

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HELIDO 600 FEEDMILL HELIDO-FEEDMILL Combination Inserts with 6 Cutting Edges ISCAR’s H600 WXCU … HELIDO-FEEDMILL trigon double-sided, 6-edged insert combines HELIDO’s strength and FEEDMILL’s special geometry to facilitate milling at very high feed rates of up to 2 mm/tooth for high volume metal removal. The H600 WXCU … insert has a 17° cutting edge configuration. This design provides high stability and enables machining at high feed rates even in long overhang applications. A6 ISCAR H600 WXCU 0403... H600 WXCU 05T3... and H600 WXCU 0806 with various rake angles may be applied on a wide...

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HELIDO H400 H400 RNHU – A Revolutionary Double-sided Profiling Insert The basis of the H400 milling line is the H400 RNHU… double-sided, multi-radius insert configuration for productive profile milling operations. The insert is available in sizes 10, 12 and 16 and has four 120° segments of 5, 6 and 8 mm radius round cutting edges, respectively. The unique design of H400 RNHU… inserts originates from the shape of a bounding circle which enables designing fine pitch cutters. The insert substantially expands possibilities for machining blades, complicated 3D shapes, etc., especially by 5-axis...

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Economical Coarse Pitch Tools 16 Economical Cutting Corners F45WG - 16MILL fine pitch face mills use the 16MILL ONHU 0806.. and ONMU 0806.. inserts. The F45WG are 45° face mills which are designed for high table speed. The inserts are clamped on the tools by using a wedge system which features high clamping security and edge location repeatability (both radial and axial). The wedge clamping system enables easy mounting and indexing of the inserts, a very important feature for fine pitch (high insert density) face mills. The standard diameter range is from 80 to 250 mm. The tools expand the...

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4 Cutting Corners, Tangential Geometry for Fast Metal Removal Endmills, extended flute and face mills with tangentially clamped inserts H ELITANG T490 is a family of milling tools that uses tangentially clamped inserts with four right-hand helical cutting edges. The T490 inserts are available in 8, 13 and 16 mm long cutting edges. The T490 LN ... inserts, due to their small size and tangential orientation in the pocket, enable tool design with larger core diameters than tools with regular, radially oriented inserts. A most advanced insert design and production technology results in a soft...

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HELITANG T465 Heavy Duty 65o Face Mills with Tangentially Clamped Inserts The T465 line with a 65° cutting edge angle is a very efficient solution for high-productive face milling of large sized components. The face mills carry tangentially clamped inserts T465 LNHT 2212-ZN with 4 cutting edges, which can be used for up to 19 mm depth of cut. The T465 LNHT 2212-ZN inserts feature positive rake and axial angles (R.H. helix) and have a 2.5 mm flat wiper for improved surface finish. A10 ISCAR Two edge configurations are available: T465 LNHT 2212-ZNTR are used for steel and cast iron and T465...

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MINI-TANGSLOT Slotting Cutters with 4 Cutting Edged Tangential Inserts MINI-TANGSLOT slotting cutters carry the unique, tangentially clamped inserts with 4 cutting edges. The inserts, in a range of 3 to 6 mm widths, have a chipformer that reduces the cutting forces and leaves a clean, undamaged surface. Chattering is reduced, thus resulting in improved tool life. Available are the following tool types: • SDN D..-LN08 disk type cutters. • ETS D..-LN08 T-slot cutters with integral shanks and internal coolant holes that reach each insert. The tools feature excellent performance, high accuracy...

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All ISCAR Tools catalogs and technical brochures


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  8. ISCAR INdustry

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  9. catalog 2015

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  14. IQ New Products

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Archived catalogs

  1. Combicham

    4 Pages