Catalog excerpts

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Open the catalog to page 1
^ Treffen Sie die richtige Wahl! | Faites le bon choix ISCARs Produktivitatsteam Les Specialistes ISCAR fiir Fast Metal Removal pour I'usinage rapide FMR
Open the catalog to page 2
in Fate la Scelta Giusta! H iHaga la Election Correcta! Gli specialisti ISCAR per El Equipo de Productividad ISCAR lavorazioni Fast Metal Removal para una Rapid a Extraction de Metal
Open the catalog to page 3
Specially formulated carbide grades, ideal for machining titanium, aluminum and nickel-based alloys found in engine and fuselage parts. Speziell entwickelte Hartmetallsorten für die Bearbeitung von Titan, Aluminium und Nickelbasislegierungen, die bei der Fertigung von Turbinenschaufeln und anderen Triebwerksteilen zum Einsatz kommen. Nuances carbure spécialement conçues, particulièrement adaptées à l’usinage du titane, de l’aluminium et des alliages à base de nickel, utilisées pour les pièces moteurs et de fuselage. Gradi di metallo duro appositamente prodotti per la lavorazione di...
Open the catalog to page 4
ISCAR's Global Industry Accounts All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective companies.
Open the catalog to page 5
Innovative tooling solutions for machining engine blocks, crankshafts, camshafts, disk brakes and other automotive parts. Innovative Werkzeuglösungen für die Bearbeitung von Motorenblöcken, Kurbelwellen, Nockenwellen, Scheibenbremsen und anderen Teilen aus der Automobilindustrie. Solutions innovantes pour l’usinage des blocs moteurs, arbres à cames, disques de freins et autres pièces automobiles. Utensili e soluzioni innovative per la lavorazione di blocchi motore, alberi a gomito ed a camme, dischi freno ed altri componenti. Soluciones innovadoras en fijaciones para el mecanizado de...
Open the catalog to page 6
ISCAR’s Global Industry Accounts All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective companies.
Open the catalog to page 7
ISCAR’s Global Industry Accounts All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective companies. Specially designed tools for ship building, large turbine generators and large gear parts. Speziell entworfene Werkzeuge für den Schiffsbau, große Turbinengeneratoren und große Getriebeteile. Outils spécialement conçus pour la construction navale, les turbines de générateurs et les pignons et engrenages de grande dimension. Utensili appositamente progettati per la produzione di scafi, turbine ed ingranaggi di grandi dimensioni. Herramientas diseñadas especialmente para la construcción...
Open the catalog to page 8
Standard and special tools for producing metal and plastic types of medical implants. Standard- und Sonderwerkzeuge für die Herstellung von medizinischen Implantaten aus Metall oder Plastik. Outils standards et spéciaux pour la production d’implants médicaux en métal et plastique. Utensili standard e speciali per la lavorazione di impianti ossei in metallo e plastica. Herramientas estándar y especiales para la fabricación de implantes médicos metálicos y de plástico.
Open the catalog to page 10
ISCAR's Global Industry Accounts ?i srnith&nephew stryker" : Mj zimuicr All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective companies CHAMOMLL LINE
Open the catalog to page 11
Highly accurate tools dedicated to machining complicated shapes, curves and deep cavities at very high feeds and speeds. Hochpräzise Werkzeuge für die Fertigung von komplizierten Formen, Profilen und tiefen Kavitäten mit hohem Vorschub und hohen Drehzahlen. Outils de haute précision dédiés à l’usinage de formes complexes avec de grandes profondeurs, à des vitesses et avances élevées. Utensili di altissima precisione per la lavorazione con elevate velocità ed avanzamenti di superfici complesse e cavità profonde. Herramientas de gran precisión para mecanizar formas complejas, curvas y...
Open the catalog to page 12
ISCAR’s Global Industry Accounts © All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective companies.
Open the catalog to page 13
Standard and specially tailored tools for machining precision bearing components for the major relevant industries. ISCAR entwickelt maßgeschneiderte und standarisierte Werkzeuge für hochpräzise Komponenten aus der Wälzlagerindustrie. ISCAR développe des outils standards et sur-mesure destinés à l’usinage de précision des roulements pour tous types d’industries. ISCAR produce utensili standard e speciali per la lavorazione di precisione dei componenti dei cuscinetti destinati ai principali settori industriali ISCAR desarrolla herramientas estándar y especiales para el mecanizado de...
Open the catalog to page 14
ISCAR's Global Industry Accounts All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective companies.
Open the catalog to page 15
Modern wind turbines employ five major component assemblies - the rotor, gear, nacelle, tower, and yaw systems. ISCAR’s innovative cutting tools provide solutions for this fast growing green industry. Moderne Windkraftanlagen bestehen aus fünf wichtigen Baugruppen: dem Rotor, der Gondel, dem Turm und der Ausrichtung. ISCARs Zerspanungswerkzeuge bieten innovative Lösungen für diese schnell wachsende Industrie der erneuerbaren Energien. Les éoliennes associent cinq composants : le rotor, les engrenages, la nacelle, le mât et le système d’orientation. Les outils coupants ISCAR de toute...
Open the catalog to page 16
Rotor blade Pitch system Main bearing housing Main shaft
Open the catalog to page 17
Machining solutions for heat exchanger production is one of ISCAR’s priorities, providing unique results which boost production capacities. ISCARs entwickelt innovative Werkzeuglösungen für die Herstellung von Wärmetauscher. Fournir des solutions d’usinage pour la fabrication d’échangeurs thermiques est l’une des priorités d’ISCAR. Ces solutions offrent de multiples opportunités de dynamiser les capacités des unités de production. La fornitura di utensili tecnologicamente avanzati per la produzione degli scambiatori di calore è una delle priorità ISCAR. Le soluzioni ISCAR dedicate agli...
Open the catalog to page 18All ISCAR Tools catalogs and technical brochures
11 Pages
5 Pages
5 Pages
6 Pages
9 Pages
7 Pages
7 Pages
Non-Rotating Tool Lines
628 Pages
Flashline eco line
80 Pages
New products catalog
304 Pages
Railway industry_2017
38 Pages
Welcome to ISCAR world
64 Pages
Industrealize Industries
92 Pages
40 Pages
28 Pages
DO-CUT. Deeper Cheaper Cut
4 Pages
CFRP Machining
4 Pages
catalog 2015
324 Pages
MULTI-MASTER milling tool
28 Pages
chamfering drill brochure
12 Pages
128 Pages
Solid Carbide Chamfering tool
12 Pages
60 Pages
Composite materials
12 Pages
Heat Exchanger
28 Pages
Wind power industry
44 Pages
Power generation
1 Pages
28 Pages
Milling systems
593 Pages
Hole Making Tools
449 Pages
11 Pages
28 Pages
40 Pages
28 Pages
Chamfering Drills Brochure
12 Pages
IQ New Products
184 Pages
372 Pages
Archived catalogs
5 Pages
318 Pages
466 Pages
4 Pages
Railway Industry
12 Pages
Toolholding Systems_2012
337 Pages
Turning & Threading Tools_2012
465 Pages
HELIDO H490 75° Face Mill
3 Pages
Expansion of the MILLTHREAD Line
10 Pages
HeliFace Tools
1 Pages
HM90 E90A-D-M HM90 E90AD-D-M
1 Pages