Catalog excerpts

DATA SHEET \\ VTC 4000 (preliminary) VTC 4000 Near-field analysis of VCSEL arrays Key features at a glance y D measurement solution for near field characterization of 2 VCSEL arrays y adiant power, polarization, position, divergence and R peak wavelength for all single emitters y lat-field and absolute power calibration, traceable to F national metrology standards y asy software integration by LumiSuite SDK E The VTC 4000 is Instrument System‘s VCSEL testing camera for comprehensive near-field analysis of complete VCSEL arrays. It enables the absolutely calibrated, traceable and polarization-controlled 2D characterization of all relevant parameters for every single emitter on the array. The VTC 4000, consisting of a camera and corresponding microscope optics, is capable of simultaneously determining position, radiant power and polarization of single emitters on a VCSEL array in a single-shot camera measurement. This allows quick and easy detection of defect emitters on the array. The integrated polarization analysis ensures an unprecedented radiant power measurement accuracy with minimal error budget. \\ SINGLE EMITTER BEAM WAIST AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS By implementation of a z-translation stage, the camera enables the characterization of the single emitter beam profiles. In this way, the single emitters can be characterized in terms of beam waist, numerical aperture and M² value. For analysing the spectral parameters, the camera is optionally available in a version with fiber output. Connecting the VTC 4000 to a high-resolution CAS spectroradiometer enables measuring the peak wavelength of every single emitter. The VTC 4000 can be easily integrated into handler systems with x-, y- and z- translation stages. This enables automated characterization of complete VCSEL arrays. ~ 2D power measurement of single emitters on a VCSEL array. \\ MEASUREMENT RESULTS For each single emitter: Position (x and y) Radiant flux Polarization angle and degree Defect emitter analysis With translation stages / optional features: Waist Numerical aperture M2 value Focus position Peak wavelength ~ 2D peak wavelength analysis of single emitters on a VCSEL array with the VTC 4000 version incl. fiber output. A high-resolution CAS spectroradiometer and an xy-translation stage is required.
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Instrument Systems KONICA MINOLTA Group 1 With factory calibration traceable to PTB. 2) Including data processing and transfer time per image 3) Exact specifications depend on the chosen high-resolution CAS model. Instrument Systems is continually working to develop and improve products. Technical changes, errors or misprints do not constitute grounds for compensation. The company’s terms of delivery and payment apply in all other respects. Instrument Systems GmbH | Kastenbauerstr. 2 | 81677 Munich, Germany | ph: +49 (0)89 45 49 43-58 fax: +49 (0)89 45 49 43-11 | sales@instrumentsystems.com...
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