Catalog excerpts

A company geared to innovation
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InnoLas Lasers The InnoLas SpitLight series of solid state lasers is a product family of Nd:YAG lasers for a wide range of applications. SpitLight lasers combine the latest laser technology, high performance and reliability to make a powerful tool for your laser application. The monolithic design of the laser head provides the highest thermal and mechanical stability available. OPOs VIS & NIR emitting OPOs from 1 mJ to 150 mJ All InnoLas OPOs consist of an integrated robust Nd:YAG pumplaser with stable resonator structures and a maintenance free pumping chamber. BBO based nanosecond OPOs...
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Fully Diode Pumped Lasers DPSS Lasers with average power more than 100 W InnoLas DPSS lasers offer excellent cost-performance-ratio, high availability, simple handling and straight forward design. State of the art technology with optimum performance - perfect for all applications demanding high average power or long lifetime operation. . Model * Laser without any water cooling Flash Lamp Pumped Lasers Flash lamp-pumped ns Nd:YAG lasers from 100mJ to 2.5J Flash lamp-pumped laser sources are especially appropriate for applications with a demand for higher energies. All InnoLas Flash...
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Applications Spectroscopy Particle image velocimetry (PIV) Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) Laser-induced breakdown spectro copy (LIBS) s Laser ablation Pumping OPOs (optical parametric oscillator) Dye Lasers Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) Holography Features Compact laser head and power supply with small footprint Robust and stable resonator structure Quick and easy change of flashlamps Maintenance-free pumping chamber with ceramic reflector Excellent beam quality and pointing stability Long flashlamp lifetime Double pulse option available System can be injection seeded (SLM-Option)...
Open the catalog to page 4All Innolas Laser catalogs and technical brochures
Spitlight DPSS DRY
2 Pages
2 Pages