INM series low speed high torque hydraulic motors


Catalog excerpts

INM series low speed high torque hydraulic motors - 2

rroauct Shows & Applications

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INM series low speed high torque hydraulic motors - 3

Product Shows & Applications __^ l S

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INM series low speed high torque hydraulic motors - 4

Brief Introduction i* Mm* mup il mi ii ili ■BRuifH - Չi rr.RT<Fir.\TF. ■(■«■Mil* «■I S ce M NINGBO DAGANG INI HYDRAULIC CO., LTD is situated in a state-level ɩconomie and technoloqical development zone of BEILUN district, NINGBO. The faciorv covers almost 40,CX00 m2, with 38.000 rrf building area. The reqistered capital is 6,500.000 USD, and the total investment is 15.000.000 USD. Currently. the companv is staffed with 400 employes, 20% amanq whom are professional technicians. The companv has a stronq R&D team, led bv the qenerai manaqer-a professorate senior enqineer, who takes spcial...

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INM series low speed high torque hydraulic motors - 5

HYDRAULIC INMsries INM S镩ries Hydraulic Motors 1. Brief Introduction INM sries motors are a resuit of the many years' of exprience based on Italy technology. and incorporate a number of design variations wiih respect to the tcchnology intended to increase the strength of the mot驴r casings and the load capacity of the internai dynamic components. The resuit is ihc sries of moiors with high continuous power raiings, both because of the reduced internai spcifie lo-ads, and because of the high mechanical and volumetric eftlciency that contribute in reducing ihe amount of heat produeed and...

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INM series low speed high torque hydraulic motors - 6

HYDRAULIC INM sries 2. Model options INM** -** - *** - *** - T Wilh the tachometer and distant digit display ~ No label indicates without tachometer _Distributor (rcmarked when ordering) More dtails to see the catalogue Connection type of output shaft (please remarked) _Without label represents spline shaft A: represents involute spline shaft B: represents fat key shaft Z : represents taper fat key shaft I : represents internai spline shaft IA: represents involute internai spline shaft 1- Nominal displacement (ml/rev) _ S驩ries code (the motor with same code has same installation dimension)...

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INM series low speed high torque hydraulic motors - 9

table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:4.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:8.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:12.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:17.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font7 { font:23.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font8 { font:5.00pt "Franklin Gothic Medium", sans-serif; } .font9 { font:7.00pt "Franklin Gothic Medium", sans-serif; } .font10 { font:11.00pt "Franklin Gothic Medium",...

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INM series low speed high torque hydraulic motors - 10

HYDRAULIC INM1 sries 6. INM1 Sries Hydraulic Motors DIMENSIONS ?8UNI221 ■ 100 驕ouniini fac« FtanoonndWmtKMiwmuionia'oirio ivntnlor QMI. Ml «ici PI Milaamotors SHAFTS Spllnod Cyltodrlcal Iniotnal spline l. IA 12 23. MUMggl (I ■ : 35-2-18 DIN5480 SPLINEDATA 35-2-16 DIS 5480 28 m 221 (6-28-31 DIN 5163) ADAPTORS ■ 03S.O 3m mm 31.0 3* Hh OJ.5 027.711 1)11 ՕM 6 ; M Kl 1 c-- >.:. 0(0 cil 028. O-"1 HT V'. \4 d2 0311. 3* «H y. a \\\Iilr do di d, djd, df T.0-- F7 ■28.0 3 S (6 aM.OՎS hi* a-i-it m 0IK.MM !8 tHI III 7.0-ϗ tl 039.000 rs .23.

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INM series low speed high torque hydraulic motors - 11

table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:4.00pt "Franklin Gothic Medium", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:13.00pt "Franklin Gothic Medium", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:12.00pt "Microsoft Sans Serif", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:7.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font4 { font:8.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font5 { font:4.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; } .font6 { font:5.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; } .font7 { font:7.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; } .font8 { font:9.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; } .font9 { font:10.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; }...

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INM series low speed high torque hydraulic motors - 12

HYDRAULIC INM2 sries 7. INM2 Sries Hydraulic Motors DIMENSIONS 31» 5 36UM1 220 Ac. BAI S AGI fc.2 l/2-BP l-ljnge and shafl dWnenswos aie the aam« as lor <驮M?. M3 anO 1*3 senes moles SHAFTS Splined Sptined A Cyllndrlcal Internai spline I, ia 36 bxt 220 i «0-312 DIN5480 -66ח DIN5480 (IA) H 11 SPLINE DATA 40-3-12 DI\ 5480 36 UNI 220 (DU 5462) ADAPTORS n M 036. 0 II M'» M . ' ■ H-1 OM(1 Ht » «A 2S B2H 964 «Il ! i »WI hll M o33. 4 u, hM B 4.0 ih a if. m ra 16.0 S" HT Oi1- Ml dj di ■]] di 0)0i df '36.0.JS (6 10.0 5 S dll ; 0 .25.

Open the catalog to page 12
INM series low speed high torque hydraulic motors - 13

table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:13.00pt "Franklin Gothic Medium", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:15.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:9.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font3 { font:11.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font4 { font:17.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font5 { font:4.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; } .font6 { font:7.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; } .font7 { font:10.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; } .font8 { font:19.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; } .font9 { font:7.00pt "Verdana", sans-serif; } .font10 { font:16.00pt...

Open the catalog to page 13
INM series low speed high torque hydraulic motors - 14

HYDRAULIC INM3 sries 8. INM3 Sries Hydraulic Motors FW>qo otmowoni are u m MS uooa monxk, tttaft dtmonUont ara m I" M3 boiUm motora ---S*.-- Available also GM3 compliiely inietch. Cylindrical B Inlernal spline I. IA M_I_ 70 _. iO^lfl"»» 1 驗 80 il- ח - ■ - Y 1 1 nwm ( I ) SPLINE DATA 40-3-12 DIN 5480 46 UNI 221 (8-46-54 DIN 5463) :■> > 360 di ו 4A.0 3» H7 Q CL d! 0 40.0 S1" H14 v - ^r-i - & 8540 MU \,\i;/r d) d| dj di djd| df 32 0 34 0 H11 c2 A >525 A 90 "Օ'F7 M (28 964 H11 di 48.0 "ՎS 98 [fl » 39 4 S , hl 1 dJ3 64 ĕ 33 4 ^ h!4 04 154.0 S? dll B '6.0 db ' 45 999 (S B 9.0 Ε*"* 17 ADAPTORS 40...

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INM series low speed high torque hydraulic motors - 15

table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:5.00pt "Franklin Gothic Medium", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:10.00pt "Franklin Gothic Medium", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:10.00pt "Lucida Sans Unicode", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:4.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; } .font4 { font:10.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; } .font5 { font:19.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; } .font6 { font:23.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; } HYDRAULIC Plwfip read camki Ihe sperilicalinns bttkne s&l«;iif*i INM3 sries PERFORMANCE The graphs indicate the lypical performance characleristics of...

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