Industrial Tools Solutions
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Catalog excerpts

Industrial Tools Solutions - 3

Blade strokeCourse de la lampe Sgeblatt-Hub Carrera de la hoja Corsa della lamaMax. air consumptionConsommation d'air maxi. Max. Luftverbrauch Consumo de aire mx. Consumo aria massimoTool air inlet connectionEntr䡩e d'air de l'outil Anschlussgewinde des Werkzeugs Entrada de aire Attacco filettato dell'utensileHose min. internal diameterDiamtre intrieur mini. du flexible Empfohlene Schlauchweite Tama話o mn. de manguera Minimo diametro int. tubo gommaTool weightPoids de l'outil Gewicht des Werkzeugs Peso de la herramienta Peso dell'utensileNominal load capacityCapacit de charge nominale...

Open the catalog to page 3
Industrial Tools Solutions - 4

Techniques et Outillage IndustrielsIndustrielle AnwendungenSoluciones Industriales Soluzioni per l'Industria > Froid et ClimatisationKlima und KhltechnikControl de TemperaturaControllo Climatico > Construction et InfrastructureBauindustrie und Infrastruktur-EntwicklungConstrucci㼳n y InfraestructurasImprese e Infrastruttura > Protection et ScuritSicherheitssystemeSeguridadProtezione e Sicurezza V驩hicules Industriels CompactsKompakt-LaderVehculos industriales compactosVeicoli a tecnologia compatta >

Open the catalog to page 4
Industrial Tools Solutions - 6

Revolution Series finishing tools Outils de finition - srie "R䩩volution" Schleifmaschinen der Baureihe Revolution Herramientas de acabado Revolution Utensili per la finitura - Serie RevolutionG Series finishing toolsOutils de finition, srie "G" Schleifmaschinen der Baureihe G Herramientas de acabado - Serie G Utensili per la finitura - Serie GPencil grinders and mini grindersCrayons graveur et mini meuleuses Gravier-Stifte und Kleinschleifmaschinen Lpices de grabaci顳n y mini amoladoras Penne per incisione e mini-smerigiatriciPro and ErgoPro series finishing toolsOutils de finition, sries...

Open the catalog to page 6
Industrial Tools Solutions - 7

Light weight Material removal and finishing ֖ For non-production industrial application.Outils lgers Enl閨vement de matire et finition Destin薩s aux applications de maintenance. Geringes Gewicht - Materialentfernung und Finishing - Fr leichten industriellen Einsatz. Herramientas ligeras Eliminaci얳n de material y acabado Destinados a aplicaciones demantenimiento. Utensili leggeri - Asportazione del materiale e finitura - Destinati alle applicazioni di manutenzione.Offer up to 69% more power ֖ For a wide variety of tasks Complete range of speeds > and configurationsUne augmentation de puissance...

Open the catalog to page 7
Industrial Tools Solutions - 8

Օ TYPE1 wheels Meules plates TYPE 1 Օ TYP 1 Gerade Schleifscheiben Muelas rectas TIPO 1 Օ Mole dritte TIPO 1 TYPE27 depressed center flat wheels Օ Meules plates moyeu dport੩ TYPE 27 TYP 27 Mittig gekrռmmte flache Schleifscheiben Muelas de centro hundido lisas TIPO 27 Օ Mole a centro depresso piano TIPO 27 75 mm ؘ 100 mm 115 mmؘ 125 mm 150 mm ؘ 200 mm5/8" M14 175 mmؘ 230 mm 5/8" (16 mm) 7/8" (22 mm) 175 mmؘ 230 mm 5/8" (16 mm) 7/8" (22 mm) 75 mmؘ 100 mm3/8" (10 mm) 1/2" (12 mm) 150 mmؘ 200 mm5/8" (16 mm) 1" (25 mm) TYPE28 depressed center saucer wheels Օ Meules assiette moyeu dport੩ TYPE 28...

Open the catalog to page 8
Industrial Tools Solutions - 9

325SC4 325XC4 Internal wick lubricator.Օ Graisseur incorpor. Integrierte Docht镶ler. Engrasadorincorporado.Օ Ingrassatore a stoppinointerno. Aluminum motor cap.Օ Protection avant en alu. Motor-Aluminiumkappe.Օ Tapa del motor enaluminio. Coperchio del motore inalluminio.Օ Wraparound exhaustports. Echappement profilթ. RռckwrtigeAbluftfhrung.伕 Escapes remotos. Scarichi prolungati. Օ Composite grip overaluminum housing. Revժtement compositesur corps robute en alu. Griff ausVerbundwerkstoffռberAluminiumgehuse. Empu䕱adura encompositesobre cajade aluminio. Presa in compositosopra cassa in allumino....

Open the catalog to page 9
Industrial Tools Solutions - 10

Separate replaceable cylinder. Circular front flange as standard. Governed motor on G3 series for max productivity. Cylindre indpendant ais੩ment remplaable Bride avant profil circulaire. Moteur r砩gul pour productivit maximale sur la s驩rie G3 . Separat austauschbarer Zylinder. Kreisfrmiger vorderer Flansch serienm椟ig. Baureihe G3 mit geregeltem Motor fr hchste Produktivit춤t. Motor de velocidad constante en la serie G3 para una mxima Cilindro sustituible separado.Cilindro intercambiabile separato. Ergonomic D-shaped handle design for Brida de amoladora delantera circular de serie.Flangia...

Open the catalog to page 10
Industrial Tools Solutions - 11

G2H250PG4MG1H350PG4M G2X180PH63G3X180PG4M 餕 Piped-away exhaust. Gaine d'թchappement. Abluft-Ableitsatz. Օ Juego escape remoto. Tubo con scarico aria adistanza.Օ Integral trigger safetylock. Levier de sթcurit. Dr镼cker-Sicherheitsarretierung. Palanca de seguridad. Օ Leva di sicurezza conbloccaggio. Er i cksonType 1 See burrs page 15 Fraises carbure prשsentes en page 15 Fr闤ser siehe Seite 15 Fresas carburo presentadas en pסgina 15 Per le frese al carburo, vedere pagina 15. Specifications at 90 psi ז Caractristiques 6,2 bar 頖 Technische Daten bezogen auf 6,2 bar Especificaciones a 6,2 bar ֖...

Open the catalog to page 11
Industrial Tools Solutions - 12

Er i cksonType 1Type 27 G1A200PG4M G3A120PP95 Specifications at 90 psi 餖 Caractristiques 6,2 bar 頖 Technische Daten bezogen auf 6,2 bar Especificaciones a 6,2 bar ֖ Caratteristiche a 6,2 bar Ref. kWrpmmmmmkgmmmmin (NPT)mm STANDARD MODELS MODֈLES STANDARDS STANDARDMODELLE ֖ MODELOS ESTNDAR V MODELLI STANDARD G1A120PG4M 0.30120006 Ericksonؖ0.50152761/410 G1A200PG4M 0.30200006 Ericksonؖ0.50152761/410 G1A200PP63 0.3020000֘75-Type 270.60152481/410 G1A200PH63 0.3020000֘75-Type 10.60152481/410 G2A100PG4M 0.60100006 Ericksonؖ1.00197761/410 G2A120PG4M 0.60120006 Ericksonؖ1.00197761/410 G2A120PP945...

Open the catalog to page 12
Industrial Tools Solutions - 16

Collet with 1/8" insert Օ Collet wrenches nos 47579, 47580 1.8 m x 6 mm IDair hose and 0.45 m long exhaust overhose.Օ Pince, diamtre 1/8" Cl蕩s pour pince rf. 47579, 47580 Flexibled'alimentation 1,80 m (镘 int. 6) et gaine d'chappement longueur 0,45 m. Spannzange mit 1/8" - Einsatz 镕 Spannzangenschlssel: Nr. 47579, 47580 Luftschlauch 1,8 m x 6 mm ID und Abluftschlauch (0,45 m).압 Pinza, dimetro 1/8" Llaves para pinza ref. 47579, 47580 ᕕ Manguera dealimentacin 1,80 m ( int. 6) y escape longitud 0.45 m.㘕 Pinza diametro 1/8" Chiavi per pinza rif. 47579, 47580 Օ Flessibiled'alimentazione 1,80 m (...

Open the catalog to page 16
Industrial Tools Solutions - 18

MOTOR CONTROLLER:The motor incorporates a patented controller which gives max. torque at any speed up to rated maximum. The complete assembly is guaranted for the life of the tool.REGULATION DUMOTEUR: Le moteur est 餩quipd'un systme brevet騩 de rgulation permettantde maintenir le couple maximum quelle que soit la vitesse de rotation. Ce rgulateur est garanti pour toute la dur驩e de vie de la machine.MOTOR-DREHZAHLREGLER: Der Motor arbeitet miteinem patentierten Drehzahlregler, der einemaximale Leistung bei jeder Drehzahl gewhrleistet. Die Einheit hat eine volle Garantie im Rahmen der...

Open the catalog to page 18

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