Check'n Go


Catalog excerpts

Check'n Go - 1

Clear Production Plans & Instructions Simple Production Order Tracking Value Adding ‘Lean’ Process Analysis introdUcing oUr neW ProdUction eXecUtion softWare that WiLL dramaticaLLy enhance yoUr shoP fLoor. checK’ngo ProVides strUctUred Process PLans Which cLearLy gUide yoUr oPerators throUgh each steP of the manUfactUring Process. ‘i Was instantLy attracted By the end User simPLicity and easy imPLementation of checK’ngo’ Eric Galanakis Production Manager, Eurocopter Marseille. meets en9100 and nadcaP reQUirements Why is checK’ngo needed? 4 Ways checK’ngo WiLL Benefit yoUr comPany 1. Ensure people always ‘work to process’ using a step-by-step plan with up-to-date electronic work instructions & procedures. Electronically store conformance and verification data for each operation. ‘Operator error’ or ‘not working to process’ are often blamed as the cause of quality problems. However, the real issue is ineffective and poorly defined quality systems with unclear procedures and instructions leading to confusion on the shop floor. 3. Eliminate shop floor paperwork. 4. Reduce variation and aid operator training by standardising working methods. Product Order Start PROCESS Operation 1 Instructions Checks/ Measurements Validation Last Operation Product Order Completion

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Check'n Go - 2

5 Key Features. 1. ELECTRONIC PROCESS PLAN AND WORK INSTRUCTIONS. Provides a step by step plan clearly guiding operators through each activity. Your current instructions and procedures can be used but the structure of Check’nGo provides a greater level of detail for the operators. Working methods, drawings, tooling, equipment and health and safety precautions are all defined for each step. 2. Electronic Records of Validation Data. Paper check-sheets and travellers are eliminated with all process checks, measurements and traceability information electronically recorded at each step of the...

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