Labeling Systems


Catalog excerpts

Labeling Systems - 1

manufacturing of Ultra Clean filling & packaging lines for food and nonfood liquid products

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Labeling Systems - 2

Bbicokaa mcwHOcmb no3uuuoHupoBaHua u Hage>kHOcmb npukAeuBamia - o6fl3ameAbHbie ycAoBua, He3aBucuMO om Buga amukemku u npou3BogumeAbHOcmu, komopaa BaM Heo6xoguMa. OmgeA npoekmupoBaHua MHflEKC-6® ckoHueHmpupoBaA cBou VCUAUA gAfl npegAokemm peweHuu gAfl akkypamHoao u Hage>kHoao npukAeuBaHUfl caMokAebmuxca amukemok, 6yMa>kHbix amukemok xoAogHoao u menAoao cnoco6a HakAeuBamifl, noAunponuAeHoBbix amukemok, mepMoycagoMHbix amukemok pa3AUMHbix (fopM, pa3MepoB u koHcJjuaypauuQ Ha pa3AimHbix Bugax ynakoBok, ucnoAb3yeMbix B npou3BogcmBe npogykmoB numaHUfl u HanumkoB, aAkoaoAa, MOAOMHMX npogykmoB,...

Open the catalog to page 2
Labeling Systems - 3

The high positioning accuracy and reliable application are obligatory conditions regardless of the label types and the capacity that you require for your products. The design team of INDEX-6® has concentrated its efforts in providing solutions for correct and infallible application of self-adhesive labels, paper labels with cold and with hot glue, poly-propylene labels, thermo-shrinkable labels of various shapes, dimensions and positions on a wide range of container types used in the industry for food and beverages, alcohol, dairy products, cosmetics, chemicals. Our scope covers application...

Open the catalog to page 3
Labeling Systems - 4

MaiuuHbi gAfl HakAeuBaHua g6yx emukemok Ha g6e | npomu6onoAO>kHbie cmopoHbi nAOCkou u oBaAbHOii ynakoBku UAU gAfl HakAeuBaHua ogHOu kpyaoBou emukemku Ha uuAUHgpu^eckyb ynakoBky. Machines for application of 2 labels on 2 opposite sides of flat and oval containers or 1 (wraparound) label on cylindrical containers. MauuuHbi gAfl HakAeuBaHua amukemku u 3mu MaiuuHbi ucnoAb3ybm BakyyMHyb cucmeiviy gAfl moMHoao no3uuuoHupoBaHUfl amukemok. Machines for application of front and back labels on cylindrical containers. These machines use vacuum system for precise positioning of the labels.

Open the catalog to page 4
Labeling Systems - 5

MaoiuHbi gAfl annAukauuu noAHbix UAU yacmuMHbix mepMoycagcwHbix (sleeve) emukemok. flo 6bi6opy npegAaaaemca ycmpoucmBo nepc|)opauuu omukemku gAfl ygo6Hoao pacnakoBbiBaHua. Machines for application of thermo-shrinkable sleeve label. Capable of placing a tamper-evident label. As an option they can be equipped with a perforating device for easy opening. napoSou myHHeAb gAfl ycagku mepMoycago4Hbix (sleeve) emukemok, B 3aBucuM0cmu om npou3BogumeAbHOcmu u CAO>kHOcmu cbopMbi mapbi ucnoAb3ybmcfl go namu omgeAbHO pesyAupyeMbix napoBbix kaiwep, Steam tunnel for heating of the thermo-shrinkable sleeve...

Open the catalog to page 5
Labeling Systems - 6

PomopHbie MawuHbi HakAeuBaHun amukemok Ha miAUHgpiweckylo, oBaAbHyb, koHycoBugHyb u MHoaoapaHHybynakoBky. Moaym 6bimb ™ Aw MOHmupoBaHbi go namu MogyAeu gAa HakAeuBaHua. ykoivinAekmoBbiBabmcfl ycmpoucmBoM gAH goHHOu UAU 6oko6o0 opueHmauuu ynakoBok. B kaLiecmBe gonoAHumeAbHbix ycmpoucmB npegAaaabmcn: - MogyAb gAA HakAeuBaHun r u l~io6pa3Hbix akuu3Hbix Mapok xoAogHbiM kAeeM^J^ - ycmpoucmBo gAA CMeHbi pyAOHoB c smukemkaMu 6e3 ocmaHoBku MaiuuHbi - HanpaBAeHue mapa npu noiviomu nAamc|)opM c cepBonpuBogaMu, Rotary machines for sticking of labels on cylindrical, oval, conical and polyhedral...

Open the catalog to page 6
Labeling Systems - 7

MawuHbi gAfi annAukauuu mepMoycagonHbix u noAUAaMUHamHbix koAnankoB. npegAaaabmca MaiuuHbi c 4,6 UAU 8 BaAbuoBaHHbiMu Machines for application of thermo-shrinkable and polylaminated capsules. Depending on the desired capacity they are equipped with 4,6 or 8 rolling or thermo heads. MaiuuHbi gAfl annAukauuu ogHou amukemku Ha uuAUHgpuyeckue u koHycoBugHbie ynakoBku. OcHauueHbi wHekoBbiM ycmpoucmBoM gAfl o6ecne4eHUfi waaa Me>kgy ynakoBkaiviu, Machines for application of one label on cylindrical Equipped with a worm-type spacing module. Maximal capacity - 15 000 pcs/hr.

Open the catalog to page 7
Labeling Systems - 8

Manufacturing of Ultra Clean filling & packaging lines for food and nonfood liquid products ■ ||HPW@f* 28 B> Kouklensko Shose Street; P.O. Box 44; Plovdiv 4004, Bulgaria TUVFtOTrC TUVFNWJ 9 2015INDEX-6 Ltd- Alt rights reserved. 1NDEXS rssnves the right to change design tn4 the parameters ollts products without notice. (01-2015 eoWon) O 2015 HHHEXE-6 000 Bee npaSa txaptmra. MHJjErZ-6 oaraBmem sa raoofl npaBo iSM8Hsm> susaiH u napmempa cftHanpofflrtmofl 6ss npeg/npakama.

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All INDEX-6 catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Oil Filling

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  2. Hot Filling

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