Catalog excerpts
manufacturing of Ultra Clean filling & packaging lines for food and nonfood liquid products
Open the catalog to page 1_Hemmo BecoBaa mexHOAOzua gAH go3upo6amifl u po3Au6a c ucnoAb3o6aHueM 6eco6oEO gammika ca/wozo Bwcokozo ypoBHA u nameHmoBaHHoao HH/\,EKC-6® HanoAH$iioiu,ezo kAanaHa, komopbiu o6ecneHu6aem Bbicokyio ckopocmb po3Au6a 6e3 o6pa3o6aHU5i neHbi. rapammupoBaHHaji moHHocmb npu 6ece 6 guana30He om 0,1 go 6,0 AumpoB - 0,3 go 1 zpa/wwoB 6
Open the catalog to page 2_Nett weight technology for dosing and filling utilizing load cells of the highest class and a patented by INDEX-6® filling valve providing high flow velocity without foam generation. Guaranteed accuracy for weight range of 0,1 kg to 6,0 kg - deviation of 0,3 to 1,0 grams depending on the homogeneity of the Possibility to select dosing by Nett weight or by volume. _CuHxpo6Aok c 6eco6biM po3Au6o/v\ ULTRA CLEAN BunoAHeHUJi c 3akpbimou kawiepou po3Au6a u ykynopku u c noganeu cmepuAbHozo 6o3gyxa c cBepxgaBAeHue/w gAsi o6ecne4eHU5i nucmozo po3Au6a. gAH cmepuAU3au,uu 6ymbiAok...
Open the catalog to page 3_Pick and Place ykynopoHHbiu /wexaHU3M c cneu,uaAbHbiMu 3ax6ama/v\u 6 3a6ucuMocmu om 6uga kpbiiuek. AuHeuHbiO opueHmamop gwi kpuwek c ycmpoucm6oM cmepuAU3au,uu kpuiuek UV-AyneHueM UAU cmepuAU3yiouj,UMu pacm6opa/v\u. VcmpoucmBo 6bicmpoeo oc6o6o>kgeHU5i kpbimek U3 opueHmamopa u koHBeuepa kpuuiek npu Heo6xoguMocmu 3aMeHumb _Pick & Place closing mechanism with special design grippers to match the cap peculiarities. Linear cap orientator and feeder with integrated cap treatment device utilizing UV light or sterilization solutions. Quick cap release system to easily remove the remaining caps from...
Open the catalog to page 4KAaccimeckaji mexH0A02UH po3Au6a kerrmyna, MauoHe3a u gpeccuHe coycoB c ucnoAb3o6aHueM po3Au6a no o6i>eMy AUHeuHbiMu u nogkAioMeHue k CIP c pe>kuMOM aBmoMamu^eckou Mouku c aBmoMamuHeckuM 6big6uaaHue/v\ u y6upaHue/vi nopaiHeu go3upyioLu,ux Classic technology for filling of ketchup, mayonnaise and dressing sauces utilizing volumetric dosing with linear and rotary filling On your availability are additional features like automatic setting of the dosed volume with memory function, CIP connection with washing regime applying automatic take-out of the pistons from the cylinders and their...
Open the catalog to page 5_PomopHbie ykynopoMHbie MaiuuHbi npou36ogumeAbHocmbio go 18000 ynako6ok/Mac (om 3 go 15 3akpynu6aiouj,ux wnuHgeAeu). B 3a6ucuMocmu om 6uga kpwwek MauiuHbi koMnAekmyromca pomopHbiMU, AUHeuHbi/wu UAU BuGpupyioiu.uMu 6yHkepaMu gAJi opueHmau,uu. Pick and Place ycmpoucmBa u 3akpyHu6a(oui,ue 20Ao6ku, komopbie ucnoAb3yiom ca/wyio AyMLuyio mexHOAOzuio moHHoao MOMeinma 3akpyMu6aHu$i - zucmepe3ucHoe Ma2HumHoe cu,enAeHue u cneu,uaAU3upo6aHHbie 6 Twist-Off AUHeuHbie ykynopoHHbie MawuHbi gAfl ykynopku u 6akyyMupo6aHU5i cmekAsiHHbix 6aHok u 6ymbiAok. 3mukemupo6o<HHbie MaiuuHbi gA$i cmekAHHHbix u...
Open the catalog to page 6_Rotary capping machines with capacity of up to 18 000 containers/hour (with 3 to 15 capping spindles), completed with rotary, linear or vibrating cap feeders depending on the cap type. Pick & Place devices and screwing heads applying the best technology for precise screwing moment - hysteresis magnetic clutch in combination with cap dedicated grippers. _Twist-Off linear capping machines for precise cap screwing and vacuuming of glass jars and bottles. _ L a b e 11 i n g machines for glass and plastic cylindrical, flat, oval and complex-shape containers. Application of front and back label,...
Open the catalog to page 7filling + closing ability for varied packages Manufacturing of Ultra Clean filling & packaging lines for food and nonfood liquid products 28 B, Kouklensko Shose Street; P.O. Box 44; Plovdiv 4004, Bulgaria ©2015INDEX-6 1X6. Ml rights ress/verf. INDEX-6 resems the right to change design and the pvaimters at Its products without notice. (01-2015 mSfon) C 2015 MH8EKD-6 000 Bee nftsBs txupiHmu. HH&XC-8 aatatitmm 33 cofofl npaBo wmHxmb gusaflH u napauempu cftwr npogyhnoB 5t3 npegynpakgetm.
Open the catalog to page 8All INDEX-6 catalogs and technical brochures
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