Catalog excerpts

TM interlocked switched sockets
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TM ATEX ❱ Interlocked switched sockets INDUSTRIA LOMBARDA MATERIALE ELETTRICO SpA has been operating in Milan since 1938, in particular in the electrotechnical sector for the manufacturing of equipment for industrial installations. ILME reflects the traditional entrepreneurial spirit of Lombardy, and has enjoyed continuous expansion for over half a century. The company has carved an important role for itself in the main world markets, also operating directly in the countries that have assumed world leadership in the field of automation, including Germany and Japan. In the electrical...
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TM ATEX ❱ Interlocked switched sockets
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TM ATEX ❱ Interlocked switched sockets General index TM...ISX interlocked socket-outlets and sectionable fuse carrier 16A, 32A, 63A (IP66/IP67) interlocked socket-switches with sectionable fuse carrier and without base box 16A (IP66/IP67) interlocked socket-outlets without base box SSPX - 16A (IP66/IP67) KSSPX - 32A (IP66/IP67) modular back plates fixing plugs for plates junction boxes IP66/IP67 page 36 double box triple box page 38 TM 1125 PX cover with closing plates complete insulating cable gland lock nuts in nickel-plated brass coupler plugs low voltage from over 50V up to 690V 16A,...
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1 ILME's ATEX solution To satisfy safety requirements in areas with potentially explosive atmospheres, particularly with Zone 22 classified combustible dusts, ILME presents the new TM-Ex series of interlocked sockets. These socket outlets are classified in product category II 3D according to the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and can be installed both directly onto a surface or onto a multiple back board in ATEX EX classified environments. The TM-Ex series is based on the well-known TM series, modified in order to also satisfy the requirements for reference standards in compliance with ATEX...
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1.2 Installation accessories 1.2.1 Junction boxes TM-Ex II 3GD and Modular back plates TM There are five sizes of TM-Ex series junction boxes which can be combined with one or more sockets according to their size. These enclosures are Ex models of the original TM series boxes for unclassified locations, compliant with EN 60670-1 and EN 60670-22 product standards and modified to comply with ATEX Ex II 3GD – Zone 2 (gases) and Zone 22 (dusts). These junction boxes can also be used independently from the sockets and can therefore be installed in locations classified as Zone 2. 1.2.2 Base boxes...
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1.3 TM-Ex interlocked socket-outlets ATEX II 3D – Zone 22 (dust) 1.3.1 General characteristics The series of interlocked socket-outlets ATEX Ex Zone 22 TM-Ex, offer tested reliability and can be used, in combination with special complementary parts and industrial plugs ILME ATEX Zone 22 PLUSO-Ex series, as modular integrated systems to configure distribution systems with industrial socket-outlets for fixed installations in locations where the occurrence of an explosive atmosphere is possible due to the presence of combustible dusts, classified as Zone 22. These socket-outlets are designed...
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breaking capacity: socket-outlets have mechanical interlocks. A label informs the user that: you can not the plug being removed while voltage is present or from being inserted when the socket-outlet is live. This is essential in Ex classified locations. This explains why no breaking capacity is required. NOTE – The socket-outlets parts (inserts and holes) are the same as those of the Pluso series and have therefore a breaking power 1.25 times the rated current and 1.1 times the rated operating voltage. rated shortcircuit current based on fuse: 10kA electromagnetic compatibility: the...
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1.3.7 Example of nameplate products Via M. A. Colonna, 9 20149 Milano (ITALY) II 3D Ex tc IIIC T65 °C Dc IP66/IP67 U X USARE SOLO CON LA CORRISPONDENTE SPINA USE ONLY WITH THE CORRESPONDING PLUG SEZIONARE L'IMPIANTO PRIMA DI ESTRARRE LA SPINA DISCONNECT THE SYSTEM BEFORE PULLING OUT THE PLUG NON APRIRE IN PRESENZA DI AMBIENTE POTENZIALMENTE ESPLOSIVO DO NOT OPEN WHEN AN EXPLOSIVE AREA MAY BE PRESENT 1.3.8 Description of symbols on the nameplate Note: these markings predominantly pertain to Ex compliance, and supplement the required label information for the respective product standards....
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-Ex coupler plugs ATEX II 3D – Zone 22 (dust) 1.4.1 General characteristics The range of PLUSO-Ex coupler plugs offered is complementary to the TM-Ex series interlocked sockets, Ex II 3D for Zone 22 (dusts) and is suited to cover a variety of installation needs in the context of Ex-classified locations such as Zone 22. More generally speaking, ILME coupler plugs, for their constructive characteristics, are suitable for the typologies of use including heavy duty: - the mechanical industry - the shipbuilding industry - the chemical and petrochemical industry - the services sector - the...
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1.4.4 Materials - Enclosures and inserts in self-extinguishing insulting thermoplastic material - Anti-aging elastomer gaskets; - Brass pins in nickel-plated; - Fixing retainer screws in stainless steel - Terminals with zinc-plated screws retained in their seats when unscrewed; - 32A and 63A plugs with two fixing screws in the terminals as protection against accidental loss; - Terminals of 63A plugs fitted with lead protection plate in zinc-plated steel. NOTE – For additional details regarding materials, see the Instructions for Installation, Use, and Maintenance supplied with every...
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1.5 Installation accessories for ATEX interlocked outlets series TM-Ex II 3D – Zone 22 (dust) As a range of enclosures and backings for ATEX sockets Zone 22 series TM-Ex, ILME proposes: - junction boxes ATEX series TM-Ex II 3GD – Zone 2 (gases) and Zone 22 (dust) – components EX – in five sizes (types TM...DBX); - modular back plates series TM (types TM 1145 TB – “small” size and TM 1456 TB – “large” size); - boxes basic for installing single sockets ATEX Zone 2 series TM-Ex “small” size in three sizes: single (types TM 1125 CSX), double (types TM 2344 P2X) and triple (types TM 3444 P3X)....
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