DPL Monoblock Progressive Dividers Catalogue
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DPL Monoblock Progressive Dividers Catalogue - 1

DPL Monoblock progressive dividers High quality and High tolerance Unbeatable combination of performance and convenience

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DPL Monoblock Progressive Dividers Catalogue - 2

Inductive control (ATEX) 12

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DPL Monoblock Progressive Dividers Catalogue - 3

Features and general description The DPX system doses lubricant with a progressive piston movement. Every piston controls the following one in a sequence obtained through a single delivery flow. This system is highly qualified for dosing oil and grease to one or more journals or bearing. Each piston is in series with the component before or the one after it and therefore malfunctioning of one of these causes stopping of the sequence and consequently inhibiting of the system. This inhibition occurs also during any external clogging or when unused outlet are plugged. In order to check the...

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I.L.C. srl - Via Garibaldi, 149 - 20155 Gorla Minore - Italy Phone +39 0331 601697 - Fax +39 0331 602001 - www.ilclube.com - info@ilclube.it

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DPL Monoblock Progressive Dividers Catalogue - 5

One separation dowel (FIG.1) divides the lubricant through the two outlets. In order to have just one outlet with the double discharge remove the dowel and close one of the outlet with the plug (FIG.2). Somma delle portate Utilizzando il tappo 05.026.1 si convoglia il lubrificante nell’uscita sottostante. Nell'esempio (fig 3) viene utilizzato il tappo nell'uscita C e il lubrificante viene convogliato nell'uscita E, analogamente un tappo sull'uscita G che convoglia il lubrificante in I. I tappi in serie nelle uscite D, F e H convogliano il lubrificante nell'uscita L. Per soluzioni che...

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Lubricant flow pressure (blue) moves piston 1 to the left allowing lubricant discharge (yellow) from G. When piston 1 reaches its limit, lubricant flow pressure (blue) operates on piston 2. Lubricant volume (yellow) discharge from A. When piston 2 reaches its limit, lubricant flow pressure (blue) operates on piston 3. Lubricant volume (yellow) discharge from C. I.L.C. srl - Via Garibaldi, 149 - 20155 Gorla Minore - Italy Phone +39 0331 601697 - Fax +39 0331 602001 - www.ilclube.com - info@ilclube.it

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When piston 3 reaches its limit, lubricant flow pressure (blue) operates on piston 1. Lubricant volume (yellow) discharge from F. When piston 1 reaches its limit, lubricant flow pressure (blue) operates on piston 2. Lubricant volume (yellow) discharge from B. When piston 2 reaches its limit, lubricant flow pressure (blue) operates on piston 3. Lubricant volume (yellow) discharge from E. The system is ready for a new cycle. I.L.C. srl - Via Garibaldi, 149 - 20155 Gorla Minore - Italy Phone +39 0331 601697 - Fax +39 0331 602001 - www.ilclube.com - info@ilclube.it

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Ordering Codes Monoblock progressive divider Ordering codes With inductive sensor Dimensions I.L.C. srl - Via Garibaldi, 149 - 20155 Gorla Minore -Italy Phone +39 0331 601697 - Fax +39 0331 602001 - www.ilclube.com - info@ilclube.it

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BANJO with grease nipple 03.355.5/ 03.355.6 Inset filter Banjo junctions are placed on a progressive distributor inset. Their job is to let us use a manual or hidrau-lic pump when the main pump does not work. These strainer prevent the lubricant lines from being obstructed by impurities. Plug 1/4" BSP (F) 07.270.5 These strainer prevent the lurbricant lines from being obstructed by impurities. Filtration rate 70 p Plug 1/4" BSP (F) I.L.C. srl - Via Garibaldi, 149 - 20155 Gorla Minore - Italy Phone +39 0331 601697 - Fax +39 0331 602001 - www.ilclube.com - info@ilclube.it

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SHUT OFF valves EV-2 are made of a special "NC" 2-ways solenoid valve and of a modular base that can be directly assembled on the DPL inlet. EV-2 valve is the essential element in order to transforma a standard progressive system into a sectioned system. Technical data I.L.C. srl - Via Garibaldi, 149 - 20155 Goria Minore - Italy Phone +39 0331 601697 - Fax +39 0331 602001 - www.iiciube.com - info@ilclube.it

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Cycle control Visual pin Inductive control The visual pin shows the piston movement, monitoring the proper operation of the entire system. in this control a proximity switch is housed in a composite block. The piston opens and closes the contact as it moves into its operational seat. They are usually used in cycle control systems where they can count up to 300 movement for minute. Electrical Data I.L.C. srl - Via Garibaldi, 149 - 20155 Gorla Minore - Italy Phone +39 0331 601697 - Fax +39 0331 602001 - www.ilclube.com - info@ilclube.it

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DPL Group II Category 1D-1G/2G Electrical data Electrical Model Ordering codes Electrical connection Inductive control Connection cable (2 m) 49.053.2.ATX.1GD Group II Category 3G-3D Electrical data Electrical Model Contact NO Ordering codes Electrical connection Inductive control 49.053.2.ATX Connection cable (2 m) I.L.C. srl - Via Garibaldi, 149 - 20155 Gorla Minore - Italy Phone +39 0331 601697 - Fax +39 0331 602001 - www.ilclube.com - info@ilclube.it

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Memory sensor Pressure pin indicator (with memory) These indicator are usually for overpressure control on primary and secondary lines. In the eventuality of a pressure higher then expected, the pin indicator moves out. It remains in position until the release lever is manually actua-ded. We suggest to discover the reason and the location of the fault before actuating the lever. Ordering codes Code Pressure Code Pressure _▲_ in order to connect pressure sensor we need 03.222.2 or 03.222.2.CV adaptor and a T junction (09.600.5) I.L.C. srl - Via Garibaldi, 149 - 20155 Gorla Minore -...

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Connection fittings Straight Check valve Outlet plug Next outlet lubricant conveying 05.026.1 Same piston opposite side conveying 05.026.0 I.L.C. srl - Via Garibaldi, 149 - 20155 Gorla Minore - Italy Phone +39 0331 601697 - Fax +39 0331 602001 - www.ilclube.com - info@ilclube.it

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I.L.C. srl - Via Garibaldi, 149 - 20155 Gorla Minore - Italy Phone +39 0331 601697 - Fax +39 0331 602001 - www.ilclube.com - info@ilclube.it MADE IN ITALY

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