Heat-Cool-Combinations technical comparison


Catalog excerpts

Heat-Cool-Combinations technical comparison - 1


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Heat-Cool-Combinations technical comparison - 2

HEAT-COOL-COMBINATIONS TECHNICAL COMPARISON The application of Heat-Cool-Combinations will result in rapid and effective heating and cooling coupled with energy-efficiency. With its compact design and heating elements inclosed in high heat conductive aluminium small temperature differences along the screw barrell can be achieved. Conventional systems such as HKK (ceramic) or HKC (ceramic with copper cooling fins) give fast heat-up times but without uniform temperature distribution along the heated area as achieved by the HAK system. Stresses and material deposits are reduced or even...

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Heat-Cool-Combinations technical comparison - 3

HEAT-COOL-COMBINATIONS TECHNICAL COMPARISON Cooling energy demand cooling portion at 200°C with internal heating element cooling portion [%] In the cooling cycle (see fig. on left) high energy for cooling is required with the convential HKK compared to the new HAK. In order to maintain the set temperature constant, the HAK requires less energy consumption compared with conventional ceramic-insulated HeatCool-Combinations. The minimum temperature can be maintained even in difficult areas and will also help to increase the material throughput. Temperature uniformity in the screw barrel The...

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Heat-Cool-Combinations technical comparison - 4

Lampertheim Mitry-Mory Paris Linz Ihne & Tesch GmbH Am Drostenstueck 18 D-58507 Luedenscheid P.O. Box 1863 D-58468 Luedenscheid Keller, Ihne & Tesch KG Kunigundenstraße 13 D-68623 Lampertheim P.O. Box 5164 D-68612 Lampertheim Ihne & Tesch GmbH Aalener Straße 42 D-90441 Nuremberg P.O. Box 710143 D-90238 Nuremberg GREAT BRITAIN Keller, Ihne & Tesch GmbH Bahnhofstraße 90 A-3350 Haag KIT Electroheat Ltd. Office F10 Mexborough Business Centre College Rd GB-S64 9JP Mexborough FRANCE Celtic S.A.R.L. 2/4 Rue René Cassin ZAC La Villette-aux-Aulnes F-77290 Mitry-Mory

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