Catalog excerpts

Handheld Computer ■ Impinj R2000 Reader Chip ■ EPC Global Gen2 ISO 18000-6C ■ 1.3" Blue OLED Display ■ 3,300 mAh Li-ion ■ Compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista XP Mobile, CE, MAC OS X, iOS 7 and higher, Android 6.0 and lower ■ Power, Control, RFID Scan, Barcode Scan, Reset ■ Bluetooth v4.1 Dual Mode (BT SPP, BLE, HID) ■ 1D/2D Scanner (optional) Barcode Options ■ 1D laser engine (ZEBRA SE965) ■ 2D CMOS Imager (Newland NLS-EM3396) ■ Inventory Management ■ Retail Solutions ■ Library Solutions ■ Asset Tracking ■ Rental Car Identification ■ Luggage Tracking iDTRONIC's multifunctional datacollector I-POLL20combines the ability of RFID-/Barcode- reading with an robust IP68 housing. It was never easier to provide a modern way of data capturing in difficult and remote environments. The internal UHF Long reader provides an reading range of up to 4 meters. In addition to the RFID reader, iDTRONIC's I-Poll2-0can be equipped with a 1D or 2D Barcode scanning options for a complete range of IoT and Industry 4.0 applications. Flexible communication options via BLUETOOTH v4.1 or USB & Magconn™ offers a handy and real time communication way for many scanning solutions with a host device. The communication can be handled through a classical virtual comport communication or as a read only version with an HID option. As host systems, the I-POLL20 supports Windows, Android, iOS or MAC operating systems. In addition the device can be operated independently due to the internal memory for up to 1.000 datasets and its 1.3" BLUE OLED Display. The internal 3.3mAh li-ion polymer battery allows remote working shifts of up to 10 hours and can be easily recharged through the integrated Magcoon™ connector. A range of useful accessories such as desktop cradles, hand straps and USB dongles completes the offer of this useful Industrial device.
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Product Images Order Codes Version iDTRONIC GmbH Donnersbergweg 1 67059 Ludwigshafen GERMANY E-Mail: info@idtronic-rfid.com For further information & prices, please contact mfo@idtromc-rfid.com Subject to alteration without prior notice ©2018 iDTRONIC GmbH
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