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Ideal-Clamps-2009 - 2

JDEAL Otomotiv insaat Kelepe San. Tic Ltd. $ti. 1990 yilmdan beri esitli hortum kelep秧eleri uretmektedir. Firmamiz 2000 yiLmda ISO 9001:2000 Kalite sertifikasiyla belgelendirilmis olup 15'ten fazLa Lilkeye ihracat yapmaktadir. Surekl yeni rﹹn gelistirmeyi iLke edinen firmamiz Lirunun muhendislikve teknikybnne onem veren bir retici olarak ihtiyaci olan tiim kalip, a par黢t dizayn ve imaLati tecrbeU kadrosu ve modem kalip imalat tezgahlan iLe bunyesinde ozmektedir. IDEAL Automotive Construction Clamp Ind. Trd. Ltd. Co. has been producing various hose cLamps since 1990. In the year 2000, our...

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Ideal-Clamps-2009 - 4

Idal Hortum Ketepeleri; sonsuz vida sistemi olup OIN 301 7*ye Id駩al Hose Clamps have the endless screw System and meet the uygundur. DIN 3017 standard. Vida yuvasinin mekanik kilit sistemi ve zel elik bant malzeme (1.0347) sayesinde i䧯riinn fiziksel dzelUkleri dnya standartlannda istenen tork de§erini sa§lar. Id鹩al Hortum Ketepeleri otomotiv endstrisi ve ihtiyac duyulan heryerde kullaniLabitir. With the mechanical locking System ot the screw socket and the sp繩cial steel bent material 11.03671. the product's physical properties provide the torque value required by the world standards. Idal...

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Ideal-Clamps-2009 - 6

iftliAgirh Kelepǧesi Double Heavy Duty Hose Clamps DAI 20/25/28 Idal iftli Agir 1$ Kclep釧elerinin avantaji. sikma toleransinin iki misli olmasidir. Bu sayede Limitdeki oLlerin sikilmasi m繹mkn olup, daha yuksek bant gerilimi saglayarak. Kesin sizdirmazlik saLar. KuUanim alanlan arasinda otomotiv, denizcitik, insaat makineleri, gida endust釹nsi, jenarator ve hortum sektoru bulunmaktadir. Siparise gore bzel ebat yapilabilmektedir. The benefit of the Idal Double Heavy Duty Hose Clamp s its double clamping tol鯩rance. By this means, it js possible to achieve the limil clamping values in order ta...

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Ideal-Clamps-2009 - 8

untitled table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:7.00pt "Franklin Gothic Medium", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:9.00pt "Georgia", serif; } .font2 { font:11.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:12.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:16.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:26.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:35.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } Standart T-Bolt Hortum Kelepeleri Standard T-Bott HoseClamps EBAT IDEAL KOD S1ZE IDEALCODE mm m M « ni TB -211 TB r8 ■611 35*40 IB ■212 Ib IB bl畯 TB -213 IB IB...

Open the catalog to page 8
Ideal-Clamps-2009 - 9

Idal Yayli ve Agir ls Yayll T-bolt Horlum Kelepceleri. yay sayesinde WmI Spring and Hoavy Duty Spring T-bolt Hose Clamps reduce kali baglantilarindakl vibrasyon oranini azaltir. horlum apindaki >he vibration rate on hard connections due to the spring; the degisiklikler cok lyi absorbe edilir. basinc ve isida meydana changes on (he hosc sizc arc excettcnllyabsorbed; and they are □elebilecek b駻yiik degisikliklere dayaniklidir. rsistant to enormous pressure and temprature changes. EBAT IDEALKOO r ■ 驀 SIZE IDEALCODE 1 [mm i (mm)(mm) mm W2 m YTB-718 VTB-418 57*65 m-219 «cmm-m m-m YTB-221 YTB-421...

Open the catalog to page 9
Ideal-Clamps-2009 - 10

DarT-Bolt Hortum Kelepeleri (Hmm) NarrowT-Bott Hose Ciamps [14mm) Idal Dar T-Bolt Hortum kelep穧eleri Standart T-Botl kelepelerinden daha az basinc noktalarinda uygunlu§u ve ekonomikUgi nedeniyle tercih sebebidir. Bu runun ayirt edici 繴zelligi dar kullanim alanlarmda montaj kolayli^i sa^lamasidir. Idal Narrow T-Bolt Hose Clamps are prelerred due to their compatibility with lower pressure points than the Standard T-Bolt Ctamps and for conomie aspects. This product is characterized in that it is easily mountable at small usage areas- ebat ideal kod r c size ideal code i (mm) (mm w (mm mm W2...

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Ideal-Clamps-2009 - 12

Kulakli Kelepe Ear Clamps idal Tek Kulakli KeLep穧eLer ozellikle kiik 繧apLi hortumLarda zaman tasarrufu gerektiren uygu la malarda tercih edilirler. Idal Single Ear Clamps can be preferred especially for application on small sized hoses in order to save time. EBAT SIZE iDEAL KOD IDEAL CODE W2 ' KK-201 KK-202 KK-203 KK-204 KK-205 KK-206 KK-207 KK-208 KK-209 KK-210 KK-211 KK-212 KK-213 KK-214 KK-215 KK-216 KK-217 KK-218 KK-219 KK-220 KK-221 KK-222 KK-223 KK-224 KK-225 KK-226 KK-227 KK-228 KK-229 KK-230 KK-231 KK-232 KK-233 KK-234 a s (mm) (mm) 5.5*6.5 55*7.0 0*8.0 7X1*8.7 7.3*9.0 7^ * 9.5 W...

Open the catalog to page 12
Ideal-Clamps-2009 - 13

utupbai Terminal Akm繹natorlerde kulLanilan kutupbasinin "+" ve "-" olmak zere iki farkLi ebati vardir. The terminal used for batteries has to diffrent dimensions, as "+" and ideal kod ebat ideal code size KB-101 KB-101 Soguk$ekillendirilmi$ Par驧alar Cold Molded Parts SSP Soguk sekillendirme makineLerimizde msterinin talebine gre With our coLd moLding machines it is possible to produce the istenilen ebat ve 鴴Lulerde iiriin yapiLabilmektedir. products at desired size and dimensions as per our customer's requirements. I t -13-

Open the catalog to page 13
Ideal-Clamps-2009 - 14

aglanti KeLepeleri Connection Clamps idal rijit ve esnek baglanti kelep穧eleri boru, hortum, sivi veya gaz tanklari, ara ve makine kompanentleri iin m秩tal ve sentetik malzemelerden msteriye zel 鴧bzmler sunar. Idal rigid and flexible connection clamps provide custorner sp驩cifie solutions from mtal and synthetic materials for pipes, hoses, liquid and gas tanks, vehicle and machine components. GENlLlK ( WIDTH ) KALINLIK ( THICKNESS ) UZUNLUK (LENGTH) Egzoz Kelep釧esi Exhaust Clamps EK Torca tipi egzoz kelepesi ni n ar-ge alismasi tamamlanmis olup, belirlenen miktarda talep gelmesi halinde urun...

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Ideal-Clamps-2009 - 16

IDEAL OTOMOTIV INAAT KELEPLJE SANAYI TIC. LTD. TI. Inkilap Mah. Site Yolu Naya Sokak No: 11/1-5 Ǜmraniye - Istanbul / TURKEY Telefon: (0216) 634 34 34 - 634 34 35 - 634 23 01 Faks: (0216) 634 34 33

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