Catalog excerpts

IBM Systems and Technology Data Sheet Power Systems IBM Power 770 server Reliable, secure systems for your critical information Cloud enabled for fast implementation of new workloads Designed for secure, application availability Modular, economically efficient design Virtualized from within for better integration Supports your growth, without disrupting your business Everyone knows what “performance” meant for IT in the past. But the IT landscape is evolving rapidly. And, as processes become more interrelated and complex, IT is being called upon to solve challenging new problems—and implement new projects, both with higher service levels and in a more cost effective manner. IBM has the systems, software and expertise to help clients implement projects that make their IT an enabler of innovation and a catalyst for business change in this new world of critical information. Today’s IT performance means delivering services faster, with higher quality and with superior economics. The emerging measures of IT performance are around agility and the ability to help the business capitalize on new opportunities. IT is measured on providing an infrastructure that can handle rapid growth and manage business risk while meeting higher required service levels. And of course it is expected that new services will be delivered within tighter budget constraints—with IT expected to do more with less and find the most efficient solutions possible. Designed for virtualized consolidation of business-critical workloads, the IBM® Power® 770 delivers on performance, availability, efficiency and virtualization in a way that is unique in the industry. PowerVM® virtualization enables continuous, dynamic resource adjustments across all partitions and operating environments to optimize performance and enable higher utilization levels while optimizing energy usage. Supported environments include AIX®, IBM i, Linux for Power applications, all on the same system. Ever increasing numbers of IBM Power clients are reporting enormous savings from faster provisioning using cloud enabled technologies. Of course this come
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IBM Systems and Technology Data Sheet Power Systems software costs, energy, f loor space and administrative overhead. Additional benefits include increased application performance, operational availability and security that can only come from IBM. All of this is delivered on the latest technology from a vendor you can trust. No wonder more and more companies are switching to IBM Power Systems™. For database serving, the Power 770 provides a system designed for demanding, critical, cloud-enabled workloads. Demonstrating outstanding performance across multiple database solutions and multiple...
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Power Systems IBM Systems and Technology Data Sheet Feature Increased clock speeds provide additional performance gains to make the POWER7+ processor a continued workhorse for critical workloads. What this means is that applications can run faster and be more responsive, which can result in competitive advantages and higher customer satisfaction. In addition, a single system can now run more applications, which can drive utilization even higher and result in infrastructure cost savings. The improved performance with POWER7+ also enables clients to get more processing power with fewer...
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IBM Systems and Technology Data Sheet Power Systems Exceptional PowerVM virtualization capability demands. PowerVM Active Memory Sharing is an advanced memory virtualization technology that intelligently f lows memory from one partition to another for increased utilization and flexibility of memory usage. With this memory virtualization enhancement IBM i, AIX, and Linux partitions can share a pool of memory and have PowerVM automatically allocate the memory based on the workload demands of each partition. PowerVP is a virtualization performance monitoring solution for Power Systems that...
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IBM Systems and Technology Data Sheet Power Systems Nondisruptive growth options designed into each layer of the stack from the hardware to the firmware and through the systems software. PowerSC a key security and compliance offering is integrated with this stack to lower the cost of maintaining compliance and security. IBM’s modular design allows clients to start with what they need and grow by adding additional building blocks, all with minimal disruption to the base system. This is accomplished via a new innovative feature for the Power 770 referred to as Hot-node Add, just one part of...
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Power Systems IBM Systems and Technology Data Sheet IBM’s PowerVM Editions can help simplify and optimize your IT infrastructure by reducing energy and infrastructure costs. IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager software exploits POWER7+ EnergyScale technology by monitoring power/thermal utilization and actively adjusting system operations through energy management features for improved system utilization and energy efficiency. The entire hardware and software environment is designed to work in concert to provide you total operational control of your energy policy. Broad business...
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IBM Systems and Technology Power Systems Data Sheet
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For more information T learn more about the IBM Power 770 server, please contact your IBM representative or IBM Business Partner, or visit the following websites: • ibm.com/systems/power • ibm.com/servers/aix • ibm.com/syste ms/i/advantages/i ndex. htm l • ibm.com/linux/power • ibm.com/systems/p/solutions • ibm.com/common/ssi Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of these products. Questions on the capabilities of the non-IBM products should be addressed with the suppliers. All performance information was determined in a controlled environment. Actual...
Open the catalog to page 8Archived catalogs
4 Pages
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IBM LinuxONE Rockhopper
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IBM LinuxONE Emperor
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IBM z13s (z13s)
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Power System S814
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S812L and S822
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Power System E880
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Cisco MDS 9250i
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IBM System Storage SAN48B-5
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IBM System Storage SAN42B-R
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IBM System Storage SAN06B-R
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7R4 server
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12 Pages
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16 Pages
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E Series
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x3550 M3
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IBMBladeCenter HS22V
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IBMBladeCenter HX5
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