Catalog excerpts

Powerful Analysis and Evaluation of Measurement Data ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer Powerful analysis and valuation e of measurement data ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator Automatic generation of ndividual reports i ibaAnalyzer database functionality The database interface for ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra Detailed offline vibration analysis ibaAnalyzer-InCycle Detailed offline analysis of cyclic processes ibaAnalyzer-Maps Display of GPS positions and routes ibaDatCoordinator Automated data processing Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy www.iba-ag.com
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ibaAnalyzer Powerful analysis and evaluation of measurement data 3 ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator Automatic generation of individual reports 9 ibaAnalyzer database functionality The database interface for ibaAnalyzer 11 ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra Detailed offline vibration analysis 15 ibaAnalyzer-InCycle Detailed offline analysis of cyclic processes 16 ibaAnalyzer-Maps Display of GPS positions and routes 17 ibaDatCoordinator Automated data processing 18
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Analyzing data Powerful Analysis with ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer is the central component for data analysis in the iba system. It offers broad functionality for computing and evaluating while being intuitive to operate. ibaAnalyzer is licensed free of charge, add-on products are available to enhance the functionality of ibaAnalyzer. Flexible, powerful, free of charge As the key element for data anlysis within the iba system, ibaAnalyzer is a very powerful and efficient tool for interactive and automated measurement data analysis. ibaAnalyzer is licensed free of charge providing a cost-neutral...
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or length-based and are made available for superordinate quality management systems. Determining results from powerful mathematical and technological functions in relation to the raw measurement values makes ibaAnalyzer such a unique tool. Any recurring analysis can be reused and easily automated. Handling measurement data No matter if data is stored file-based or continuously in ibaHD-Server, data can be viewed or analyzed with ibaAnalyzer immediately. Files can be r ead by several users simultaneously (e. g. when available on a file share) and can be easily opied c and forwarded by email....
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With the interval function, the duration or length of analog and d igital signals can be meas red with a simple mouse click. u Signal-oriented analysis with markers Signal trends, values and distances can be easily measured with two interactive markers. The results, which depend on the marker position, are shown in a comprehensive table. Further, statistical information for each signal are available for the range between the markers like e. g. maximum, minimum, average, or standard deviation. Once any interesting marker position is identified, so-called computed markers can be placed...
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The duration of the interval is immediately displayed. This is available for all x-axis modes and also length can be measured this way. When start and stop position of the intervals depend on analog signal values, this can again be realized by using all available ibaAnalyzer functions. Formula editor Every time values or virtual signals needs to be derived from available signal data, computations can be defined using the comprehensive formula editor. It offers a great overview over the available functions. Those include integral, differential and trigonometric functions, frequency filters,...
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Access to ibaHD-Server Data stored in ibaHD-Server can be analyzed using alt available functions similar to the use of DAT files. The advantage of ibaHD-Server is that data is available over long periods of time. With the HD query editor, data can be queried either by a simple calendar function or by using conditions to search for specific occurences. With a simple preview window, data ranges can be searched and selected easily. Selected time-ranges can be analyzed, further processed (e. g. in reports) or can even be exported to DAT files for usage outside of ibaHD-Server. An arbitrary...
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ibaAnalyzer Add-on For the integration of data from external systems or in order to provide data to superordinate systems, ibaAnalyzer supports to read and also to create files in non-iba formats. A huge variety of different file formats is supported and is partially also available for automatic analysis with ibaDatCoordinator. ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat With ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat it is possible to read various external file formats with ibaAnalyzer and build your analysis based on these files. For many of the supported file formats it is also possible to add meta-data information to the files which can...
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Automated generation of reports Reportgenerator ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator is a powerful component of ibaAnalyzer that allows flexible creation of individual reports. It offers efficient options for creating templates and can present analysis results in individual and informative manner. At a glance > Generates customized quality documentation automatically > Batch, shift, weekly or monthly reports > Failure reports with notification > Issued as printout or file export in different formats > Can be configured flexibly > Display of the measurement values as signal graph, diagram or table >...
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batch number, etc. More ver, also o charac eristic values which have t been calculated in ibaAnalyzer before, can be shown in the report. Text fields that can be freely formatted are available for additional comments. If a plant is being monitored with ibaCapture, images from the video file can also be display ed in the report - either the first image from the video file, an image at a defined time or controlled by a trigger signal. Application examples Thickness deviations on the production line › Thickness deviations of the strip as length-based signal graph › Strip number as bar code and...
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Database connnectivity With the database functionality of ibaAnalyzer, it is possible to further aggregate the measurement data in terms of length or time and to store the characteristic values (KPIs) calculated in ibaAnalyzer in databases. At a glance > Database extraction via ADO.NET connectors > Integration of basic process data into the production and quality management > Transparent and comprehensible calculation and extraction of quality data and characteristic values (KPI) from high-resolution raw data into databases > Using ibaAnalyzer and ibaAnalyzer-Report-generator based on...
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The iba Modular System
36 Pages