Catalog excerpts

Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy www.iba-ag.com
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Area of application: Troubleshooting Understanding plants - Avoid errors Success Stories Troubleshooting at a minesite Packaging manufacturer reduces waste in gravure printing
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Area of application: Troubleshooting Understanding plants - Avoid errors Failures in automated plants lead to production downtimes and products of poor quality. Thus, it is extremely important to find these failures. In case of failure, the maintenance technician needs to have access to the measurement data which have been recorded during the disturbance. By analyzing these data, the technician finds the cause and eliminates the failure in the plant in a targeted way. Relevant data must be at hand In order to be able to conclusively analyze failures in a production plant, relevant data from...
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Simple and cost-effective coupling to different PLCs With ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer, signals from different PLC systems can be acquired and recorded asily and at a very low e cost level. Xplorer interfaces are available for the following PLCs: CODESYS-based systems, SIMATIC S7-, Allen-Bradley-, Beckhoff-, B&R-, Logix-, SIGMATEK- and Mitsubishi PLCs. Without additional hardware, ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer generally allows access to the controllers Conveniently select measurement values The selection of the measurement values is very simple. Via an integrated symbol browser, variables can be conveniently...
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mat (* .dat), which can then be evaluated with ibaAnatyzer. Since data collection and analysis are separate, analysis can already be performed during recording or at a later time, such as by experts remote from the facility. ibaAnalyzer can run on several computers, so that multiple users can analyze the data individually. The data can centrally be stored on a server or sent by e-mail. Problem-specific analysis The analysis can be performed according to individual, problem-oriented aspects. ibaAnalyzer offers extensive mathematical functions to calculate characteristic values, to quantify...
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Video surveillance as supporting tool for error analysis PLC ibaCapture Server Ethernet TCP/IP With ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer and ibaCapture process data and video images can be recorded time-synchronously and be analyzed together in ibaAnalyzer. In addition to displaying the signal curves in trend graphs, numeric displays are also available in tables. Numerous statistical func tions enable statistical analyses virtually at the touch of a button. If a speed signal is available, the measured values can also be converted length-related. In addition, ibaAnalyzer offers a series of FFT spectral...
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Automated post-processing and report generation Automated evaluation saves time Once the requirements for the evaluation have been determined, the analysis can be automated. ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer can be configured to automatically start an analysis of the last file. Further support is offered by the applications ibaDatCoordinator and ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator. ibaDatCoordinator is a powerful tool for automating the process ing and management of measurement data. For instance, the measurement data can be copied from the recording systems and be made available to all authorized persons at a...
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After a scheduled maintenance shutdown in an ore processing plant, the start-up of a certain process always resulted in a shutdown. The cause of the error could only be found when high-resolution data was acquired. The project After a scheduled maintenance shutdown in an ore processing plant, the start-up of a particular sequence came to a grinding halt whenever a certain step in the sequence was reached. The plant operators could not determine the root cause of the problem, as their SCADA system was flooded with seemingly unrelated alarm messages when this sequence stop occurred. A quick...
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A critical point in the printing process are the changes of the rolls. By detailed analysis of the processes in the printing press the produced waste could be reduced considerably. The project Gravure printing is used for print jobs with a high edition of usually more than 300,000 copies. With the increasing competition on the market, the packaging manufacturers are constantly striving to enhance the efficiency of their plants, especially to reduce the set-up times and the waste. For this purpose, it is important to know and analyze exactly the processes running on the machine. A critical...
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Order no. Name Description 30.681502 ibaPDA-V7-PLC-Xplorer ibaPDA system for 64 signals, 2 clients, 2 data stores, standard interfaces plus + S7-Xplorer (interface for SIMATIC S7) + AB-Xplorer (interface for Allen-Bradley) + B&R-Xplorer (interface for B&R systems) + Codesys-Xplorer (interface for CODESYS based systems) + Logix-Xplorer (interface for ControlLogix systems) + MELSEC-Xplorer (interface for Mitsubishi MELSEC systems) + Sigmatek-Xplorer (interface for SIGMATEK systems) + TwinCAT-Xplorer (interface for Beckhoff systems) 30.001900 Upgrade-ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer- Upgrade of an existing...
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Headquarters Germany iba AG Office address Koenigswarterstr. 44 D-90762 Fuerth Mailing address P.O. box 1828 D-90708 Fuerth Tel.: +49 (911) 97282-0 Fax: +49 (911) 97282-33 www.iba-ag.com iba0iba-ag.com Europe iba Benelux BVBA Benelux, France, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Great Britain, French-speaking Switzerland sales@iba-benelux.com iba Italia S.R.L. Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Italianspeaking Switzerland sales0iba-italia.com iba Scandinavia Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden c/o Begner Agenturer AB info0iba-scandinavia.com iba Polska c/o ADEGIS Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. support0iba-polska.com OOO iba...
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The iba Modular System
36 Pages