

Catalog excerpts

C02 - 1

Hoist Drive Geared Motor / Motoreducteurs a Tambour

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C02 - 3

i.Mak igiNDEKiLER I INDEX I TABLE DES MATIERES Descriptions and Specifications ofthe IRC Serie / Descriptions et specifications de la serie IRC Teknik Tanimlamalar Technical Explanations / Descriptions techniques Tip Tanimlamalari Unit Designitation / Types et designations Opsiyonlar Options / Options Reduktor Baglanti Varyasyonlari Mounting Options and Variations / Options de montage et d’accouplement Reduktor Komponent Varyasyonlari Gearboxes Components Variations / Options et variations Motor Varyasyonlari Mounting Options and Variations / Options de montage et d’accouplement Motor...

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C02 - 4

igiNDEKiLER/ INDEX / TABLE DES MATIERES i.Mak Servis Faktoru Service Factor / Service facteur Reduktorlerin Kontrol ve Bakimlari Control and Maintenance Gearboxes / Controle et maintenance des reducteurs Montaj Pozisyonlari ve Yag Miktarlari Mounting Positions and Oil Quantities / Positions de montage et quantites d’huiles Motor Buyuklugune Gore Geometrik Mumkun Qevrim Oranlari Geometrically Possible Combinations of Ratios According to Motor Size /Combinaisons de ratios possibles en fonction de la configuration moteur Yag Tablosu Lubricant Table / Huiles et lubrifiants Klemens Pozisyonlari...

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C02 - 5

• Monoblok dokum govdeli • 5 Farkli govde buyuklugu • 800 - 13000 Nm moment araligi • 24-198Tahvilaraligi • Cast iron monobloc housing • 5 Size of housing • Torque range from 800 to 13000 Nm • Ratio range from 24 to 198 • Carter monobloc en fonte • 5 tailles de carter • Couple allant de 800 a 13000 Nm • Rapport de reduction compris entre 24 et 198

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C02 - 6

Genel Bilgiler General Information Informations generates

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C02 - 7

LMak IRC Serisi Reduktorlerin Genel Ozellikleri Descriptions and specifications of the IRC Serie I Descriptions et specifications de la serie IRC o ct Cl) c S<D CO “O CO C o iRC serisi reduktorlerin genel ozellikleri i.Mak reduktor tarafindan uretilen iRC serisi reduktorler, monoblok govde yapisinda, helisel di§li ve up kademeli vinp tamburu tahrik reduktorleridir. iRC serisi reduktorler be§ adet govde buyuklugune sahiptir. 0,5 ton ile 50 ton araliginda uygulamalarda kullanilmaktadir. iRC serisi reduktorlerin, tahvil araligi 24 ile 198, tambur papi araligi 110mm ile 450mm, kaldirma hizi...

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C02 - 8

iRC Serisi Reduktorlerin Genel Ozellikleri Descriptions and specifications of the IRC Serie I Descriptions et specifications de la serie IRC i.Mak Descriptions et specifications de la serie IRC. Developpee par l-MAK Reduktor, la nouvelle serie IRC est destinee aux applications de levage et grues. Composes d’un carter monobloc en fonte et de 3 etapes de pignons, les reducteurs de la serie IRC peuvent etre directement au tambour de votre application. Disponibles en 5 tailles de carters, les reducteurs de la serie IRC presentent des caracteristiques techniques adaptes a des charges allant de...

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C02 - 9

Teknik Tanimlamalar Technical Explanations I Descriptions techniques Teknik tanimlamalar Ving siniflari Yukleme turu Ving siniflari toplam galigma suresi ve yukleme durumuna gore degigkenlik gosterir. ISO 4301/1 standardina gore Ml ile M8 arasinda, FEM 9.511/86 standardina gore IDm ile 5m arasinda ving siniflari vardir. Toplamda 4gegityukleme sinifi vardir. Bunlar; Ha^f, Orta, Agirve QokAgirdiye adlandirilir. Kaldirma kapasitesi Birvincin kaldirabilecegi maksimum yuku ifade eder. Kanca yuksekligi Halat donam duzeni CO CD 3 .Cr 5 ■5 co C O •G .a b co CD a Tambur gapi Vincin kancasinin en...

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C02 - 10

Teknik Tanimlamalar Technical Explanations I Descriptions techniques i.Mak Technical explanations State of loading Load capacity Based on the state ofloading and total duration of use, the hoist classifications (ISO 4300/1) can be listed as follow Ml, M2, M3, M4, M5 and M6. The FEM( European federation ofmaterial handling) legislation 9.511/86 is defining technical standard from IDm to 5m. The state of loading is an indication ofthe frequency and magnitude ofloads that a hoist can handle. This standard is composed of 4 categories Light - Moderate - Heavy - Very heavy. Definition ofthe...

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C02 - 11

Teknik Tanimlamalar Technical Explanations I Descriptions techniques Descriptions techniques Classification de levage La classification ISO 4300/1 distingue 6 categories differentes Ml, M2, M3, M4, M5 ET M6. Chaque categorie est definie par les caracteristiques de la charge et la duree total d’utilisation. La legislation 9.511/86 de la FEM (Federation Europeenne de la manutention) distingue 8 categories allant de IDm a 5m. Etat de sollicitation Charge maximal L’etat de sollicitation precise dans quelles proportions I’appareil de levage est utilise a charge maximum ou a charge reduite. On...

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C02 - 12

Unit Designitation I Types et designations i.Mak Ving sistemleri kaldirma reduktoru Geared motor for hoisting drums / Motoreducteurs pour tambours de ponts roulants et grues Kod iRC Giri§ milli Solid input shaft Avec arbre de sortie iRCM Motorlu With motor Avec moteur iRCP IEC pam flan§li IEC input flange Avec bride PAM - IEC iRCPM IEC pam flan§li motorlu IEC input flange with motor Avec bride PAM-IEC et moteur

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C02 - 13

Opsiyonlar Options I Options Reduktor opsiyonlari / Gearboxes options / Options des motoreducteurs Kod

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C02 - 14

Reduktor Baglanti Varyasyonlari Mounting Options and Variations I Options de montage et d’accouplement i.Mak Qiki§ mili I Output shaft / Arbre de sortie Kod 1 Code istenilen degi§ilklik urunun standart flan§i uzerinde yapilamayip yeni bir flan§ tasarlanmasi durumudur. / In the case your configuration require the production of a special flange / Dans le cas ou la configuration de votre application requiert une bride de sortie

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C02 - 15

Reduktor Komponent Varyasyonlari Gearboxes Components Variations I Options et variations CO c .o ^2 Rulman / Bearing / Roulement CO £Z o H—' .2 co Govde / Housing / Carter Kod / Code Boya / Paint / Peinture Kod / Code Di§li / Gears / Pignons Kod / Code * 261 kodu, 262 yi kapsamaktadir. / 261 and 262 codes are equivalent / Les codes 261 et 262 sont equivalents

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All I-MAK Réducteurs catalogs and technical brochures

  1. R01

    416 Pages

  2. R02

    410 Pages

  3. Y01

    199 Pages

  4. K01

    226 Pages

  5. Worm Gearbox

    186 Pages

  6. Catalogue

    848 Pages

  7. IR series

    263 Pages