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Microhydraulics - 2

Co nt ent s ■Definition and main applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ■Determining power and torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ■Fixed displacement micropumps: ■PB32 - 32.5 - 33 - 33.5 - 33 HP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 icrohydraulics makes it feasible to obtain several tons of force from a minimal power source within a very restricted space envelope. solutions to problems that are often at or beyond the limits of The techniques of microhydraulics allow simple easy-to-use traditional mechanical options. ■Variable displacement...

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Microhydraulics - 3

Mic r o h y d r aul i c s s ol ut i ons ■Definition and main applications ■How to determine your LEDUC pump LEDUC micro-hydraulics offers a complete and original design wherever considerable force is required within a small space envelope with very limited output power available. Examples of particularly demanding applications already mastered include: -- providing 13 tons of crimping force for a handtool barely larger than a cordless drill; -- ensuring the operational reliability of oil tools for exploration and measurement while drilling, where the entire hydraulics envelope may fit into...

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Microhydraulics - 4

Shaft seal on request INLET Shaft, flanges, inlet and outlet ports can all be adapted to your need, under specific conditions; please contact us. ■Characteristics Displacement ■Technical characteristics -- Max. operating temperature: 200°C (392°F) -- Weight (standard pump): 0.33 kg (0.66 lbs) Absorbed torque as a function of pump outlet pressure 0.6 Theoretical values; calculation formula on page 1. Absorbed torque - lbs.ft Outlet pressure - PSI Absorbed torque

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Microhydraulics - 5

Flow - USgal/min Flow - cm³/min Flow as a function of rotating speed Theoretical values; calculation formula on page 1. Volumetric efficiency as a function of outlet pressure Pump volumetric efficiency - % HYDRO LEDUC R&D Laboratory results, fluid viscosity 65 cSt. Theoretical values; calculation formula on page 1. Absorbed torque - lbs.ft Absorbed torque as a function of outlet pressur

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Microhydraulics - 6

Fixed displacement micropumps P B 36. 5 (3.74) 95 Shaft, flanges, inlet and outlet ports can all be adapted to your need, under specific conditions; please contact us. ■Technical characteristics -- Max. operating temperature: 200°C (392°F) -- Weight (standard pump): 0.6 kg (1.32

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Microhydraulics - 7

Fixed displacement micropumps P B 36. 5 Absorbed torque - lbs.ft Absorbed torque as a function of outlet pressure Theoretical values; calculation formula on page 1. Theoretical values; calculation formula on page 1. Pump volumetric efficiency - % Volumetric efficiency as a function of outlet pressure 100% Flow - USgal/min Flow - cm³/min Flow as a function of rotating speed HYDRO LEDUC R&D Laboratory results, fluid viscosity 65 cSt.

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Microhydraulics - 8

Fixed displacement micropumps P F 56. 5 Shaft, flanges, inlet and outlet ports can all be adapted to your need, under specific conditions; please contact us. ■Technical characteristics -- Max. operating temperature: 200°C (392°F) -- Weight (standard pump): 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) Max. rotating speed continuous

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Microhydraulics - 9

Fixed displacement micropumps P F 56. 5 Absorbed torque as a function of outlet pressure Absorbed torque - lbs.ft Theoretical values; calculation formula on page 1. Flow as a function of rotating speed Flow - USgal/min Flow - cm³/min Theoretical values; calculation formula on page 1. Volumetric efficiency as a function of outlet pressure Pump volumetric efficiency - % HYDRO LEDUC R&D Laboratory results, fluid viscosity 65 cSt.

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Microhydraulics - 10

Fixed displacement micropumps PB1.3 - PB1.75 - PB2.2 Implantation SAE J 514 SAE J 514 fitting INLET Shaft, flanges, inlet and outlet ports can all be adapted to your need, under specific conditions; please contact us. Max. rotating speed continuous ■Technical characteristics -- Max. operating temperature: 200°C (392°F) -- Weight (standard pump): 2.

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Microhydraulics - 11

Fixed displacement micropumps P B 1. 3 - P B 1. 75 - P B 2. 2 Absorbed torque - lbs.ft Absorbed torque as a function of outlet pressure Theoretical values; calculation formula on page 1. Flow - USgal/min Flow - cm³/min Flow as a function of rotating speed Theoretical values; calculation formula on page 1. Pump volumetric efficiency - % Volumetric efficiency as a function of outlet pressure 100% HYDRO LEDUC R&D Laboratory results, fluid viscosity 65 cSt.

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Microhydraulics - 12

Variable displacement micropumps P B V 56. 5 - P B V 57. 5 Shaft, flanges, inlet and outlet ports can all be adapted to your need, under specific conditions; please contact us. ADJUSTABLE PUMPS (with factory set adjustment) The displacement of PBV pumps is adjustable as a function of outlet pressure, in order to limit power consumption. When outlet pressure is low, the pump operates at maximum flow. When outlet pressure increases, pump displacement and flow gradually decrease (see graphs on page 12). 10 ■Characteristics Type of pump Direction of rotation nominal permis- sible continuous...

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Microhydraulics - 13

Variable displacement micropumps P V E 56. 5 - P V E 76. 5 Adjusting screw Max. displacement setting screw Min. displacement setting screw Shaft, flanges, inlet and outlet ports can all be adapted to your need, under specific conditions; please contact us. ADJUSTABLE PUMPS (with external adjustment screw) PVE pumps offer the same possibilities as the PBV (adjustment of the displacement as a function of outlet pressure). These pumps are fully adjustable by the user in terms of: -- max. displacement -- min. displacement -- pressure at which the flow regulation starts ■Characteristics Type of...

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Microhydraulics - 14

Variable displacement micropumps PBV56.5 - PBV57.5 - PVE56.5 - PVE57.5 Example of setting, PBV56.5 pump. For other settings, please contact us. Displacement variation Power limitation Flow - l/min These graphs are the results of testwork done in the HL R&D laboratory, on a specific test bench. Viscosity of the fluid: 65 cSt. Flow - USgal/min Flow as a function of outlet pressure at 3150 rpm

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Microhydraulics - 15

Drain port Shaft, flanges, inlet and outlet ports can all be adapted to your need, under specific conditions; please contact us. MOTOR WITH DUAL DIRECTION OF ROTATION ■Characteristics Motor type Direction of Max. rotating speed (rpm) rotation Max. pressure on the drain line ■Technical characteristics -- Max. operating temperature: 150°C (302°F), and 175°C (347°F) peak ( up to 5% of the time). -- Type of accepted fluids: hydraulic mineral oils, for other fluids please contact us. -- Weight: 0.7 kg (1.5 lbs) ■Graphs (see page 14) -- Torque as a function of inlet pressure. -- Rotating speed as...

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