Catalog excerpts

Huntsman Advanced Materials Our Advanced Materials division is a leading global chemical solutions provider with a long heritage of pioneering technologically advanced epoxy, acrylic and polyurethanebased polymer products. Our capabilities in high-performance adhesives and composites, delivered by more than 2 300 associates, serve over 3 000 global customers with innovative, tailor-made solutions and more than 1 500 products which address global engineering challenges. Global presence – 13 manufacturing sites For more information www.huntsman.com/advanced_materials advanced_materials@huntsman.com Europe Huntsman Advanced Materials (Switzerland) GmbH Klybeckstrasse 200 P.O. Box 4002 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 299 20 41 Fax +41 61 299 20 40 India, Middle East, Africa & Turkey Huntsman Advanced Materials (India) Pvt. Ltd. 5th Floor, Bldg. No. 10 Solitaire Corporate Park, 167 Guru Hargovindji Marg, Chakal, Andheri (East) Mumbai – 400 093 India Tel. + 91 22 4095 1556 Fax + 91 22 4095 1300 / 1500 Asia / Pacific Huntsman Advanced Materials (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Suites 4604 – 4606, 46F Maxdo Center 8 Xing Yi Road Shanghai, 200336 P.R. China Tel. + 86 21 2208 7588 Fax + 86 21 2208 7511 Americas Huntsman Advanced Materials Americas Inc. 10003 Woodloch Forest Drive The Woodlands Texas 77380 USA Tel. +1 888 564 9318 Fax +1 281 719 4047 Concept and design by Zygmund SARL Distributed by Legal information Araldite®, Ren®, RenCast®, RenPaste®, RenShape® trademarks are either property of or licensed to Huntsman Corporation or an affiliate thereof in one or more, but not all, countries. Sales of the product described herein (“Product”) are subject to the general terms and conditions of sale of either Huntsman Advanced Materials LLC, or its appro riate affiliate including without limitation p Huntsman Advanced Materials (Europe) BVBA, Huntsman Advanced Materials Americas Inc., or Huntsman Advanced Materials (Hong Kong) Ltd. or Huntsman Advanced Materials (Guangdong) Ltd. (“Huntsman”). The following supercedes Buyer’s documents. While the information and re om endations included in this publication c m are, to the best of Huntsman’s knowledge, accurate as of the date of publication, NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN IS TO BE CONSTRUED AS A REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLEC UAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR T WARRANTIES AS TO QUALITY OR CORRESPONDENCE WITH PRIOR DESCRIPTION OR SAMPLE, AND THE BUYER ASSUMES ALL RISK AND LIABILITY WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF SUCH PRODUCT, WHETHER USED SINGLY OR IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER SUBSTANCES. No statements or recommendations made herein are to be construed as a representaion about the suitability of t any Product for the particular application of Buyer or user or as an inducement to infringe any patent or other intellectual property right. Data and results are based on controlled conditions and/or lab work. Buyer is responsible to determine the applicability of such information and recommendations and the suitability of any Product for its own particular purpose, and to ensure that its intended use of the Product does not infringe any intellectual property rights. The Product may be or become hazardous. Buyer should (i) obtain Material Safety Data Sheets and Technical Data Sheets from Huntsman containing detailed information on Product hazards and toxicity, together with proper shipping, handling and storage procedures for the Prod ct, (ii) take all steps necessary to adequately u inform, warn and familiarize its employees, agents, direct and in direct customers and contractors who may handle or be exposed to the Product of all hazards pertaining to and proper procedures for safe handling, use, storage, transportation and disposal of and exposure to the Product and (iii) comply with and ensure that its employees, agents, direct and indirect customers and contractors who may handle or be exposed to the Product comply with all safety information contained in the applicable Material Safety Data Sheets, Technical Data Sheets or other instructions provided by Huntsman and all applicable laws, regulations and standards relating to the handling, use, storage, distribution and disposal of and exposure to the Product. Please note that products may differ from country to country. If you have any queries, kindly contact your local Huntsman representative. © 2012 Huntsman Corporation. All rights reserved. Ref. No. AdMat Board materials selector guide 10.12_EN_EU Advanced Materials Systems for the production of master models / plugs Board materials selector guide
Open the catalog to page 1
Board materials, bonding adhesives and repair Styling and modeling Product designation Typical application Color Density Norm Coefficient of thermal Deflection expansion temperature Flexural strength Compressive strength Compressive modulus Hardness ISO 11359 ISO 75 ISO 178 ISO 604 ISO 604 10-6 K-1 °C MPa MPa MPa Mix ratio Fast bonding Mix ratio Repair system ISO 868 g/cm³ Unit Standard bonding Shore D RenShape® BM 5108 styling white 0.08 - - - - - - RenPaste® SV 36 / Ren® HY 5162 100 : 35 RenCast® FC 52 Polyol / RenCast® FC 52/53 Isocyanate 100 : 100 XW 5184 / XW 5130 RenShape® BM 5025...
Open the catalog to page 2All Huntsman Advanced Materials catalogs and technical brochures
Renewable Energy Efficiency
2 Pages
Electrical Engineering
20 Pages
Araldite ® 2000+ Adhesives
4 Pages
Thermoplastic Polyurethanes
12 Pages
Polyurethanes Product Line
16 Pages
Panel laminating
5 Pages
High Performance Components
37 Pages
Resins selector guide
12 Pages
Araldite® HCEP Systems
6 Pages
Curing agents selector guide
12 Pages
Advanced Materials
28 Pages
Automotive - Parts manufacturing
10 Pages
Tooling Selector Guide
16 Pages
Wind Selector Guide
12 Pages
Electronics Selector Guide
24 Pages
Aerospace Selector Guide
16 Pages
Composite Resins Selector Guide
12 Pages