HUBER Coanda Grit Classifier RoSF3
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HUBER Coanda Grit Classifier RoSF3 - 1

WASTE WATER Solutions HUBER Coanda Grit Classifier RoSF3 Grit separation and dewatering in one unit – Utilisation of the Coanda effect ensures high grit removal efficiency – Partly reduced organic content of the grit – Maximum corrosion resistance and wear pro

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HUBER Coanda Grit Classifier RoSF3 - 2

Grit classifiers are widely used on sewage works for the removal of grit. Flow conditions ideal for maximum grit removal based on scientific definition have until now been unobtainable. Previously designed plants based on past experience have often suffered from grit carry over due to insufficient retention time caused by undersizing of plant (consequence: deposits in digester, high wear rate of pumps) or conversely classified grit with a high organic content due to oversizing of plant. Consequence: high disposal costs, and wet grit due to insufficient dewatering. The HUBER Coanda Grit...

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