Group: Horner Automation Group

Catalog excerpts

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VIRTUAL REMOTE CONTROL The Horner name is synonymous with automation controllers with a builtin operator interface and I/O, but now Horner Automation also provides software that allows customers to remotely monitor and control machines. With our SaaS (Software as a Service) feature, WebMI, we introduce customers to a simple, cost effective way to develop scalable vector graphics (SVG)-based HMI screens and HTML5-based web publishing software. Customers will be able to do it all on their own, from within our proven Cscape environment. Within our proven programming environment, Cscape, WebMI...
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THE WEBMI DIFFERENCE Before WebMI, customers had to piece together overly complex and expensive SCADA systems to deliver the ability to monitor and control systems through the internet. In addition to the initial, sometimes substantial investment in SCADA software, traditional SCADA systems also may require sophisticated PC/server hardware to house the multiple software layers. Plant floor applications require standard hardware to be enclosed within industrially hardened enclosures or expensive application specific hardware may also be necessary; both of these options may also cause the...
Open the catalog to page 3All Horner Automation catalogs and technical brochures
Cscape 10 Sales Sheet
2 Pages
Canvas Sales Sheet
2 Pages
OCS Applications
3 Pages
Horner OCS I/O Brochure
2 Pages
2 Pages
XL4 Prime OCS
2 Pages
2 Pages
Horner Product Overview Brochure
15 Pages
Archived catalogs
XL Series Product Brochure
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages