Group: Horner Automation Group

Catalog excerpts

THE INDUSTRY LEADER IN REMOTE I/O EXPAND I/O CAPACITY OF OCS ALL-IN-ONE CONTROLLERS By using remote I/O, Horner controllers offer easier programming, installation, development and set-up. Our controllers have a small footprint and can easily retrofit into an existing system with little effort. HORNER EUROPE INDUSTRY LEADING ALL-IN-ONE CONTROLLER Horner controllers provide the best all-in-one, affordable control solution for OEMs, integrators and end-users by combining robust, reliable control products with operator interface, I/O and networking into a single compact unit. The Horner controllers are designed to provide you with ease of use, cost savings and flexibility for your operation, no matter the application. Horner Ireland Limited, Unit 1 Centrepoint, Centrepark Road Cork, Ireland P +353-21-4321266 F +353-21-4321826 info@horner-apg.com www.hornerautomation.eu The OCS I/O series features an impressive remote I/O system with support for both asynchronous and synchronous scan. This newest product line features a selection of I/O modules with easy installation and wiring using Horner's signature technology. HORNER USA 59 S. State Ave. Indianapolis, Indiana 46201 P 317-916-4274 F 317-639-4279 TF 877-665-5666 www.hornerautomation.com sales@heapg.com HORNER AUSTRALIA Unit 15 104 Ferntree Gully Road Oakleigh Victoria 3166 P 03 9544 0733 F 03 9544 0977 jim.callan@heapg.com HORNER CHINA HORNER CANADA Suite 230, 855 – 42 Avenue SE Calgary, Alberta T2G 1Y8 P (403) 444-0928 F (403) 265-0966 info@hornerautomation.com www.hornerautomation.com Sales and Tech Support for China Room 1001, Nongke Building No. 268, Baidilu Road, Nankai District Tianjin 300192, P.R. China P +86-022-23367571/23360759 F +86-022-23662715 info@hornerchina.com.cn www.hornerchina.com.cn SmartRail expands the I/O capacity of OCS all-in-one controllers. SmartRail uses either CANbus or Ethernet communications and can be installed locally or hundreds of meters away. SMARTSTIX A cost-effective option as expansion or remote I/O and that is extremely compact and also uses CsCAN communications. The SmartStix offers easy configuration through rotary switches and Cscape programming software. SMARTBLOCK Using CsCAN communications, SmartBlock I/O provides easy configuration and network expansion. Designed to complement Horner SmartStix Digital I/O family, these two families can be used to expand the I/O capacity of any OCS. HORNER INDIA Vaishnavi, No. 3, Domlur 2nd Stage 3rd Phase, Domlur Main Rd. Bangalore 560071 Karnataka, India P +91-80-41263460 / 61 / 62 F +91-80-41263464 info@india.horner-apg.com HORNER SOUTH AMERICA Sales and Tech Support for South America Rua Bento Gonçalves, 31 93265-350 – Esteio – RS Brazil P +55 51-4042-3037 F +55 51-4042-3037 info@hornerbrasil.com.br RCC6512 A versatile product for high-speed applications. The RCC6512 combines a control co-processor with high-speed digital and analog I/O with integrated networking. Custom OEM products Semiconductor applications Packaging machinery Water treatment Compressor control Pump control Food processing Motion control Distributed conveyor control HVAC/Environmental control Mobile machinery Power management & back-up generation With proven success across a wide variety of applications, the XL series is ideal for: n INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS SUPPORTED PROTOCOLS Automotive parts manufacturing Modbus TCP EGD EthernetIP BACnet REMOTE I/O HTTP/HTTPS HTTP/HTTPS Email (SMTP) FTP FTP WebMI WebMI MQTT/REST MQT/REST Modbus RTU / ASCII DF1 BACnet NEMEA and more POWERFUL, SECURE CSCAPE PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE Horner All-in-One controllers combine graphical ladder logic programming, operator interface development, I/O configuration and network configuration. The user friendly interface provides free form and drag & drop editor, as well as more than 100 functions to choose from. From the Horner website, hornerautomation.eu, download the Cscape software or software updates at no charge. This free service allows you to avoid costly licensing fees while always having the most up-to-date software version. Add-on I/O expands digital and analog outputs for OCS all-in-one controllers. OCS I/O Horner APG, Unit 1 Centrepoint, Centre Park Road, Cork, T12 H24E, Ireland (p) +353 21 4321 266 (f)+353 21 4321 826 HTTP/HTTPS Email (SMTP) FTP WebMI MQTT/REST I/O EXPANSION FOR ALL-IN-ONE CONTROLLERS
Open the catalog to page 1
More SmartBlock Modules SmartBlock Modules *SmartRail base required for SmartRail Modules Horner APG, Unit 1 Centrepoint, Centre Park Road, Cork, T12 H24E, Ireland (p) +353 21 4321 266 (f)+353 21 4321 826 SmartRail Modules* Relay Outputs Digital Outputs SSR Outputs Max Current (A) High-Speed Output Support Input Channels Resolution (bits) 0-10V Support 4-20mA Support Analog Inputs RTD Support Thermocouple Support mV Support Resolution Output Channels Resolution (bits) Analog Outputs 0-10V Support +/- 10V Support 4-20mA Support 3-Phase 600VAC, 0-5A CTs Power Monitoring 3-Phase 600VAC,...
Open the catalog to page 2All Horner Automation catalogs and technical brochures
Cscape 10 Sales Sheet
2 Pages
Canvas Sales Sheet
2 Pages
OCS Applications
3 Pages
Horner OCS I/O Brochure
2 Pages
2 Pages
XL4 Prime OCS
2 Pages
WebMi Overview Brochure
3 Pages
2 Pages
Horner Product Overview Brochure
15 Pages
Archived catalogs
XL Series Product Brochure
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages