InGaAs Array
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Catalog excerpts

InGaAs Array - 1

The new IGA-3000 series detectors feature spectroscopic-grade InGaAs (Indium-Galium-Arsenide) linear arrays with 25 x 500 micron or 50 x 500 micron pixel elements. IGA-3000 array detectors offer extremely high sensitivity, dynamic range, signal-to-noise performance and stability for NIR applications. They provide a tremendous multiplexing advantage over single channel NIR detectors, without the need for an optical chopper . The small pixels and a maximum of 85% quantum efficiency make them ideal for spectroscopic analysis: the signal produced from the spectrograph is detected without loss of the spectral information. IGA-3000 detectors are ideal for many demanding, low light level, multi-channel spectroscopic applications including: Large choice of formats Օ 50 or 25 micron pixel widths > NIR Raman spectroscopy High sensitivity and Ultra Low noise Photoluminescence measurements > Օ Two acquisition modes: HiS Plasma diagnostics An array for your requirement Emission spectroscopy Characterization of NIR laser diodes, optical filters and light sources Օ Choice for the best spectroscopic results Provides the best Signal/Noise results Fiber Optics Transmission measurements in the telecommunications industry These versatile array detectors are available in liquid nitrogen (LN > (High Sensitivity) and HiD > (High Dynamic Range) Օ Low noise or High speed operation TE or LN > 2 cooling option Օ Optimized to match applications > 2 ) and compact thermo-electrically cooled (TE) packages and are completely controlled by our compact IEEE488 based controller. Accommodation to most Spectrographs Օ Versatile IEEE communication Օ PC and Laptop compatibility Software: SpectraMax for Windows or LabVIEW VI Օ Fully automated with SpectraMax or easily customized with LabVIEW >

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