Group: Time Reference Systems
Catalog excerpts

Time & Frequency Solutions 4496 Product Series GNSS Surge Protective Device The 4496 product series are coaxial surge protective devices for hopf high frequency antenna systems supporting the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou and IRNSS/NavIC for precise and reliable time synchronization. Key Features ■ Small form factor device for looping into the antenna cable ■ Low insertion loss ■ Removable gas discharge tube (GDT) ■ DC-pass ■ Bi-directional protection ■ Mounting kit for wall mounting, mounting plate or mounting on DIN rail according to IEC 60715 TH35 The 4496 product series surge protectors are designed to protect hopf GNSS applications supporting the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou and IRNSS/NavIC against lightning and transients. They form the first level of protection for sensitive equipment and can derive multiple times. The 4496 product series is waterproof and equipped with replaceable gas discharge tubes (GDT). www.hapf.coM 4496 Product Series Product SheetGNSS Surge Protective Device v01.02 1 / 4
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4496 Product Series Components S ur ge Pro te c ti ve D ev ic e FG 449 6G00 Coaxia l surge protec tive de vice for hopf GPS / GN SS high frequenc y antenna systems Protec tion c la ss according to IEC 60529: IP65 T emp era ture ra nge : - 40 °C to +85°C (-40 °F to +1 85° F) Ga s dischar ge tube (GDT) e xch angeable S u p por te d c a ble t y pe s: hopf l o w l o s s L SZ H , hopf Spee dF le x 31 6 LSZH Co nnec t ion t y pe : BNC c onnec t or (f em ale ) / BNC c onnector ( fe mal e) FG 449 6G01 Coaxia l surge protec tive de vice for hopf GPS / GN SS high frequenc y antenna systems...
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L ow voltage sur ge pr otec tive de vice s - Par t 21: Su rge protec tive device s c onn ec ted to te lecommun ica tion s an d sign alling ne twork s - Per for mance re qu iremen ts an d testin g me thods U L LLC Ou tl ine of In ves t i ga ti on for Pro te c tors f or An tenna Lead In Conducto rs Technical Specifications Mech anica l Da ta D i men s ion s
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Time & Frequency Solutions Environmental Conditions Operating Temperature Electrical Characteristics Insertion loss Return loss Impedance Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) Max. load current Max. discharge current (max. withstand @ 8/20 ps by pole) Protection level (@1kV/ps (C3)) Impulse current (2 x 10/350ps Test -D1 Category) Nominal discharge current (8/20ps Test x 10 -C2 Category) Max. power Typical let through energy ((50 ohms) input 4kV 1.2/50ps -2kA 8/20ps) Insulation resistance : IQNET ' CERTIFIED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SYSTEM CERTIFIED^ SYSTEM CERTIFIED ■ SYSTEM CERTIFIED ISO 9001:2015...
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