Catalog excerpts

Holmatro Foundry Tools Holmatro Netherlands Raamsdonkveer, The Netherlands T +31 (0) 162 75 15 00 E industry@holmatro.com Holmatro USA Glen Burnie, U.S.A. T +1 410 768 9662 E industrial@holmatro-usa.com Holmatro Poland Warsaw, Poland T +48 (22) 76 10 404 E info@holmatro.pl Holmatro China Suzhou, China T +86 (512) 6380 7060 E china@holmatro.com Holmatro Foundry Tools Powered by Holmatro Holmatro Holmatro Industry @ByHolmatro While the greatest care has been devoted to the content, it is possible that the information in this printed matter is incorrect or incomplete. Holmatro N.V. and its affiliated companies (hereafter: Holmatro) cannot be held liable in any way for the consequences of activities undertaken based on this printed matter. If you have any doubts about the correctness or completeness of the information, you shall contact Holmatro (phone number: +31 (0)162-751500). Nothing from this printed matter can be copied and/or made public in any way without the explicit authorisation of Holmatro
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Mastering power Holmatro products are all about the principle that only controlled power can be deployed effectively. We have expressed this vision in the slogan ‘Mastering Power’ which applies perfectly to both business units that together form the Holmatro Group. Industrial Equipment is about applying and mastering high pressure power in heavy industrial Equipment it is a matter of life and death for fire brigades and rescue organisations to work in a controlled, precise and well-thought-out way with the proper equipment. Scan the Holmatro company mo
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mastering power About Holmatro What Holmatro Stands For Holmatro's Foundry Tools Features Foundry Wedge Foundry Wedges Mobile Suspension Point -» Service & Safety Service & Safety
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About Holmatro About Holmatro Holmatro, founded in the Netherlands in 1967, originally traded in high-pressure hydraulic tools for the shipbuilding industry. Nowadays we design, develop, manufacture and deliver hydraulic equipment and systems that are used for rescue, industrial and special tactics operations around the world. Our strategy, products and services are aimed at helping customers to succeed in mastering the power they need. Foundry Tools The publication you have before you is our Foundy Tools catalogue. It contains a number of foundry wedges for the nodular cast iron industry...
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What Holmatro Stands For What Holmatro Stands For The power of innovation In order to maintain our leading position as a specialist in high-pressure hydraulics, we continuously invest in research and product development. It is our ambition to continue to develop innovative solutions combining extreme power with controllability, user friendliness and safety. Our product development is fully focused on finding result-oriented solutions for specific markets and applications. To achieve this, we closely work together with you, the professional user. Quality in everything we do At Holmatro we work...
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Holmatro’s Foundry Tools Holmatro's Foundry Tools Our Foundry Tools are developed to remove feeders and risers from castings and to eliminate this heavy and dangerous work from foundries. Their design is such that feeders and risers can be removed form castings quickly and safely without damaging the casting itself, and with much less physical effort compared to the use of traditional hand tools. A Holmatro foundry set consists of a foundry wedge, a pump, balancer and a service set. We understand that every foundry has its own specific needs. We therefore supply a range of tool and pump...
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Holmatro’s Foundry Tools
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Features Foundry Wedge Ergonomics During the design stage of the HFW foundry wedge, our engineers emphasised the tool’s ergonomic aspects. The result: wedges The standard wedge has two standard suspension points: implicating that the operator can reach almost any feeder and • Suspension point 1 positions the tool horizontally riser without repositioning the casting. The unique construction of • Suspension point 2 can be used for angular positions the multi-rotatable wedge goes even further and is very suitable for the positioning in any required direction, including vertically. The...
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Hydraulic Wedges
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Foundry Wedges - Compact Features & benefits • User-friendly - Compact - Push-button operation - Rotating for easy positioning - Avoids heavy physical strain High working speed; large number of spreading cycles per minute without damaging the casting Powerful Safe - A clean, predictable “cut” prevents unnecessary shooting away of material and damage to the casting - Pistol grip for one-hand operation - Protection cover - The wedge is constructed of as few moving parts as possible Maintenance-friendly; durable wedge blades can be replaced within 30 seconds Standard supplied with •...
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CI holmatro Foundry Wedges - Compact mastering power
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Foundry Wedges - Standard Features & benefits • User-friendly - Compact - Push-button operation - Rotating for easy positioning - Avoids heavy physical strain High working speed; large number of spreading cycles per minute without damaging the casting Powerful Safe - A clean, predictable “cut” prevents unnecessary shooting away of material and damage to the casting - Two-handed operation - Protection cover - The wedge is constructed of as few moving parts as possible Maintenance-friendly; durable wedge blades can be replaced within 30 seconds Standard supplied with • Anti-friction coating...
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mastering power Foundry Wedges - Standard
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Foundry Wedges - Multi-Rotatable Features & benefits • User-friendly - A unique suspension system for the optimum positioning of the wedge in any required direction - Handlebar-shaped operating handle for the flexible movement of the wedge - Suitable for both left-handed and right-handed users by means of a push-button control at each end of the operating handle • High working speed; large number of spreading cycles per minute without damaging the casting • Safe - A clean, predictable “cut” prevents unnecessary shooting away of material and damage to the casting - Handlebar-shaped operating...
Open the catalog to page 16All Holmatro Industrial equipment catalogs and technical brochures
HCC 210 | Cable Cutter
1 Pages
HLC 250 H 5
1 Pages
HJ 100 G 6
1 Pages
HAC 30 S 5
1 Pages
HAC 100 H 30
1 Pages
69 Pages
HJ 300 G 15
1 Pages
HJ 200 H 15
1 Pages
HJ 200 G 15
1 Pages
HJ 150 H 15
1 Pages
HJ 150 G 15
1 Pages
HJ 100 H 15
1 Pages
HAC 50 S 5
1 Pages
HAC 50 H 5
1 Pages
HAC 50 H 30
1 Pages
HAC 30 H 5
1 Pages
HAC 30 H 10
1 Pages
HAC 20 S 5
1 Pages
HAC 150 H 5
1 Pages
HAC 150 H 30
1 Pages
HAC 100 H 5
1 Pages
Holmatro Industrial Tools
232 Pages
1 Pages
HLB 11
1 Pages
AJ 1510
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
Pump | HTWY 2300 U
1 Pages
Brochure V-Strut
8 Pages
Brochure PowerShore
24 Pages
Brochure Lifting Bags
7 Pages
5000 series spreaders
24 Pages
Rescue Tools
32 Pages
Holmatro Industrial Solutions
28 Pages
Holmatro Industrial Tools
228 Pages
Holmatro Handpumps
6 Pages
Archived catalogs
Cylinder HJ 100 G 6
1 Pages
Aluminum Cylinder HAC 30 S 5
1 Pages