Catalog excerpts

Powerful basic model Powerful pumping also of viscous liquids saves space, thanks to small platform Programmable on pump module rotarus® smart rotarus® smart 40 Characteristics Flow rate range, depending on the pump head used* Changeable pump heads 1-12 (Depending on the pump head type used) Program memory Pump direction change Operation modes Pumps according to speed Speed control Speed configuration Special functions Configurable Interfaces Digital input Start/Stop ; rotation direction General data Housing White powder coated Continuous mode Motor capacity Motor type Power supply Protection class Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH& Co. KG ∙ Hauptstraße 7-15 ∙ 74246 Eberstadt Germany Fon +49 7134 511-0 ∙ Fax +49 7134 511-990 ∙ www.hirschmannlab.com ∙ info@hirschmannlab.com *Indicated flow rates are approximate values measured with water, at 0 meters suction lift a
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