220LC LR Spec Sheet


Catalog excerpts

220LC LR Spec Sheet - 1

HiDROMEK ENGINE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Model : ISUZU AI-4HK1X Main Pump Type '■ Watsr-coolsd, 4 cycle, 4 cylindBra, linB type Type : Double variable displeoement axial piston direct injection, turbocharger, intercooler, pumps. diesel engine. Max. Flow : 2x234 lt/min Power : 1 B2HP / 2000 rpm SAE J1 335 Pilot Pump : Gsar 1B fc/ min Max. Torque : S5S Nm/1 500 rpm Rsliaf Valves Diap 1 a c em ent : 51 33 oc Attachment Bore and Stroke : 1 15 mm x 1 25 mm Boom Lifting down ne Buoket opening 240 kgf/cmE This new engins compiles with the Emission Rsgulacions U.S. EPATier III and EU Stage NIA. Boom Lifting up 33D kgf/cma Bucket cloeurs 240 kgf/ems Arm opening 33D kgf/cma Arm oloBure 24D kgf/cmE UNDERCARRIAGE Trevel 3SO kgf / oms Swing 240 kgf / cm2 XType Lower Frame Construction Pentagon Box Type Chssis. Pilot 4D kpf / cm5 Shoe : Tripla grouser 600,700,BOO mm Cylinder a No. Of Shoes : 2x43 Main Boom : 2x125xB5x1325mm No. Of Lower Rollers : 2 x S Stick Cylinder : 1 x 1 40 x 10O x 1 B40 mm No. Of Upper Rollers : ExE Bucket Cylinder : 1 x 11 0x70x31 O mm Tre c k Tensi on i ng Hydrsulic Spring Tensioning. CAB [AECS] Advanced Electronic Cent roi Syatam Improved ope rat or's ail round visibility Eaey-to-uee contrai panel end menue ╕ Improved fuel eoonomy end productivity ■ Maximum BfRcisncyby slection of power end work modes Overheat pr镩vention end protection System with o ut interrupting the work ■ Automate cal powerboost awitch-on and ewitch-off ■ Automsticel electric power-off ■ Maintenance information and werning System ■ Error mode registry snd werning System ■ GPRS satelllts trecking aystem ( Option al] Automatic preheeting Auto-ldle and automatic dcl驩ration eyatem Automatic powershrft te improve performance Slection of multi-lenguBge on control panel Rel time monrtoring of cperstional psramstsrs auoh as pressure, tempsrature, engine load Anti-theft System wrth Personal code Possibilrty to registsr 2B diff驩rent operating hours RssrA/isw, anrrwiBW camra [Options I] Increased cabin internai space Use of eixviscomount oebin mountingstfriat dampenthevibratione High capacity A/C_ Cooled etonage room GIbbb holder, book and object storege pockets Pool type floor mat Improved operator's oomfort through versatile adjustable seat Ergonomicelly redesigned cabin through relooated switch bosrd, snd re-styled trevel pdale and levers SWING SYSTEM Swing Motor : Axial piston type integrated with ehock absorber valves. R驩duction : 2 tage planetary geer box. Swing Brskes : Hydreulio multi dise type. Swing Spsed : 11 rpm. TRAVELAND BRAKES Trevel Fully hydroetatic. Travel Motors 2 speed stage, bsnd axis, axial piston type Rduction 3 stage planetary gear. Travel Speod High Spesd 6 km/h Low Speed 3.S km/h Max. Drewbar Pull 1 e,500 kgf Gradeability 35° C%7Q) Parking Breke Hydraulic multi dise type. CAPACITY FuelTenk : 354 It Engine ON : 2D.5 It Hydreulio Tank : 1BO It Swing R驩duction : 5 It Hydraulic Systsm : 2SO It Trevel Rduction : 2x5.4 It Radiator : 2S.3lt ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Voltage : 24V Batte ry : Ex1EVx1DQAh AltBrnator : E4V/50A Starting Motor : 5kw LUBRICATIQN Centrelized lubrication System is provided for lubriceting ail difficult-to-reech parts on trie components, such as boom and arm, OPERATING WEIGHT Standard opsrating wsight 24,OOOkg www. hidromek.com . t r

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220LC LR Spec Sheet - 2

I. GENERAL DIMENSIONS II. WDRKING DIMENSIONS A . Overall length 1 2.470 mm B . Overall height [to top of boom] 3.ECO mm G . Overall width [of lower structure] * j D . Idler distance 3.S40 mm E .Tail length 2.7BO mm E" . Tail swing radius 2.BOO mm F . Upperstructure ground clearence 1 .CGC mm G . Crawler height 935 mm H . Min. ground clearence 4B5 mm 1 . Track. gauge 2.39D mm J . Shos width * B0O/70O/B0O mm K . Overall length of crawler 4.4BO mm M . Overall height [ta top of cab) 3.37D mm N . Upperstructure width 2.BBO mm S . Max. digging reach 1 5.050 mm T . Max. digging reach at ground...

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