Heyco® Straight-Thru Strain Relief Bushings For Round Cables


Catalog excerpts

Heyco® Straight-Thru Strain Relief Bushings For Round Cables - 1

Heyco® Straight-Thru Strain Relief Bushings For Round Cables A 2 r= STANDARD MOUNTING HOLES r= A 2 .956 .255 FOR SR-7KR-2 ONLY C B A B A Heyco Products, Inc. “ T h e F i r s t N a m e i n W i r e P r o t e c t i o n ” 1-800-526-4182 • 732-286-1800 (NJ) • FAX: 732-244-8843 • Web site: www.heyco.com 3-14 • Sizes SR7 to SR9 for mounting hole diameters from .750½ (19,0 mm) to 1.187½ (28,6 mm). • Protects the lifeline of your electric/ electronic products by absorbing the forces of pull, push, and twist that may be exerted on the flexible power cord. • Securely anchors, insulates, and protects cables at panel entry points. • Standardize panel design! Fill unneeded SR mounting holes with Heyco Double “D” Plugs, page 3-23. • Sizes for thin .062½ (1,6 mm) panel available: SR 7N-2 SR 8N-2 See chart for details. • See pages 3-24, 3-25 and 3-26 for SR hole punches and assembly tools. • See page 3-13 for Quick Specs. WILL FIT THESE CABLES PANEL DIMENSIONS PART NO. DESCRIPTION C UL Type AWG/ Approximate A B Maximum Body Designation Conductors Diameter Mounting To Prevent Panel Black Length Hole Dia. Rotation Thickness1 in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. SJT 18/4 .360 9,1 14/3 .370 9,4 18/2 .390 9,9 .750 19,0 18/3 .405 10,3 .660 16,8 .062 1,6 1244 SR 7N-2 .750 19,1 S & ST 16/2 .405 10,3 16/3 .430 10,9 .750- 19,0- .781 19,8 Same as SR 7N-2 above except .125 3,2 1237 SR 7P-2 .750 19,1 16/2 .325 8,3 18/3 .330 8,4 SJ, SJT 14/2 .350 8,9 .875 22,2 .770 19,6 .125 3,2 1240 SR 7K-2 .750 19,1 & SJO 16/3 .355 9,0 18/4 .360 9,1 Same as SR 7K-2 above except See Schematic 1271 SR 7KR-2 .750 19,1 SJT 14/3 .370 9,4 12/3 .425 10,8 18/2 .390 9,9 .875 22,2 .770 19,6 .125 3,2 1247 SR 7W-2 .750 19,1 S & ST 18/3 .405 10,3 16/2 .405 10,3 16/3 .430 10,9 Same as SR 7W-2 above except .200 5,1 1250 SR 7L-2 .750 19,1 SJT 12/3 .425- 10,8- .475 12,1 .875 22,2 .840 21,3 .125 3,2 1497 SR 31-2 .812 20,6 14/2 .530 13,5 S & ST 14/3 .560 14,2 .875 22,2 .840 21,3 .062 1,6 1254 SR 8N-2 .828 21,0 12/2 .600 15,3 Same as SR 8N-2 above except .125 3,2 1260 SR 8P-2 .187 4,8 1274 SR 8L-1 .812 20,6 12/2 .600 15,2 1.093 27,7 S 12/3 .635 16,1 1.125 28,6 10/2 .640 16,3 1.093 27,7 1.000 25,4 .281 7,1 1287 SR 9P-2 1.00 25,4 S, ST & SO 10/3 .690 17,5 1.187 28,6 Standard color black. Consult Heyco for white and other colors. 1Maximum Panel Thickness–Part has additional clearance.

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