Heyco® Shorty Wire and Cable Holders


Catalog excerpts

Heyco® Shorty Wire and Cable Holders - 1

Heyco Products, Inc. “ T h e F i r s t N a m e i n W i r e P r o t e c t i o n ” 1-800-526-4182 • 732-286-1800 (NJ) • FAX: 732-244-8843 • Web site: www.heyco.com 6-14 PART NO. DESCRIPTION PART DIMENSIONS Natural A B in. mm. in. mm. 3603 CH-RA-12 .187 4,7 .480 12,2 3608 CH-RA-18 .375 9,5 .680 17,3 3613 CH-RA-27 .750 19,0 1.050 26,7 Standard color natural. Heyco® Adhesive-Backed Wire Holders Adhesive-Backed • Gathers and directs single or groups of cable. • Apply to a clean dry surface. • Strong hinged arms flex both ways to insert, hold, and remove wires easily. • Special circular cutout design allows easy hinged flexing action while maintaining adequate wire retaining strength. • Push mount base is designed for quick and easy insertion or removal. Centering “ears” automatically position in hole and lock securely. PART NO. DESCRIPTION BASE OVERALL WIRE CAPACITY MOUNTING DIMENSIONS HEIGHT HOLE Natural A B C SIZE in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. 3660 CHRS-1 .17 x .36 4,3 x 9,1 .29 7,4 .25 x .16 (6,4 x 4,1) .12 3,1 3661 CHRS-2 .17 x .36 4,3 x 9,1 .29 7,4 .25 x .16 (6,4 x 4,1) .14 3,6 3662 CHRS-3 .17 x .48 4,3 x 12,0 .45 11,4 .35 x .25 (8,9 x 6,4) .14 3,6 Standard color natural. Heyco® Shorty Wire and Cable Holders For Panel .040½–.060½ Thick B A A C Quick Specs Material 6/6 Nylon Flammability Rating 94V-2 Material Temperature Index 257°F (125°C)–Maximum temperature on part not to exceed 221°F (105°C)

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