Heyclip™ “J” Style Wire Clips


Catalog excerpts

Heyclip™ “J” Style Wire Clips - 1

Heyco Products, Inc. “ T h e F i r s t N a m e i n W i r e P r o t e c t i o n ” 6-5 MAX. PART NO. DESCRIPTION RATED PART DIMENSIONS BUNDLE STATIC A B C DIAMETER Clear LOAD in. mm. (lb.) in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. .125 3,2 3839 WCJA 125-750 3/4 1.00 25,4 1.00 25,4 .28 7,1 .187 4.7 3840 WCJA 187-1000 1 1.00 25,4 1.25 31,8 .32 8,4 .250 6,4 3841 WCJA 250-1125 1-1/8 1.00 25,4 1.50 38,1 .40 10,2 .312 7,9 3842 WCJA 312-1750 1-3/4 1.25 31,8 1.75 44,5 .48 12,2 .375 9,5 3843 WCJA 375-2000 2 1.25 31,8 2.00 50,8 .54 13,7 Standard color clear. Heyclip™ “J” Style Wire Clips Adhesive-Backed MAX. PART NO. DESCRIPTION PART DIMENSIONS BUNDLE A B C D E DIAMETER White in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. .500 12,7 3794 WCCA 500 .48 12,3 .57 14,6 1.00 25,4 .75 19,1 .05 1,3 Standard color white. Heyclip™ “C” Style Wire Clip Adhesive-Backed • Low profile design perfect when clearance is a concern. • Made of PVC with large adhesive base for greater holding power. • Quick and easy installation–simply peel off backing and press into place. Clips should be stored at a temperature of 60°F (16°C) to 80°F (27°C). • Multiple sizes ranging from .125½ (3,2 mm) to .375½ (9,5 mm). • Rated static loads apply for parts fastened to a flat, clean, dry surface used within a temperature range of -20°F (-29°C) to 150°F (66°C). • Apply to a clean dry surface. • Low profile design perfect when clearance is a concern. • Made of PVC with large adhesive base for greater holding power. • Quick and easy installation–simply peel off backing and press into place. Recommended storage temperature from 60°F (16°C) to 80°F (27°C), and approximate relative humidity of 50%. • Install and use at a temperature range of -20° (-29°C) to 150°F (66°C). • Apply to a clean dry surface. C B A E D C A B 1-800-526-4182 • 732-286-1800 (NJ) • FAX: 732-244-8843 • Web site: www.heyco.com

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