Catalog excerpts

HexTow® AS4 Carbon Fiber HexTow AS4 carbon fiber is a continuous, high strength, high strain, PAN based fiber available in 3,000 (3K), 6,000 (6K) and 12,000 (12K) filament count tows. This fiber has been surface treated and can be sized to improve its interlaminar shear properties, handling characteristics, and structural properties, and is suggested for use in weaving, prepregging, filament winding, braiding, and pultrusion. AS4-GP 3k (1%), AS4-GP 12k (0.9%), and AS4 12k carbon fibers have been qualified to NMS 818 Carbon Fiber Specification (NCAMP). This allows customers to call out an industry standard, aerospace grade carbon fiber without the need to write and maintain their own specification. Typical Fiber Properties Tensile Strength 3K 6K 12K Tensile Modulus (Chord 6000-1000) Ultimate Elongation at Failure 3K 6K 12K Density Weight/Length 3K 6K 12K Approximate Yield 3K 6K 12K Tow Cross-Sectional Area 3K 6K 12K Filament Diameter 7,086 ft/lb 3,485 ft/lb 1,734 ft/lb Carbon Content Never Twisted Never Twisted Typical HexPly 8552 Composite Properties (at Room Temperature) Test Method 0º Short Beam Shear Strength 0˚ Open Hole Tensile Strength Fiber Volume ASTM D790 ASTM D2344 ASTM Mod. D695
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Product Data Yarn/Tow Characteristics Specific Heat Electrical Resistivity Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Thermal Conductivity Carbon Fiber Certification This carbon fiber is manufactured to Hexcel aerospace grade specification HS-CP-5000. A copy of this specification is available upon request. A Certification of Analysis will be provided with each shipment. Available Sizing Sizing compatible with various resin systems, based on application are available to improve handling characteristics and structural properties. Please see additional information on available Sizes on our website or...
Open the catalog to page 2
Product Data Important Hexcel Corporation believes, in good faith, that the technical data and other information provided herein is materially accurate as of the date this document is prepared. Hexcel reserves the right to modify such information at any time. The performance values in this data sheet are considered representative but do not and should not constitute specification minima. The only obligations of Hexcel, including warranties, if any, will be set forth in a contract signed by Hexcel or in Hexcel's then current standard Terms and Conditions of Sale as set forth on the back of...
Open the catalog to page 3All Hexcel Corporation catalogs and technical brochures
HexMC® User Guide
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HexForce® Reinforcements
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4 Pages
2 Pages
HexPly® M78
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2 Pages
G-EV 974GI
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4 Pages
8 Pages
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5 Pages
English Winter Sports
6 Pages
Wind Turbine Blades
12 Pages
116 Pages
Redux® 100 series
4 Pages
HexPly® M19.1/M19.6
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HexFlow® HT 804
2 Pages
Modipur® US 569 B
3 Pages
Modipur® US 583 F
3 Pages
HexTow ® AS7
2 Pages
HexTow ® IM2A
2 Pages
HexTow ® AS4A
2 Pages
HexTow ® HM63
2 Pages
HexTow® Carbon Fiber
4 Pages
HexPly® 8552 Epoxy Matrix
6 Pages
HexPly® M77
4 Pages
HexTow® Chopped Fiber
2 Pages
4 Pages
Winter Sports
6 Pages
HexWeb® Acousti-Cap®
4 Pages
Archived catalogs
HiTape® Reinforcements
4 Pages
Redux / hexbond
8 Pages