Catalog excerpts

This data sheet interacts with MCS - RapiLok HepcoMotion® RapiLok is a new style of profile connector for use with the MCS aluminium frame and machine construction system, and provides a quick and rigid joint. Designed for use with Hepco MCS slot 10 profiles*1, to secure two sections of profile mounted at right angles, RapiLok has significant benefits over alternative profile connections. RapiLok is a no-drill connector, profiles require no machining, and only one profile needs to be tapped, significantly reducing costs, and avoids fiddly assembly associated with brackets, reducing assembly time. The design of RapiLok ensures that the resulting joint is anti-rotation, and therefore suitable for twisting loads. Assembly is carried out using a single hexagon key, and takes a matter of seconds. Serrated faces on the underside of the nut, grip onto the smooth faces on the MCS profiles, making it the ideal choice in applications where additional loads are applied. RapiLok is easily adjustable, can be used in multiple orientations, and leaves profile T-slots free for panels etc. Visit www.HepcoMotion.com/MCSdatauk and select RapiLok to view a product demo or contact our sales department for a RapiLok sample. RapiLok RapiLok Screw - M12 RapiLok setting marks Serrated faces Typical joint detail R using RapiLok
Open the catalog to page 1
MCS - RapiLok Data and Dimensions 29.2 RapiLok Assembly 4.1 RapiLok has been designed to suit Hepco’s own MCS range, but can be used with alternative aluminium frame building systems, where 18.3 dimensions allow. Note the orientation of the nut, and assemble the screw into the nut. Screw into the tapped profile. The RapiLok screw has two setting marks, as shown above. The first line is for size 40 & 80 family profiles, and the second for 45 & 90 family profiles. Depending on which size profile is to be connected, position the screw so that the corresponding mark is lined up with the profile...
Open the catalog to page 2All HepcoMotion catalogs and technical brochures
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HDS2 Heavy Duty Slide System
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PRT2 No.8 DTS Components
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Floating Bearings
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MCS Catalogue
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Profiles with Linear Guides
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ALR Aluminium Rings
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HTS Drawer Slides Catalogue
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MHD Catalogue
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PSD80 No.1 Ballscrew
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HDRT Heavy Duty Ring and Tracks
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Uni-Guide – Product Overview
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ZIMM GSZ & Z Series Screw Jacks
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Archived catalogs
BSP Ballscrew Premier
9 Pages
SL2 Stainless Steel Slide System
15 Pages
PRT2 No.6 Bleed Lubrication
8 Pages
DualVee Technical Data Guide
12 Pages
DualVee Guide Wheels Catalogue
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ZIMM – Z Series Leaflet
4 Pages