Catalog excerpts

HEPCO LINEAR BALL GUIDES hepcomotion.com HepcoMotion.com
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Rail options Standard Rectangular Series Standard HLG...FN/FNA Standard Flanged Series Standard HLGS...RC/RCA Compact Rectangular Series Short HLGS...FC/FCA Compact Flanged Series Short HLG...RCSA Spacer Chain Rectangular Series Short HLG...FCSA Spacer Chain Flanged Series Short HLGS...RCSA Spacer Chain Compact Rectangular Series Short HLGS...FCSA Spacer Chain Compact Flanged Series Short MLG...C Miniature Standard Series Short MLG...L Miniature Standard Series Long MLGB...C/CE Miniature Wide Series Short MLGB...L/LE Miniature Wide Series Long Block options Standard Rectangular Series Long...
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HepcoMotion’s range of linear ball guides are designed to comply with international standards and come with a range of options to give the user choice in design and selection. Please contact Hepco for information on compatibility with other manufacturers rails or accessories. Series Part Number HLG Standard & Spacer Chain Rectangular HLG Standard & Spacer Chain Flanged HLGS Compact & Spacer Chain Rectangular HLGS HLGS HLGS HLGS HLGS HLGS Mounting Options Rail Length Specification HLG rail lengths are available in lengths up to 4000mm*1. Standard rail lengths are offered in increments of one...
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HLG Standard Rectangular Series HLG Standard Rectangular Series HLG Standard Rectangular blocks offer higher load capacities compared to HLGS compact blocks. The high load capacity and narrow design are well suited for use in series, or in parallel installation in heavy applications. Long version blocks provide a higher moment capacity, suitable for individual heavy loads or for offset loading. Grease Nipple HLG Block Sizes 15-35 All HLGS Block Sizes Grease Nipple HLG Block Size 15 Only HLG & HLGS Block Size 15 Only The illustrations above also mention the changes to the Compact Rectangular...
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HLG Standard Flanged Series HLG Standard Flanged Series HLG Standard Flanged blocks can be used where mounting methods are limited and through fixing from below is necessary. The blocks offer higher load and moment capacity when compared to HLGS compact flanged blocks. HLG...F series blocks are available in standard and long versions*1 and comply with ISO 12090-1, enabling interchangeability with existing ISO-compatible systems. The "A" series block (e.g. HLG35FNA...) offers an improved sealing arrangement, and features an all-in-one lower guide to prevent ball loss. Due to the updated...
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HLGS Compact Rectangular Series HLGS Compact Flanged Series HLGS Compact Rectangular type blocks provide an optimised width, height and length. HLGS Compact Flanged type blocks provide an optimised width, height and length. HLGS...RN series blocks are a more compact version of the standard HLG...RN series block, whilst offering similar moment and load capacities. HLGS...FN series blocks are a more compact version of the standard HLG...FN series block, whilst offering similar moment and load capacities. HLGS 15 RC ... HLGS 15 RN ... HLGS 15 RCA ... HLGS 15 RNA... HLGS 20 RC ... HLGS 20 RN...
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HLG Spacer Chain Rectangular Series HLG Spacer Chain Flanged Series Like the HLG...R series blocks, the new HLG Spacer Chain Rectangular Series blocks have the same features and benefits, but utilise a spacer chain between the balls to prevent them from colliding with each other when circulating. This allows for a more stable circulation of the balls, which reduces the loss of oil film when the system is in motion. With no collision, noise is also heavily reduced, especially at high speeds. Like the HLG...F series blocks, the new HLG Spacer Chain Flanged Series blocks have the same features...
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HLGS Compact Spacer Chain Rectangular Series HepcoMotion.com HLGS Compact Spacer Chain Flanged Series Like the HLGS...R series blocks, the new HLGS Compact Spacer Chain Rectangular Series blocks have the same features and benefits, but utilise a spacer between the balls to prevent them from colliding with each other when circulating. This allows for a more stable circulation of the balls, which reduces the loss of oil film when the system is in motion. With no collisions, noise is also heavily reduced, especially at high speeds. Like the HLGS...F series blocks, the new HLGS Compact Spacer...
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Introducing HepcoMotion MLG Linear Ball Guides MLG - Rail and Block Options Block Types HepcoMotion’s miniature guides have a four point contact ball recirculating system with 45º loading angles. There are two recirculating paths per carriage providing smooth movement over the complete stroke length. MLGB Wide Series These precision units will provide exceptional load capacity in a very small space, making them particularly suitable for a whole range of medical, scientific and small mechanical assembly systems where high performance is required. The standard MLG rail is available in a range...
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MLG Standard Series blocks have a stainless steel construction and are particularly suitable for applications where space is limited and machine weight is minimised. Blocks are available in short (MLG...C), medium (MLG...N) and long (MLG...L) versions. M Ms L (E) W L1 G x L2 ØF2 N Part Number Part Number Basic Load Rating (N) Static Moment Capacity (Nm)*2 M (max) MV(max) MS(max) MLG Block MLG Rail Notes: 1. MLG5... – MLG12... blocks do not have grease nipples. The blocks are greased for life. 2. For more details on moment capacity and calculating system life, please see & 25. Part MLGB MLGB...
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The HepcoMotion HLG brake provides a compact and simple method of locking an HLG bearing block into position. The brake is intended for manual locking of a stationary block, and can be supplied with a range of brake plates to suit most of the HLG bearing block options. When the brake is applied, the resulting clamping force does not impose any load upon the bearing block. Although tailored to suit Hepco HLG Linear Ball Guides, the brake is equally compatible with other ball guide systems, and is manufactured with stainless steel components*1. 4xM Customer Mounting Holes Dimensions for all...
Open the catalog to page 11All HepcoMotion catalogs and technical brochures
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